- Aboul-Fetouh, Samy, 879
- Abramov, Alexander N., 613
- Adams, Sherman, 275, 481
- Africa, 54, 64, 388, 668
- Agriculture, U.S. Department of, 455–456
- Air Force, U.S. Department of the, 674
- Aldrich, Winthrop W., 740n
- Algeria, 164, 365, 615, 747, 757, 807
- Allen, George V., 39n, 77n, 140n, 159n, 160n, 240n, 267n, 389n, 453n, 515n, 527n, 588n, 793n, 818n, 835n, 836n, 839n, 858n, 887n, 898n, 903n, 904n
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 204
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 20n, 189n, 764, 786, 800–802
- Arab States, U.S. relations with, 834
- Armed attack, possible, 103, 108–109, 131, 187–189, 265n, 786
- Aswan Dam, 100, 451–452, 828–831, 849–851, 859–861, 863, 873–874
- Baghdad Pact, 102, 107
- Banat Yaqub, 182, 770
- Egypt, 366, 452, 746, 795
- General Armistice Agreements, 518
- Iraq, 366
- Israel:
- Canadian military aid to, 478, 482–483, 723, 786, 886–887
- French military aid to, 221, 302
- Italian military aid to, 475, 786
- Political situation, 769
- United States, relations with, 14, 276, 434
- U.S. economic aid to, 175–176, 451–453, 745–746
- U.S. military aid to, 14, 27n, 74, 100, 473
- Western military aid to, 837
- Jordan River Development Plan, 180
- Kuwait, 366
- Near East, U.S. policy toward, 213n, 325–326, 405, 421, 423, 425, 504
- Nile River issue, 829–830, 832
- Omega Operation, 435n, 462
- Operation Stockpile, 886–887, 906n
- Saudi Arabia, 366, 746
- Suez Canal, Egyptian nationalization of, 907
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 125
- Alpha Operation (see also Anderson mission; Arab-Israeli settlement), 391, 801
- Alphand, Hervé, 621, 627–628
- Ambassadorial Committee on Coordination of Arms Shipments to the Near East, 339, 677–679, 685–687
- Amer, Gen. Abdel Hakim, 128, 256, 284, 344, 351, 357, 491, 574
- American Express Company, 175
- American Friends Service Committee, 12n
- Ammoun, Gen. Fouad, 244–245, 470
- Anderson, Dillon, 328, 575n, 754
- Anderson, Robert B.
(see also
Anderson mission), 66, 71, 77, 101, 173–174, 274–275, 305, 309, 313–314, 334–335, 696n
- Anderson mission, 7, 16, 23, 46, 49, 223–224, 262, 348–349, 372, 573–574
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 661–662, 676–677, 702
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 37, 44, 46, 49, 89, 298, 300, 306, 313
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 36, 38, 49, 53, 139, 295–300, 817
- Arab States role, 35, 48, 134, 312, 393
- Direct communication channels, 81, 86–89, 122–123
- Direct talks, 47–48, 54–55, 58, 69–70, 133–134, 202, 298–300, 302–306, 314n, 333, 342, 369
- Egypt, inducements for, 20–22, 39
- Egyptian attitude, 52–56, 80, 82, 122, 183, 185, 205, 334–336, 800
- Egyptian political situation, 80–81
- Egyptian public opinion, 89
- Egyptian role, 305–306, 312–314, 392, 682
- Exchange of letters, 50, 56n, 81, 90, 138–139
- Israeli attitude, 87, 393
- Israeli position, 68–69, 81, 135
- Palestinian refugees and, 312, 321
- Tension reduction, 195–198
- Timing of, 34–36, 43, 60, 80–81, 87, 157, 203, 297–298, 310–311
- U.S. position, 29–30, 45–48, 52, 92–94, 342–343
- U.S. proposal, 188–190
- U.S. role, 66
- U.S. security guarantees, 90, 124, 335
- Arab States, 34, 36–38, 48–49, 59, 65, 82, 89, 124, 299, 313
- Arab unity, 30–32
- Armed attack, possible, 63, 70, 95, 123, 298, 304, 335, 571
- Aswan Dam, 28–29, 117
- Baghdad Pact, 31, 33–34, 38, 295–300
- Banat Yaqub, 90, 95, 123–124, 336
- Border incidents, 290, 303–304, 334, 393
- Cease-fire, 50, 53–54, 69, 81, 88, 122–123, 334
- Egypt, 58, 90–91, 297, 547
- Egypt-Syria-Saudi Arabia (ESS) pact, 336
- Elath, 59
- General Armistice Agreements, 51–52
- Hammarskjöld mission, 573–574, 661–662
- Iran, Soviet relations with, 65
- Iraq, 38, 297
- Israel, 89, 281n, 302–303, 335, 571–573
- Jerusalem, 46, 124
- Jordan, 245, 321–322, 333
- Jordan River Development Plan, 90, 124, 140, 285, 293, 295–297, 311, 314, 321, 333, 572–573
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization, 335
- Near East, 340
- Oil industry, 335–336
- Palestinian refugees, 21, 38, 44, 50, 59, 64, 80, 87, 89–90, 122, 312, 321–322
- Reports, 320–322, 341
- Suez Canal, 46, 49
- Syria, 90, 295–297, 307, 311, 313, 333
- Territorial adjustments, 87, 122, 305
- Anderson mission (see also
Arab-Israeli settlement), 15–16, 23,
170, 242–243, 397
- Anderson’s analysis, 80–82, 133–135, 152–158, 293, 310–314, 320–322, 341
- Aswan Dam, U.S. aid for, 117n, 587, 682–683
- Egypt, discussions with, 28–36, 43–50, 86–91, 127–128, 295–300, 302–307
- Egyptian position, 34, 60, 62–63, 173–174, 196–197, 205, 262–263, 274–275, 302, 321, 349, 392–393, 448, 546, 696
- Hammarskjöld mission and, 573–574
- Instructions, 20–22, 37, 39–41, 50–51, 66–68, 71, 77–79, 82–83, 91–92, 101, 119–120, 143, 202–203, 309–310
- Iraq, 696, 852
- Israel, discussions with, 51–56, 58–60, 63–66, 68–70, 80, 122–124, 333–336, 571
- Israel, U.S. military aid to, 275, 277–279
- Israeli position, 12–13, 16, 24–26, 28, 185, 335, 367–369, 372, 407–408
- Publicity, 696
- U.S.-British relations, 7, 9, 39, 223–224
- U.S. position, 92–96, 134, 155, 157–158, 189, 198, 407
- Appling, Hugh G., 213n
- Aqaba, Gulf of (see also Arab blockade of Israelunder Arab-Israeli dispute), 22, 46, 49, 83, 159, 160n, 253, 380
- Arab Collective Security Pact (ACSP), 323
- Arab-Israeli dispute:
- Arab blockade of Israel, 78, 145, 192, 388, 410, 708, 802–803, 805
- Arab political situation, 153
- Arab secondary boycott of Israel, 46, 49, 78, 140, 145, 175, 192
- Baghdad Pact and, 205–206
- Balance of power, 112, 251
- Arab-Israeli settlement and, 21, 165
- Armed attack, possible, 8, 13–14, 17–18, 26–27, 65, 70, 700
- Border incidents and, 204, 654
- British position, 461, 826
- Egyptian position, 648, 654, 669
- French position, 596
- Israel, Western military aid to, 82, 596, 669
- Israeli position, 4–6, 13–14, 17–18, 26–27, 65, 163, 165, 270, 375–376, 692–693, 698, 826
- NEACC study, 678, 687–688
- Soviet bloc military aid to Arab States, 53, 215, 251, 506
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 142
- U.S. position, 37, 39, 204, 597, 610–611, 649, 787, 804
- Western military aid and, 215, 403–404
- British position, 389
- Egyptian position, 30, 204
- Gaza attack, 152
- Infiltration, 152–153
- Propaganda, 35–36, 67, 89, 153–155, 183, 200, 205, 388
- Soviet position, 251, 628
- Special National Intelligence Estimate, 248–254
- U.N. position, 762, 816
- U.N. role (see also
Hammarskjöld mission)
- British position, 387, 466, 469
- Egyptian position, 306, 448–449
- Israeli position, 408, 768
- Security Council meeting proposal, 398
- Soviet position, 251, 309, 408, 550–551, 708
- U.S. agent general proposal, 356, 621
- U.S.-British talks, 309, 319–320
- U.S. position, 103, 298, 300, 307–309, 313, 319–320, 369, 416, 420, 627–628
- U.S. political situation, 481
- U.S. public opinion, 211–212
- War damage claims, 144–145, 192
- Arab-Israeli settlement:
- Arab-Israeli balance of power and, 21, 165
- Arab public opinion, 148, 342
- Arab States role in, 21, 35, 48, 61, 63, 134, 156, 312, 393, 821
- Baghdad Pact and, 20, 22, 38, 40, 196, 201, 296–300, 708–709
- Bernadotte proposals, 13, 308
- British position, 40–41, 73, 288, 376
- British role, 379, 790, 792, 807, 816, 836, 847
- British-Soviet relations (see also under Near East), 708
- Canadian role, 764
- Communications arrangements, 78, 145, 192–193
- Direct communication channels, 81, 87–89, 122–123
- Direct talks:
- Egypt, inducements for, 20–22, 38–41
- Egypt, Soviet bloc military aid to, 53
- Egyptian attitude:
- Egyptian political situation, 32, 54, 80–81, 123, 342
- Egyptian position, 34, 57–58, 80, 139–140, 147–148, 522
- Egyptian proposal. See Outside powers conference proposaland Special emissary proposalbelow.
