398. Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State1

5809. In talk with Selwyn Lloyd yesterday, I inquired whether Brit consideration US concept convocation riparian Nile conference presented Kirkpatrick June 7 (Embtel 55842) had progressed sufficiently for him to give me any info. As response he showed me exchange messages with Washington June 143 and 154 related forthcoming Shepilov visit Cairo.

It appears that Brit not only endorsed US concept but have adopted it as their own and in essence presented it as Brit proposal with added twist that US should take initiative. Lloyd did not provide any elaboration UK thinking in addition that contained exchange mentioned above except that in response specific inquiry he confirmed that proposal to proceed with further tripartite consideration aide–mémoires does not imply any Brit intention proceed with Aswan Dam project this time. Brit not in position obtain Parliamentary approval appropriations and now inclined question more and more engineering etc. feasibility project. Lloyd thought fifty–fifty chance Shepilov offer Egyptians substantial assistance on Dam but unlikely offer undertake whole scheme.

Will appreciate any instructions Dept may have for guidance in further conversations with British.5

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 874.2614/6–1656. Top Secret. Received at 1 p.m.
  2. Document 384.
  3. See Document 396.
  4. Not found in Department of State files.
  5. The Department informed the Embassy in London on June 18 that discussions with the British had taken place in Washington regarding “usefulness further action at this time forestall possible Egyptian–Soviet agreement Aswan High Dam. British now concur best tactic is await developments. We drafting statement setting forth our position for possible use if Egyptian–Soviet agreement announced.” (Telegram 7590 to London; Department of State, Central Files, 874.2614/6–1656)

    Secretary Dulles and Under Secretary Hoover on June 20 approved a draft text of a statement for possible use if the Egyptians and Soviets announced the conclusion of an agreement on the Aswan Dam. The text of this draft statement is ibid., S/SNEA Files: Lot 61 D 417, Omega #7.