List of Unpublished Sources
- Department of State
- 1.
- Indexed Central Files. Papers in the indexed central files of the Department for the years 1955–1957 are indicated by a decimal file number in the first footnote. The following are among the most useful of these files for the preparation of this volume: 120.1580, 396.1–GE, 474.008, 601.0084a, 611.61, 611.74, 611.80, 611.84a, 645W.74322, 674.84A, 684A.85322, 684A.86, 774.00, 774.5–MSP, 774.56, 780.5, 784A.5274, 786.00, and 874.2614
- 2.
- Lot Files. Documents from the central files have been supplemented by lot files of the Department, which are decentralized files created by operating areas. A list of the lot files used in or consulted for this volume follows:
- Conference Files: Lot 59 D 95
- Collection of documentation on official visits by ranking foreign officials and on major international conferences attended by the Secretary of State for the years 1949–1955, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat.
- Conference Files: Lot 60 D 627
- Collection of documentation on visits to the United States by ranking foreign officials and on major international conferences attended by the Secretary of State for the years 1953–1955, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat.
- Conference Files: Lot 63 D 123
- Collection of documentation on official visits by heads of government and foreign ministers to the United States and on major international conferences attended by the Secretary of State for the years 1955–1958, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat.
- Files retained by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research.
- IO Files: Lot 71 D 440
- Master files of classified records and correspondence of United States delegations to sessions of the U.N. General Assembly for the years 1945–1965, as maintained by the Bureau of International Organization Affairs.
- NEA Files: Lot 59 D 518
- Top Secret records pertaining to the Near East, and in particular to Project Alpha and the Anderson Mission, for the years 1954–1957, as maintained by the Office [Page VIII] of Near Eastern Affairs of the Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs.
- NEA Files: Lot 58 D 722
- Files maintained by the Office of Near Eastern Affairs for the years 1954–1956, relating to the Middle East Watch.
- NEA/IAI Files: Lot 70 D 246
- Documentation on the Jordan Valley Mission for 1955, as maintained by the Office of Israel and Arab-Israel Affairs of the Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs.
- NEA/IAI Files: Lot 70 D 254
- Files for 1954–1955 pertaining to the Eric Johnston Mission and for 1945–1963 concerning the Jordan Valley Waters (Yarmuk) Project, as maintained by the Office of Israel and Arab-Israel Affairs of the Bureau of Near Eastern, South Asian, and African Affairs.
- NEA/IAI Files: Lot 72 D 438
- Miscellaneous Top Secret records concerning the Middle East for the years 1955–1964, as maintained by the Office of Israel and Arab-Israel Affairs of the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs.
- Presidential Correspondence: Lot 66 D 204
- Exchanges of correspondence between the President and heads of foreign governments for the years 1953–1964, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat.
- Secretary’s Memoranda of Conversation: Lot 64 D 199
- Chronological collection of the Secretary of State’s memoranda of conversation for the years 1953–1960, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat.
- Secretary’s Staff Meetings: Lot 63 D 75
- Chronological collections of the minutes of the Secretary of State’s Staff Meetings during the years 1952–1960, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat.
Files: Lot 61 D 417
- See State–JCS Meetings.
Files: Lot 63 D 351
- Serial master file of National Security Council documents and correspondence and related Department of State memoranda for the years 1947–1961, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat.
(Miscellaneous) Files: Lot 66 D 95
- Administrative and miscellaneous National Security Council documentation, including NSC Records of Action, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat for the years 1947–1963.
- State–JCS Meetings: Lot 61 D 417
- Top Secret records of meetings between the Joint Chiefs of Staff and representatives of the Department of State for the years 1951–1959 and selected problem [Page IX] files on the Middle East for the years 1954–1956, as maintained by the Executive Secretariat.
- UNP Files: Lot 58 D 224
- Miscellaneous country and subject files relating to political issues before the United Nations for the years 1943–1956, including the Collective Measures Committees, Palestine, and Suez, as retired by the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs.
- UNP Files: Lot 59 D 237
- Subject files of the Office of United Nations Political and Security Affairs for the years 1946–1957.
- Dwight D. Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas
- Dulles Papers
- Records of John Foster Dulles, 1952–1959, including General Memoranda of Conversation, Meetings with the President, General Telephone Conversations, and White House Telephone Conversations.
- President’s Daily Appointments Record
- Records of Dwight D. Eisenhower as President, Daily Appointments, 1953–1961.
- White House Office Files
- Several White House office collections, including files of the Office of the Staff Secretary, and Project “Clean Up.”
- Whitman File
- Papers of Dwight D. Eisenhower as President of the United States, 1953–1961, maintained by his personal secretary, Ann C. Whitman. The Whitman File includes the following elements: the Name Series, the Dulles–Herter Series, Eisenhower (DDE) Diaries, Ann Whitman (ACW) Diaries, National Security Council Records, Miscellaneous Records, Cabinet Papers, Legislative Meetings, International Meetings, the Administration Series, and the International File.
- Princeton University Library, Princeton, New Jersey
- Dulles Papers, Dulles Daily
Appointment Book
- Daily log of the meetings and appointments of Secretary of State John Foster Dulles for the years 1953–1959.