- Egyptian public opinion, 89
- Egyptian role, 305–306, 311–314, 349, 352–353, 392, 410, 682–683
- Exchange of letters, 49, 51, 56–58, 62, 81, 90, 138–139
- French role, 790, 807
- Hammarskjöld mission, 566, 604–605
- Israel, inducements for, 21
- Israel, U.S. military aid to, 183, 186–187, 189, 208, 223, 297–298, 409
- Israeli position, 18, 68–69, 81, 87, 122, 135, 152–153, 165, 376, 378–379, 393
- Israeli public opinion, 342
- Jordan River Development Plan and, 21, 78, 193, 285
- Nasser committee proposal, 61–62
- Near East, Soviet policy toward, 152–153
- Outside powers conference proposal, 800–803, 805, 807, 816, 836, 847, 854, 864, 891–893
- Palestinian refugees and, 38, 41, 200, 312, 321, 323
- Publicity, 119–120
- Quadripartite conference, 551
- Soviet position, 550, 567–568, 747, 757, 883, 892
- Soviet role, 551–553, 708–709, 753, 790, 792, 807, 816, 836, 847
- Special emissary proposal, 190–191, 554, 807–808, 905
- Tension reduction (see also Cease-fire), 154–157, 195–196, 199–202, 219–221, 288, 416, 568
- Timing of:
- U.N. position, 281, 578
- U.N. Resolution, 1947, 44–45, 305, 722, 729, 786, 792
- U.N. Resolution, 1948, 792
- U.N. role (see also under Tension reductionabove), 195–196, 281–282, 305, 313, 551–552, 554, 567–568, 808, 836, 854, 891–893
- U.S.-Egyptian relations, 20–22, 38–41, 337, 721–722
- U.S. political situation, 36–37, 808, 810, 815
- U.S. position, 14, 29–30, 45–46, 48, 91, 93–94, 191–193, 353, 355, 412, 505, 707–710
- U.S. role, 190–191, 305, 311, 313, 334–335, 349, 379, 707, 807, 836, 847 [Page 913]
- Western security guarantees (see also Security arrangementsunder Arab Statesand Israel), 39, 67, 78, 90, 124, 145, 193, 257–258
- Arab League, 36, 38, 41, 89, 174, 363
- Arab Legion, 301, 329, 358, 443, 458, 517, 658, 664, 775
- Arab nationalism, 557–558, 560, 649, 711
- Arab States (see also Arab and Arab States
subheadings under other subjects;
Arab League; individual
- British military aid to, 278
- Canada, relations with, 764
- Chiefs of State meeting, 151
- Communications arrangements, 124
- Economic cooperation, 38, 41, 89
- Economic survey, 299
- Egypt, relations with, 364–365, 385, 465, 824, 871, 873
- Egyptian leadership (see also Egyptian roleunder Arab-Israeli settlement), 17, 20, 34, 38, 342, 367, 425, 453, 486, 665, 853
- Foreign Ministers meeting, Dec. 1954, 31
- Iraqi leadership, 20, 467, 506
- Israel, trade relations with, 57, 124
- Jordan, possible partition of, 783, 786
- Land connection, 17, 22, 44, 48–49, 57, 59, 61, 67, 82, 93, 139, 323–324
- Military capabilities, 340–341
- Military coordination, 692
- Neutralism, 833–835
- Oil industry, 21, 505
- Political situation, 153
- Saudi leadership, 422–423, 425, 436, 465–466
- Security arrangements (see also Western security guarantees under Arab-Israeli settlement), 31, 37–41, 89, 216, 287–288, 323, 327, 386, 552–553
- Soviet bloc, relations with, 21, 216, 248, 278, 307, 327, 403, 527, 762, 833, 871
- Soviet Union, relations with, 249, 550–551, 555n, 559, 568, 708
- United States, relations with, 249, 280, 355, 413, 426, 505–506, 659, 834
- U.S. economic aid to (see also Operation Stockpile), 36, 38, 41, 206–207, 352, 409, 531
- U.S. military aid to, 38, 41, 278, 352, 409, 416, 420
- West, relations with, 31–33, 65, 707
- Arab unity, 30–32, 40, 55, 392–393
- Arad, Shimson, 760–763
- Arends, Leslie C., 504
- Argaman, Zev, 690, 723
- Armed attack, possible (see also
Arab-Israeli dispute; Border
- Aggressor identification, 8–9, 279, 508–509, 567, 608
- Aqaba Gulf, 159, 160n, 253
- Arab-Asian veto powers, 217
- Arab blockade or Israel, 159, 160n, 253
- Arab initiation, 252, 788
- Arab-Israeli balance of power, 8, 13–14, 17–18, 26–27, 65, 70, 700
- Arab Legion, 358
- Arab position, 350
- Arab States, Soviet bloc military aid to, 248
- Arab States land connection, 17
- Aswan Dam, 18
- Banat Yaqub, 18–19, 140–141, 190, 253, 347, 358, 379–380, 507
- Border incidents, 159, 160n, 190, 252–254, 329, 350–351, 379–386, 391, 494–495, 500–501, 526, 539, 786
- British position, 350, 384, 391
- British response (see also U.S.-British cooperationbelow), 8, 131, 399, 508, 568
- Canadian response, 723
- Egypt, British military aid to, 13, 55
- Egypt, Soviet bloc military aid to, 13, 26–27, 55, 406, 458–459
- Egyptian initiation, 410, 447, 458–459, 545, 615, 700, 723, 741
- Egyptian mobilization, 120, 128, 157, 252, 255, 270, 344, 351, 494–495, 564
- Egyptian political situation, 252
- Egyptian position, 62, 128, 298, 304, 312–313, 349–350, 357–358, 391, 393–394
- French response, 102, 106, 508
- Hammarskjöld mission, 539
- Israel, U.S. military aid to, 13–14, 70, 91–92, 111, 215, 251–252, 373–374, 380, 391
- Israeli initiation, 251–252, 505, 526, 539, 737
- Israeli mobilization, 494, 523
- Israeli political situation, 258
- Israeli position, 17, 91–92, 255–257, 270–272, 329–330, 335, 357, 373, 375, 379
- Jordan, British relations with, 461
- Jordan, possible partition, 786
- Jordanian response, 151
- Lebanese reponse, 244
- Middle East Policy Planning Group report, 216–221
- Oil industry, 424, 443–444
- Soviet position, 550, 612–613
- Soviet response, 251, 537n
- Suez Canal, effects on, 443–444, 447
- Suez Canal Zone, British troop withdrawal, 391
- Syrian initiation (see also Banat Yaqubabove), 615
- Syrian mobilization, 252, 255, 270
- Territorial adjustments, 271–272
- Tripartite cooperation, 642–643
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 102–103, 110–111, 121, 125–126, 140–141, 159–161, 165, 263–265, 294, 537
- Tripartite response (see also Tripartite Declarationabove), 8, 125n, 158, 165, 174, 263–265, 315, 535, 537, 642–643
- Turkish response, 218
- U.N. position, 651
- U.N. Resolution 378, 1950, 111, 141, 481–482
- U.N. response, 104–105, 108, 132, 158, 216–217, 279–280, 293–294, 508–509, 537, 567
- UNTSO position, 8, 357–359, 508
- U.S.-British cooperation, 102–112, 121, 160–161, 187–189, 263–265, 315, 411, 442–443, 447, 459, 466, 535, 642–643
