90. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1

Delga 718. Re Palestine (Gaza). SYG asked see Lodge this morning to discuss situation in Gaza. SYG said that in one way or another it will be necessary to administer Gaza. He had put question to Fawzi whether Egypt would permit UN administration of Gaza. Fawzi’s answer was the timing was wrong and that “when the right time comes you (SYG) will be able say even much more than that”. Hammarskjold has taken this statement to mean Egypt would not object to step up in UN activities in Gaza and some form UN administration “keeping an Egyptian face on it”.

Hammarskjold referred to the 300,000 refugees that need care and the Israeli administration as a system of “village aldermen”. Hammarskjold said Labouisse believes, and he agrees, there would be need, once Israeli forces had been withdrawn, for a UN High Commissioner and an Egyptian military governor. Hammarskjold is anxious make preparations now within Secretariat for UN administration should Israelis decide withdraw. “UN take-over” would have take [Page 150] place quickly upon Israeli withdrawal, Hammarskjold said. He described financial and administrative problems, including questions of credits, assets, sale of citrus fruits, education and health. He said in order administer Gaza, it would be necessary organize some kind of “shadow cabinet” which would have charge all administrative functions.

In order move his plans along, he is very anxious get General Lucius Clay as his consultant to develop preparatory plans for UN administration of Gaza. He would like General Thimayya of India as UN High Commissioner.

SYG spoke very highly of Clay and said he had not posed question to him since he wanted speak first to U.S. If Secretary and President felt this was good idea, he was sure this would have considerable influence on Clay in his decision. He said it was not long term job and not field job since an American operation in field would not be feasible. He has in mind that Clay would operate like McCloy as asst to SYG, with responsibility for developing plans for UN administration. SYG said Clay could draw upon number of experts in Secretariat who could constitute planning work team. He would like have reaction of U.S. to this suggestion as quickly as possible.

In closing, SYG mentioned that reaction to his report on Israeli withdrawal and related measures has been good. He said he felt his report was balanced in that it: (1) emphasized negotiations; (2) took clear-cut line with respect Israelis getting out entirely from Gaza; and (3) cautioned that there are elements of conflict if sanctions are pursued. SYG said “psychological market” is not good for sanctions since case is not clear-cut. He believes it is too early move into sanctions. Bunche on other hand still maintains Gaza question will not be solved short of sanctions. Hammarskjold said difference between him and Bunche on sanctions is only question of timing.

SYG said Fawzi’s reaction to report was it was all right, containing both pleasant and unpleasant elements.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 674.84A/2–1257. Confidential; Priority. Received at 9:18 p.m.