- U.S. citizens and property, 499, 510
- U.S. position, 8, 65, 93, 95, 328, 355, 413
- U.S. response (see also
Operation Stockpile), 8–9, 424, 597
- Congressional approval, 102–105, 108, 110–111, 121, 161, 217–218, 325, 417–418, 459–460, 466, 508–511
- Economic sanctions, 105, 508, 649
- Military intervention, 102, 104–105, 108, 109n, 110, 121
- Sixth Fleet maneuvers, 104, 110, 112, 121, 131, 188
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 102, 111
- U.N. role, 104, 110, 121, 325, 509–510
- UNTSO position, 8
- U.S. public opinion, 106
- Western response, 103–105, 111–112, 121, 201–202, 380–381, 550–551
- Armour, Norman, 470
- Armstrong, William P., 435n
- Army, U.S. Department of the, 674, 736
- Asbjornson, Mildred, 651n, 873n
- Assis, Issak, 775
- Aswan Dam:
- Arab States, Egyptian leadership of, 853
- Armed attack, possible, 18
- British aid for. See U.S.-British aid forbelow.
- British position, 289
- Consortium, 1, 3, 99, 130, 681
- Egypt, U.S. economic aid to, 127–128
- Egyptian economic situation and, 681–682, 749, 755, 850
- Egyptian position, 120, 128, 353, 410, 697, 731, 828, 865
- French aid for, 97, 143, 171
- German Federal Republic aid for, 97, 143, 171, 681
- IBRD loan for, 3, 96–97, 117, 120, 128–129, 143, 209, 285, 680, 749–751, 762
- Israel, U.S. military aid to, 100, 209
- Negotiated contract us. competitive bidding, 1, 4, 97–99, 129
- Nile River issue and, 98, 128–129, 170–171, 268, 450–451, 588–589, 599, 633n, 753, 844
- Plans for, 99
- Soviet bloc aid for, 209, 653, 668,
731, 750, 755, 803–804
- Anti-Egyptian policy and, 666
- British position, 130, 330, 720
- Egyptian position, 4, 236, 330, 743, 748, 871–872
- German Federal Republic position, 901–902
- IBRD participation, 780
- Nile River issue and, 451, 659, 680
- Shepilov talks, 725–726, 729–734, 747, 752, 755–757, 852, 865
- Soviet position, 879–880, 901
- U.S.-British aid and, 231, 236, 330–331, 749, 757–758, 813, 851–853
- U.S. aid for (see also U.S.-British aid for and U.S.-British delays below), 20, 352, 409, 451–452, 636, 668
- U.S.-British aid for, 599, 717–718, 811–812, 827
- Aides-mémoire, 167–168, 170–172, 228–232, 331, 403, 450, 559, 605, 633n
- Alternative policies, 804, 813–814, 829, 831
- British position, 170–172, 232–233, 235–236, 675, 728, 813
- Chinese People’s Republic, Egyptian recognition of, 653, 668
- Egypt, approaches to, 671–673, 696–697
- Egyptian position, 167–168, 171, 230–231, 268, 733, 757–758, 806
- Egyptian-Soviet bloc relations and, 705, 849–850
- IBRD position, 96–97
- Soviet Bloc aid and, 3–4, 231, 236, 734, 749–750, 757–758
- U.S. political situation, 653, 733, 749–750
- Withdrawal of offer, 354, 386, 412, 845–853, 855, 859–864, 878–879, 897
- U.S.-British delays (see also Nile Valley authority proposalsunder Nile River issue), 354–355, 412–413, 419, 431, 451, 454, 559–560, 588–589, 660, 682–683
- U.S.-Egyptian relations, 681
- U.S. position, 3, 82, 117, 243
- Australia, 570
- Azhari, Ismail, 266, 664, 669
- Azzam Pasha, Abdel, 605, 871
- Baghdad Pact:
- Arab-Israeli dispute and, 205–206
- Arab-Israeli settlement and, 20, 22, 38, 40, 196, 201, 296–300, 708–709
- Arab League and, 174
- Arab position, 204, 297
- Arab security arrangements and, 323
- Arab unity and, 40
- British participation, 506
- British position, 20, 107, 174, 288, 295–296, 323, 385, 387, 444, 464, 586, 605
- Egyptian-Iraqi relations, 107
- Egyptian position, 20, 31, 33, 75, 201, 287–288, 323, 453, 583, 649
- French position, 598
- Iranian participation, 506
- Iraqi participation, 38, 506
- Iraqi position, 465
- Jordanian participation, 10n, 20, 33, 506
- Jordan River Development Plan and, 293, 296–300
- Lebanese participation, 20
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization and, 552
- Saudi position, 20, 326n
- Soviet position, 549–553, 555, 586, 604
- Syrian participation, 20
- Syrian position, 20
- Technical Assistance Board, 438, 444, 463
- Turkish position, 441–442, 444
- U.S.-British declaration, 296
- U.S.-British military aid to, 385
- U.S.-Egyptian relations, 665
- U.S. participation, 319n, 320n, 325, 337, 466, 506–507
- U.S. position, 20, 22, 33–34, 214, 435, 464–465, 552, 584, 598, 605, 637
- Bahadur, Ali Yavar Jung, 695
- Bahrein, 485
- Bailey, Ronald W., 170–171, 182n, 435, 462, 743, 789, 802–804, 811, 830, 855, 863, 864n
- Banat Yaqub (see also
Jordan River Development Plan), 285
- Agricultural development program and, 396
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 415–416, 420, 438
- Arab-Israeli settlement and, 83, 621
- Arab League discussion of, 246, 254, 273
- Armed attack, possible, 18–19, 140–141, 190, 253, 347, 358, 379–380, 507
- British economic aid offers, 149
- British position, 149, 247, 459
- Egyptian positon, 90, 123, 149–150, 169n, 295–296, 350, 591
- Export-Import Bank loan and, 400, 406, 416, 438–439, 572, 622, 690, 716, 770, 804, 809–810
- French position, 247
- Hammarskjöld mission, 565–566, 581–582, 590–591, 600–601, 603, 620–622, 624, 690
- Israel, U.S. military aid to, 400–401, 416, 420
- Israeli position, 24–25, 124, 176–178, 180, 182, 184, 269n, 316–317, 322, 336, 395, 572–573, 603, 740
- Jordanian position, 142, 151, 254–255, 273, 603
- Lake Tiberias attack and, 716
- Lebanese position, 244, 591
- Overlapping agreements proposal and, 712
- Refugee demonstrations, 142
- Saudi position, 123
- Soviet position, 882
- Syrian position, 85–86, 112–113, 118–119, 123, 221, 233–234, 241, 246
- Tension reduction, 220–221
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 140–141
- Tripartite position, 159, 160n, 180, 182n, 220
- U.N. position, 25, 118, 226, 317, 348, 581–582, 621, 882
- U.N. role, 149, 358, 415, 716–717
- UNTSO position, 8, 179, 226, 317
- UNTSO role, 136, 149–150, 220–221, 716–717
- U.S. position, 8, 92, 95, 123–124, 136, 226–227, 241, 246, 267, 347, 377, 406–407, 438–439, 563, 572, 690, 716–717
- Bandung Conference, 44, 384, 701
- Barbour, Walworth, 366, 389n, 398–399, 719
- Barnes, Robert G., 170n, 184n, 243n, 332, 347n, 401–402, 429, 451n, 735, 745n
- Belgian Congo, 668
- Belgium, 569
- Bendor, 11–12, 84, 126, 137, 147
- Ben Gurion, David, 80n
- Anderson mission, 15–16, 23–24, 242, 372, 397, 408, 571–574
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 5, 253, 341, 373, 375–376, 564
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 66–67, 71, 79, 93–94, 186–187, 343, 566, 578, 786
- Arab States, 65
- Armed attack, possible, 253, 270–272, 373–374, 538–539
- Banat Yaqub, 118, 124, 176–180, 233–234, 267, 269n, 317, 395, 603, 622, 882–883
- Border incidents, 255–256, 281, 376, 798–799, 884
- British-Soviet relations, 546
- Canadian military aid to Israel, 540, 545, 738
- Egypt, 186, 270, 523, 525
- Egyptian-Syrian-Saudi Pact, 521
- French military aid to Israel, 16–17, 540
- French-Soviet relations, 546
- General Armistice Agreements, 52, 185, 494, 511, 523, 525, 564, 765–768, 771
- Hammarskjöld mission, 564, 566, 589, 602–603, 622, 651, 765
- Iran, 65
- Israeli political situation, 79n, 258, 740, 762–763, 769–770, 784
- Italian military aid to Israel, 540
- Jordan River Development Plan, 124, 162, 177–178
- Mixed Armistice Commission, 652
- Near East, 511n, 546, 825
- Palestinian refugees, 64, 376
- Security arrangements, 257–258, 335, 521
- Sinai, 255–256
- Soviet military aid to Israel, 375
- Suez Canal, 18
- Syria, 123, 270
- Territorial adjustments, 52, 58–59, 63–64, 82, 122, 257–258, 271–272
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 257
- United Kingdom, Israeli relations with, 374–377
- U.S.-Israeli relations, 278, 428
- U.S. military aid to Israel, 19, 186–187, 540–541, 546–547
- West, Israeli relations with, 186, 302, 376, 540–541, 546–547
- Bennike, Maj. Gen. Vagn, 8, 113, 136, 247, 317, 347
- Bergus, Donald C., 13n, 136n, 226n, 338n, 347n, 543n, 699n, 746n, 815n, 818n, 825n, 875n, 876n, 903n, 904n
- Bernadotte, Count Folke, 308
- Bernau, Phyllis D., 7n, 434n, 502n, 511n
- Bigart, Homer, 176n
- Black, Eugene R.:
- Blackiston, Slator C., 692, 898n
- Blandford, John B., 90n
- Blaustein, Jacob, 428
- Boardman, Francis, 136n
- Bohlen, Charles E., 612–613, 816, 879–880
- Bond, Niles, 136n, 281n, 282n, 579n, 818n, 839n
- Border incidents (see also
Arab-Israeli dispute; Armed
attack, possible; Cease-fire):
- Arab-Israeli balance of power and, 204, 654
- Armed attack, possible, 159, 160n, 190, 252–254, 329, 350–351, 379–386, 391, 494–495, 500–501, 526, 539, 786
- British position, 288
- Deir El Balla incident. See Gaza strip crisisbelow.
- Egyptian position, 204, 270n, 351
- Eisenhower statements, 495–496, 562
- El Auja:
- Armed attack, possible, 159
- Egypt, Soviet bloc military aid to, 237, 239
- Egyptian position, 238–239, 343–344, 351, 905
- Hammarskjöld mission, 621–624
- Israeli position, 237–239, 283–284, 343, 889
- Military construction, 772, 776–777, 782–783, 799
- Mixed Armistice Commission meetings and, 623–624, 652–653, 656–657, 777
- U.N. proposals, 42, 237–239, 283–284, 343–344, 522, 624, 652
- UNTSO position, 237–239, 284, 344, 358
- Fedayeen raids (see also Gaza strip crisisand Jordan below), 351, 379–380, 622, 885
- Forces withdrawal, 148, 154, 157, 200, 323, 351, 526, 564–565, 622
- Gaza attack, Feb. 28, 1955, 35
- Gaza strip, 8, 205, 344, 358, 391, 772–773, 776, 782, 799, 899
- Gaza strip crisis, Apr. 1956, 478–480, 488–490, 491–495, 507, 511, 514, 516–521, 523–526, 538–540, 562–564, 763
- Infiltration, 152–154
- Iraqi troops, 798
- Israel, French military aid to, 11–12, 14
- Israel, U.S. military aid to, 19, 77, 352, 409, 818
- Israeli plane incident, 329
- Israeli political situation, 152
- Israeli position, 42–43, 380, 492–493
- Jerusalem, 657–658, 898–899
- Jordan, 898–899
- Armed attack, possible, 253–254, 786
- British position, 781, 845
- Egyptian position, 771, 776, 785, 905
- French position, 771
- Israeli mobilization rumors, 771, 774–782, 784, 798, 889
- Israeli position, 517–518, 539, 692, 701, 765–768, 839–840, 845, 856–858, 883, 885
- Jordanian position, 776
- Local Commanders’ Agreement, June 8, 1953, 657
- Qalqylia incident, 765, 768
- U.N. position, 884–885, 902–903
- UNTSO position, 765–766, 779
- UNTSO role, 775–776
- U.S. position, 768–769, 784–785, 845–846, 856–858, 903–904
- Khan Yunis, 132, 492, 499
- Kinnert raid, 6, 72, 74
- Lake Tiberias, 284, 290–293, 300–301, 304, 318–319, 344, 657
- Lake Tiberias attack, 11–12, 14, 19, 162, 352, 409, 716
- Lebanon, 517, 539
- Moshav Nohim, 345
- Neutral zone, 376, 508
- Nitzana, 7, 253
- Palestinian refugees, 490
- Prisons of war, 777
- Scorpion Pass bus incident, 657
- Special emissary proposal, 905
- Syria (see also Lake Tiberiasabove), 239, 517–518, 539, 765
- U.N. position, 54, 79, 83, 153, 281–282, 301, 319, 657
- U.N. Resolution, Oct. 27, 1953, 600
- U.N. role, 195–196, 199–200, 381, 393–394, 480, 489, 562, 799
- UNTSO position, 7, 42–43, 219–220, 301, 344–345, 358, 493–494, 508, 522, 526, 562, 765, 799, 889
- UNTSO role, 195, 199–200, 304, 309, 323, 562–563, 772–773, 776
- Bourgès-Maunoury, Maurice, 699
- Bowie, Robert R., 101, 108–109, 213n, 422n, 435n, 595, 604, 667n, 754, 819, 840n
- Bowker, Reginald James, 179
- Bridges, H. Styles, 504
- British East Africa, 668
- Brosio, Manlio, 685, 687, 837
- Brownell, Herbert, 275
- Bulganin, Nikolai A., 436, 440, 442, 467n, 537, 546, 549, 554, 585, 628, 708n
- Buraimi dispute, 288, 464, 481, 506
- Burdett, William C., 332n, 338n, 515n, 583n, 588n, 615n, 635n, 658n, 667n, 668n, 676n, 717n, 743n, 793n, 800n, 801n, 815n, 817n, 818n, 839n, 840n, 847n, 849n, 858n, 859n, 864n, 875n, 876n, 877n, 886n, 887n, 897n, 903n, 904n
- Burke, Adm. Arleigh A., 634
- Burma, 790, 792
- Burns, Maj. Gen. Eedson
L.M., 179, 195, 307, 334, 658
- Armed attack, possible, 8, 132–133, 357–359, 501n, 723
- Banat Yaqub, 8, 179, 267, 317, 322, 348, 566, 581–582, 711–712
- Border incidents, 7, 54, 282, 290, 345,
501n, 508, 522,
777, 799
- Cease-fire, 17, 54, 67, 185–186, 480
- El Auja, 42, 237–239, 283–284, 343–344, 652, 776–777, 889
- Fedayeen raids, 493, 495n
- Gaza strip, 8, 344, 479–480, 488–489, 491–492, 498–499, 517, 523, 776, 889
- Jordan, 657–658, 764–766, 768–769, 775–776, 884, 902Israeli mobilization rumors, 771, 774, 778–782, 784–785, 798, 889
- Lake Tiberias, 284, 301, 344, 581, 657
- UNTSO role, 199, 219–220, 309, 562, 657, 772, 776, 889
- General Armistice Agreements, 17, 348, 381, 494, 511, 565, 765–768, 777, 782
- Hammarskjöld mission, 511–512, 566, 581–582, 602–603, 622–625, 633–634, 638, 657
- Mixed Armistice Commission, 656–657
- Syria, 239, 290, 565, 765, 782
- Bustane, Emile, 472
- Byroade, Henry A., 39n, 66n, 71n, 77n, 82n, 114n, 121n
- Algeria, 747
- Anderson mission, 224n, 321, 348–349, 587, 682–683, 696
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 453, 556–560, 566–567, 586–587
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 208–209, 211–212, 448, 669, 802–803, 805
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 349, 522, 682–683, 722, 733, 747, 778–779, 808, 815, 821
- Arab nationalism, 557–558
- Arab States, 486, 824, 833–835
- Armed attack, possible, 349–350, 390, 494–495, 500–501
- Aswan Dam, 1, 3, 4, 268, 653,
697, 808
- IBRD loan for, 1–3, 29, 228, 742–743
- Soviet bloc aid for, 4, 236, 330–331, 653, 680, 725–727, 731–734, 743, 747, 901–902
- U.S. aid for, 330–331, 587, 682–683, 878
- U.S.-British aid for, 231–233, 235–236, 672n, 696–697, 717, 733–734, 811–812Aides-mémoire, 227–232, 331, 403, 632, 633nDelays, 559–560, 632–633, 682–683, 742Egyptian position, 230–231, 267–268, 733, 806
- Bahrein, 485
- Banat Yaqub, 169, 246, 350
- Border incidents, 350–351, 494–495, 500–501, 522, 654, 776–777, 905
- Chinese People’s Republic, Egyptian recognition of, 644, 653, 670, 806
- Egypt, 266, 486, 558, 721, 726,
- Political situation, 2–3, 558, 574, 731, 744
- Soviet bloc, relations with, 485–486, 560, 643, 706–707, 721, 731–732, 743–744, 747
- Soviet Union, relations with, 733–734, 756–759
- United Kingdom, relations with, 287–289, 484–485, 558, 695–696
- United States, relations with, 1, 206, 455n, 486, 547, 560, 720–722, 732–735, 759, 822–823
- U.S. economic aid to, 833–834, 890, 899–900
- U.S. military aid to, 721, 834
- West, relations with, 484–485, 744–745, 906–908
- General Armistice Agreements, 522, 747, 777
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 681, 901–902
- Hammarskjöld mission, 512–513, 570, 574, 587
- Israel, 73, 793, 207–208, 210–212, 236, 643, 654, 669–670, 683, 777
- Jordan River Development Plan, 169, 245–246, 332, 360–361, 429, 561, 587
- Libya, 807, 823
- Mixed Armistice Commission, 777
- Near East, 455n, 557–559, 670
- Nile River issue, 266, 268, 680–682, 697, 742, 807
- Oil industry, 485, 558
- Palestinian refugees, 522
- Saudi Arabia, 194, 212, 823–824
- Sinai, 351, 494
- Soviet Union, 559, 725–729, 733–734, 743–744, 747, 756–759, 821, 833–834
- Suez Canal Company, Egyptian nationalization, 906–908
- Syria, 169, 246
- Territorial adjustments, 45, 74
- Caccia, Sir Harold, 101, 108–109, 289, 604, 609, 879
- Caffery, Jefferson, 89n
- Canada, 12–13, 164, 570, 723, 764, 809
- Canadair, 692–693
- CARE, 356, 412, 414, 419, 431, 437, 456, 468, 749
- Case, John E., 429
- Castonguay, Lt. Col. J.P., 239n, 620
- Cease-fire (see also Border incidents; Tension reductionunder Arab-Israeli settlement), 51, 53–54, 57, 71, 77, 81, 154, 200, 768
- Central Intelligence Agency, 462
- Chamoun, Camille, 244, 245n, 332
- Chase, Col. William B.M., 132n
- China, People’s Republic of, 249, 644, 646–648, 650, 653, 664, 666, 668, 670, 693, 700–701, 806, 870
- China, Republic of, 644, 646–648, 650
- Chou En-lai, 701
- Churchill, Winston, 435
- Clarac, Achille Marie, 113n, 241, 363
- Clark, E.R., 168n
- Cole, William Edward, Jr., 494, 563, 658
- Colombo Plan, 438
- Comay, Michael Saul, 738–739, 741, 764, 837
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 355, 413, 455–456, 531
- Congress, U.S.:
- Acts of:
- Arab-Israeli settlement, costs of, 22
- Armed attack, possible, 102–105, 108, 110–111, 121, 161, 217–218, 325, 417–418, 459–460, 466, 508–511
- Aswan Dam, 605, 648, 653, 659–660, 668, 672, 675, 681, 727, 733, 749, 848–849
- Baghdad Pact, 431–432
- Cotton legislation, 648, 665
- Formosa Resolution, 102
- Israeli security treaty, 102, 279, 431
- Near East, U.S. policy toward, 504–511
- Cooley, Victor, 754
- Corbett, Jack C., 99n, 114n, 671n
- Cordier, Andrew W., 570, 579, 594, 816, 836, 902
- Cottman, James S., Jr., 101, 108–109
- Coulson, John E., 495–496, 530n, 548n, 554n, 685–687, 737, 863–864
- Couve de Murville, Maurice, 106n, 125–126, 181, 221–222, 240, 263, 483–484, 529–530, 677–679, 685–687, 837
- Crosthwaite, Ponsonby Moore, 836n
- Currie, Adm., 188, 264
- Cyprus, 105, 389–390, 497, 532–536, 575–577, 630–632, 639–641, 655–656, 773–774, 841–842
- Dayan, Moshe, 357, 525
- de Laboulaye, François, 685, 737, 738n, 843–844, 887n
- De Rege Thesauro, Giuseppe 685
- Dean, Arthur H., 809–811
- Defense, U.S. Department of, 104, 126–127, 404, 462, 534, 634–635, 670, 703, 736
- Denny, Michael, 773–774, 841–842
- Dickson, Sir William F., 442–443, 446–447, 457–461
- Dillon, C. Douglas, 84, 126–127, 146–147, 181, 221–222, 398, 528n, 595
- Dixon, Sir Pierson John, 466, 621, 627–628
- Dodds-Parker, A.D., 469, 605, 675
- Dodge, Joseph M., 481
- Duke, Charles Beresford, 142, 151–152, 169, 235, 254n, 255, 272–273, 332, 606n, 767, 771, 775
- Dulles, Allen, 189n, 328–330, 695n, 787n, 819
- Dulles, John Foster, 119n, 121n, 122n, 127n, 138n, 147n, 157n, 241n, 364n, 366n, 409n, 448n, 575n, 635, 695, 726n, 815n, 840n
- Anderson mission, 15, 23–24, 77, 158, 242–243, 293n, 295, 302, 309–310, 333–336, 367, 407
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 419–421, 423, 425, 431–433, 436–441, 444, 453–455, 560n, 566, 606, 658, 796
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 78, 142, 308, 319, 443, 481, 497–498, 596–597, 627, 649, 826
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 36–37, 51, 67, 79, 94, 101, 143, 710, 764
- Arab States, 40, 67, 280, 436, 465–466, 527, 593
- Armed attack, possible, 13–14, 55, 106, 109, 159–160, 443–444, 459–460, 539, 609, 786–787
- Aswan Dam, 100, 749–750, 865
- Baghdad Pact, 40, 75, 107, 298, 431, 435, 464–465, 584, 589, 598, 605
- Banat Yaqub, 92, 136, 140–142, 159–160, 226–227, 267, 406–407, 415, 804
- Border incidents, 67, 71–72, 77, 79, 141, 159–160, 281–282, 495n, 498, 592
- Buraimi dispute, 436–437, 440–441, 444, 464, 481
- Cyprus, 497, 532
- Egypt, 67, 280–281, 453, 460–461, 583,
- Chinese People’s Republic, recognition of, 646–648, 650, 668, 670
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 436, 440–441, 444, 606
- Soviet bloc military aid to, 55, 75, 161, 453, 465, 645–646, 870
- Soviet Union, relations with, 751n, 754–755
- United Kingdom, relations with, 160, 547n, 584, 645–650
- United States, relations with, 484, 759–760, 793–797
- U.S. economic aid to, 431, 437, 454, 793–797
- General Armistice Agreements, 226, 638
- Greece, 532
- Hammarskjöld mission, 497–498, 512, 579–580, 583–584, 604–605, 616, 627, 638, 651
- India, 464–465, 847
- Iraq, 440
- Israel, 370, 593
- British military aid to, 111, 515
- Canadian military aid to, 426, 432, 434, 475, 515, 543, 609, 723–724, 786
- French military aid to, 240, 370, 406, 432, 615, 619, 698, 809
- Italian military aid to, 432, 475, 515, 532
- Operation Stockpile, 497, 593, 630–631, 874–877, 880–881
- Security arrangements, 40, 164, 278–279, 423–424
- U.N. censorship of, 79
- United States, relations with, 14, 75, 184, 277–280, 427–428, 434
- U.S. economic aid to, 360, 451, 745, 746n, 804, 809, 826–827
- U.S. military aid to, 77, 91–92, 100, 142, 166, 210, 275, 277–279, 496, 596
- Western military aid to, 405–407, 427, 439, 442, 445–446, 527–528, 596, 598, 637, 646–647
- Italy, 79–80, 630
- Jerusalem, 78
- Jordan, 142, 159–160, 437
- Jordan River Development Plan, 141–142, 224–226, 267, 282–283, 299n, 429–430, 439, 584
- Libya, 327n, 439–440, 466
- Near East:
- British policy toward, 383, 387n, 548
- Soviet policy toward, 75, 453, 477, 554, 598, 604, 616, 825
- Tripartite discussions, 483–484, 595–596
- Tripartite military aid to, 161
- U.S.-British cooperation, 454, 537
- U.S. policy toward, 213, 325–326, 405, 421, 430–433, 435–436, 440, 442, 504–511
- U.S. economic aid to, 710
- Nile River issue, 667–669, 832
- Oil industry, 422, 430–431, 443–444, 460, 548
- Operation Stockpile, 593, 634n, 639, 655, 835, 839, 890–891
- Pakistan, 464, 847
- Palestinian refugees, 50, 78, 142, 282
- Saudi Arabia, 275–276, 327n, 436–437, 440–441, 444, 457, 464, 606
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 464–465
- Soviet Union, 126
- Sudan, 432, 437, 441
- Suez Base Agreement, 435–436
- Suez Canal, 443–444, 460–461
- Territorial adjustments, 50, 67, 78, 257–258
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 51, 125–126, 140–142, 161
- United Kingdom, 75–76, 457, 464
- Yemen, 420, 465
- Zionist movements, 14, 280, 585, 596–597, 601
- Eban, Abba:
- Anderson mission, 24, 158, 367–369, 407–408
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 810–811
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 163, 165, 175, 692–693, 826
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 183
- Armed attack, possible, 13–14, 91, 406, 539, 649
- Aswan Dam, 164
- Banat Yaqub, 182, 184, 396, 400, 407, 438, 770, 804
- Border incidents, 301
- Canadian military aid to Israel, 475, 692–693, 724, 809, 826
- Egypt, 13, 74–75, 163–164, 277, 280, 406
- French military aid to Israel, 84, 166, 301–302, 370, 809
- Hammarskjöld mission, 695
- Israeli economic situation, 175
- Israeli military capabilities, 694
- Israeli political situation, 740, 769–770, 809
- Italian military aid to Israel, 475, 693
- Jordan, 301
- Jordan River Development Plan, 175, 183–184, 332, 695
- Near East, Soviet policy toward, 825
- Saudi Arabia, 194n, 212
- Security arrangements, 164, 408
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 164
- U.S. economic aid to Israel, 175–176, 359n, 360, 694–696, 700, 747, 804, 809–810, 826
- U.S.-Israeli relations, 277–278, 280, 281n, 424, 427–428, 434
- U.S. military aid to Israel, 73–75, 77, 183–184, 372n, 416, 432, 542–543, 585, 745 [Page 924]
- Western military aid to Israel, 427, 445–446, 515, 527, 540–541, 694, 700, 787
- Eden, Anthony, 364
- Anderson mission, 39
- Armed attack, possible, 101, 102n, 103–106, 108–112, 125–126, 141, 159, 187, 315
- Baghdad Pact, 107, 294, 296, 337, 447
- Egypt, 337, 364–365
- Eisenhower talks, 73, 76, 102–112, 174, 187–188
- Israel, 111
- Jordan, 329
- Jordan River Development Plan, 142
- Near East, 337, 378, 383–387, 423, 435–436, 477, 548, 669–670
- Oil industry, 548
- Soviet Union, 467, 548, 554
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 103, 110, 159, 161, 315
- U.S. military aid to Israel, 569
- Egypt (see also Arab, Egypt, and Egyptian subheadings
under other subjects; Arab League; Arab States; Border
incidents; Egypt-Syria-Saudi Arabia (ESS) pact):
- Algeria, relations with, 365
- Arab States, relations with (see also United Arab States policybelow), 465, 824, 871, 873
- British military aid to, 13, 17, 55, 288, 386
- Chinese People’s Republic, recognition of, 644, 646–648, 650, 653, 664, 666, 668, 670, 693, 700–701
- Economic development programs, 48, 58, 127
- Economic situation, 460–461, 486, 558, 681–682, 742, 748–749, 755, 850
- France, relations with, 388, 558, 615–616, 699
- India, relations with, 701
- Iraq, relations with, 35, 107, 201, 297, 365, 386, 392, 440, 459, 660
- Jordan, relations with, 365, 372, 392, 692, 701
- Lebanon, relations with, 33
- Libya, relations with, 356, 365, 375, 385, 415, 420, 664, 806, 823
- Morocco, relations with, 365
- Neutralism, 384, 721, 747, 753, 758
- Political situation, 2–3, 186, 252, 324, 558, 574, 731, 744, 753, 852
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 32, 75, 324, 326n, 327, 341, 365–366, 371, 385, 390, 417, 422
- Soviet bloc, relations with, 183, 390–391, 485–486, 558, 560, 705, 721, 742, 752–753, 758–759, 849–852
- Soviet bloc economic aid to, 706–707, 747, 752, 755, 757
- Soviet bloc military aid to:
- Arab-Israeli balance of power, 53, 506
- Arab-Israeli settlement and, 53
- Armed attack, possible, 13, 26–27, 55, 406, 458–459
- British position, 384, 458
- Egyptian position, 128, 731–732, 870
- El Auja border incidents, 237, 239
- Israel, Western military aid to, 74, 93, 186, 215, 643, 685
- Israeli position, 13, 17, 26–27, 54–55, 64–65, 163–164, 185–186, 372, 521, 761
- Shepilov talks, 752, 828
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 161
- U.S.-Egyptian relations, 645–646
- U.S. position, 297, 329, 353, 403, 410, 453, 465
- Soviet Union, relations with, 186, 277, 388, 410, 705, 742
- Sudan, relations with (see also Nile River issue), 171, 266, 386, 414–415, 420, 437, 664, 680–681, 684
- Tunisia, relations with, 365
- Turkey, relations with, 31, 35
- United Arab States policy, 364–365, 385
- United Kingdom, relations with (see also Aswan Dam), 35, 124, 160, 484–485, 558, 649, 696
- United States, relations with (see also Anti-Egyptian policyunder Near East), 1, 352, 486, 560, 645–650, 681, 720–722, 735, 793–797, 823–835
- U.S. economic aid to (see also Aswan Dam), 127–128, 452, 683, 793, 833–834, 850, 890, 896, 899–900
- U.S. military aid to, 128, 354–355, 412–413, 419, 431, 454, 721, 735–736, 793–794, 834
- West, relations with, 90–91, 448–449, 484–485, 744, 752
- Yemen, relations with, 420
- Yugoslavia, relations with, 726, 753, 758
- Egypt-Syria-Saudi Arabia (ESS) pact, 288, 336, 353, 410, 664
- Eisenhower, Dwight D., 330n
- Anderson mission, 15–16, 23, 242–243, 341, 369
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 419, 422–423, 425, 441, 447–448, 481, 663
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 211–212, 320, 340, 481
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 20–22, 29, 56, 138–139, 147, 155, 327, 342, 349
- Arab States, 307, 327, 340–342, 423, 425, 593
- Armed attack, possible, 55, 106, 108–109, 125–126, 159, 293–294, 315, 350, 481–482, 510, 673
- Aswan Dam, 243, 599, 827, 831, 861–862
- Baghdad Pact, 293–294, 337
- Ben Gurion letter, 183–185, 520–521
- Border incidents, 53, 293, 495–496
- Buraimi dispute, 481
- Egypt, 55, 337, 364, 365n, 481, 643, 759, 795
- Hammarskjöld mission, 589
- Iran, 337
- Iraq, 307, 337–338
- Israel, 280, 292–293, 327, 340–341, 370, 602n, 619n, 646
- Italy, 630
- Jordan, 338
- Jordan River Development Plan, 161–162, 293
- Libya, 343, 422
- Mutual Security Appropriation Act, 1957, 749n
- Near East, U.S. policy toward, 194n, 325n, 326–327, 421–422, 511n, 710
- Oil industry, 342, 548
- Omega Operation, 435n, 461
- Operation Stockpile, 593, 626–631, 637–639, 655, 670–671, 673, 827, 842
- Pakistan, 337
- Saudi Arabia, 275–276, 293, 327, 343, 422, 441, 481, 665
- Soviet Union, 23, 55, 327, 337, 477
- Sudan, 422
- United Kingdom, 378, 389, 548
- Zionist movement, 585
- El Auja. See under Border incidents.
- Elbrick, C. Burke, 723–724, 818n, 840n, 858n, 886n, 887n
- Electric Bond and Share, 750
- Emmerson, John K., 244–245, 286n
- ESS pact. See Egypt-Syria-Saudi Arabia (ESS) pact.
- Ethiopia (see also Nile River issue), 356, 415, 420, 636, 667–668, 684, 688–689, 741
- Export-Import Bank. See under Israel, U.S. economic aid to.
- Eytan, Walter, 42, 238–239, 284n, 840, 845
- Faisal, ibn al-Aziz, 605
- Faisal II, King of Iraq, 459
- el-Faki, Ahmed Hassan, 823
- Falaize, Pierre-Louis, 771
- Farouk, King, 342
- Fawzi, Mahmoud:
- Alpha Operation, 391
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 802, 805
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 62, 778, 796, 802, 808, 815, 821
- Border incidents, 284, 494, 499–500, 522, 776, 799, 905
- China, People’s Republic of, 644
- Hammarskjöld mission, 511, 586, 588, 621–622
- Jordan River Development Plan, 169
- Nile River issue, 167
- Soviet Union, 485, 744, 821
- U.S.-Egyptian relations, 455, 484, 487n
- Western-Egyptian relations, 744–745
- Fiat, 693
- Finn, Richard B., 685
- Fisher, William D., 537n
- FitzGerald, Dennis A., 359, 451n, 897
- Formosa, 161, 279
- Foster, Andrew B., 337–338, 364, 365n, 378, 548n, 879
- France (see also France, French, Tripartite, and Western subheadings under other subjects), 21, 388, 417, 420, 546, 576–577, 631–632, 641
- Fuad Bey, 473
- Gallman, Waldemar J., 241n, 326n
- Gardner, John, 113n, 234, 241n, 363
- Gay, Merrill C., 175n, 359–360
- Gaza attack, Feb. 1955, 152
- Gaza strip (see also under Border incidents), 283, 344
- General Armistice Agreements:
- Generalov, Nicolai Ivanovich, 823
- George, Walter F., 36, 37n, 430–433, 438, 504, 587–588
- Geren, Paul F., 79, 793n, 802, 804n, 839n, 843–844, 851n, 887n, 895
- Germany, Federal Republic of, 97, 143, 171, 534, 681, 901–902
- el-Ghazzi, Said, 290, 295, 755
- Gilbert, Pierre-Eugene, 179, 247
- Gleason, S. Everett, 328–330, 754–756
- Glubb, Lt. Gen. John B., 277, 289, 294n, 295, 301, 329, 357n, 358n, 392, 458, 506
- Gohar, Salah, 42, 239, 284, 491, 522, 623, 633, 656, 776–777
- Goldmann, Nahum, 212, 475, 566
- Goodkind, Louis W., 109
- Goodpaster, Brig. Gen. Andrew J., 109n, 184n, 243n, 292n, 294n, 370n, 520n, 547n
- Gowen, Franklin C., 839, 854, 890–891, 894
- Graves, Sir Hubert, 109
- Gray, Gordon, 403, 435n, 533n, 626–627, 629, 639, 641–642, 674, 702, 736
- Greece, 532, 534, 536–537, 576–577, 631–632, 641, 721, 841
- Green, Theodore F., 432
- Gruenther, Gen. Alfred M., 91, 593, 626, 630–631, 639
- Hadi, Awni Abdel, 884
- Hagerty, James C., 101, 108–109, 703, 715
- Haifa Port, 78, 145, 192
- Halleck, Charles A., 504, 509
- Hamilton, William L., 883n
- Hammarskjöld, Dag (see also
mission), 334, 777
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 692, 762, 788
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 190, 195, 281, 554, 578, 605, 708, 802, 820–822, 854
- Armed attack, possible, 158, 507, 545, 651
- Banat Yaqub, 415, 882–883
- Border incidents, 79–80, 281–282, 492, 501n, 508, 526, 600, 622, 772
- General Armistice Agreements, 522–523, 766
- Jordan River Development Plan, 282–283, 332, 470–473, 708, 710, 798, 810
- Operation Stockpile, 819, 827, 835, 839, 881, 890–891
- Palestinian refugees, 282, 566, 578
- Suez Canal, 624
- Territorial adjustments, 566, 578
- Hammarskjöld mission, 511–513, 589
- Anderson mission and, 573–574
- Anti-Egyptian policy and, 586–587, 661
- Arab blockade of Israel, 564, 570, 580, 602, 608–609, 621–622
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 566, 604–605
- Armed attack, possible, 539
- Banat Yaqub, 565–566, 581–582, 590–591, 600–601, 603, 620–622, 624, 690
- British position, 604–605
- Cease-fire (see also Gaza strip crisisbelow), 765, 768
- Egyptian political situation, 574
- Egyptian support for, 583–584, 588, 650
- Eisenhower statements, 502, 504, 507, 512, 515–518, 520–521
- El Auja, 621–624
- Forces withdrawal, 622
- Gaza strip crisis, 511–513, 518–520, 523, 525–529, 538–539, 545, 562–565, 571, 579, 602, 608, 621, 623–624
- Implementation of agreements, 633, 638, 651, 665, 724–725
- Israel, Canadian military aid to, 723
- Israeli-Jordanian relations, 592, 594–595, 603, 625
- Israeli-Lebanese relations, 594–595
- Israeli position, 517, 520, 544–545, 571, 695
- Israeli-Syrian relations, 565–566, 581–582, 590–595, 600–603, 607–608, 611–612, 620, 622, 624–625, 662
- Jordan River Development Plan, 470–473
- Mixed Armistice Commission, 623–624
- Observers agreement, 563–564, 570, 579–580, 591–592, 621, 622–623, 625, 652, 657, 725
- Soviet position, 604
- U.N. report approval, 616, 627–628, 690–691
- U.N. Resolution, Mar. 20, 1956, 340–341, 371, 381–382, 408, 443, 448–449, 469, 507
- U.N. Resolution, June 4, 1956, 691, 723
- UNTSO position, 633–634
- U.S. position, 497–498, 507–508, 638
- Hamza, Mirghani, 704
- Hanes, John W., Jr., 20n, 759n
- Hare, Raymond A., 667n, 822n, 896
- Harkavy, Col. Yehoshafat, 256
- Harriman, W. Averell, 429
- Hart, Parker T., 129–130, 149–150, 167, 169n, 889–890, 905
- Hashim, Ibrahim, 10n, 884
- Heath, Donald B., 245n, 286–287, 332, 710
- Hedding, Adm. Truman J., 131, 187–188, 189n, 263n, 264, 315, 634, 640n, 642n, 673–674
- Heeney, A.D.P., 426, 482–483, 837
- Henderson, Loy W., 435n, 605
- Herzog, Col. Chaim, 5–6, 28, 52, 68, 69n, 80n, 122, 258, 322, 333, 543, 798
- Higgs, Randolph, 435, 896
- Hightower, John, 2
- Hill, Robert C., 504
- Hitler, Adolf, 366, 740
- Ho Feng-shan, 644
- Hoffacker, Lewis, 339n, 685, 687n, 793n
- Hommel, Col., 478–479, 494, 526–527, 529, 651–652, 772, 799
- Hoover, Herbert, Jr., 24n, 36n, 39n, 50n, 66–, 91n, 99n, 114n, 135, 364n, 378n, 391n, 448n, 453n, 583n, 599n, 610, 671n, 677n, 702n,
759n, 786n, 787n, 789–, 793n, 840n, 893n
- Anderson Mission, 7, 117, 302, 309–310, 333n, 336n, 367–369, 396–397
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 423, 425, 676, 702
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 213, 307–309, 319–320, 340–341, 371, 403–404, 443–444
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 20, 170, 189n, 202n, 314n, 326n, 342–343, 369, 397, 707n, 817
- Arab States, 308, 340–341, 403
- Armed attack, possible, 93, 101, 103–105, 108–109, 112, 121, 187, 264, 265n, 293–294, 315–316
- Aswan Dam, 1, 117, 124, 450, 599
- Baghdad Pact, 294, 325, 337, 438, 442
- Banat Yaqub, 184, 338, 347–348
- Border incidents, 290–291, 293, 300–301, 904
- Egypt, 1, 337, 341, 371, 387, 403, 735, 896
- Iran, 338
- Iraq, 337–338
- Israel, 340–341
- Jordan, 338
- Jordan River Development Plan, 184, 293, 299n, 301, 332, 338–339, 347
- Kuwait, 444 Libya, 371, 439
- Near East, Soviet policy toward, 337
- Nile River issue, 667n
- Omega Operation, 435
- Operation Stockpile, 714, 886–888, 906
- Pakistan, 337
- Saudi Arabia, 193, 293, 371
- Security arrangements, 408
- Yemen, 441
- Hope, John, 864
- Horsey, Outerbridge, 482n
- Hourani, Akram, 61
- Howe, Fisher, 422n, 435n, 520n, 547n, 575n, 583n, 634n, 658n, 893n
- Humphrey, George M., 729, 754–755
- Hussein, Ahmad, 636–637, 695–696, 699–700, 744, 796, 806, 820, 823, 869–871, 878
- Hussein, ibn Talal, King, 275, 277n, 366, 443, 472
- Hutchings, Capt. C.S., 715
- Ibrahim, Hasan, 96–98, 129, 228n, 632
- Ignatieff, George, 880
- Ilah, Amir Abdul, 812
- India, 96, 128, 424, 432, 461, 464–465, 695, 701, 790–792, 807, 816, 836, 847
- Indonesia, 790
- Intelligence Advisory Committee, 249, 340n
- Interior, U.S. Department of the, 422n, 709–710
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) (see also under Aswan Dam):
- International Cooperation Administration, 176, 359, 438, 451, 453, 699, 751, 899–900
- International Monetary Fund (IMF), 171, 266n, 383
- Iran, 21, 65, 326, 337, 388, 505, 852
- Iraq (see also
Baghdad Pact):
- Arab States leadership, 20, 467, 506
- Aswan Dam, 696, 852
- Egypt, relations with, 35, 107, 201, 297, 365, 386, 392, 440, 459, 660
- Israel, relations with, 783
- Jordan, relations with, 366, 385, 417, 664
- Jordan River Development Plan, 713
- Kuwait, relations with, 444
- Oil industry, 505, 649
- Palestinian refugees, 21, 78
- Political situation, 17, 438, 443–444
- Saudi Arabia, relations with, 326n, 366, 447, 606, 664
- Syria, relations with, 297
- United Kingdom, relations with, 105, 338, 812
- United States, relations with, 307, 417
- U.S. military aid to, 214, 325, 337, 416, 420, 438, 442, 476, 812
- Israel (see also
Border incidents; Israel and
Israeli subheadings under other subjects):
- Arab States, trade relations with, 57, 124
- British military aid to, 111, 223, 288, 324, 442, 461, 469, 515, 528n, 618, 685
- Canadian military aid to, 426, 515, 543–544, 690,
699, 723, 764, 786–788
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 439
- British position, 461, 609
- Canadian Zionist position, 434, 601
- Israeli position, 445, 473, 475, 527, 540–543, 616, 692–693, 741
- Operation Stockpile, 534, 576, 630–631, 655, 724, 874–877, 880, 886–888
- U.S. military aid and, 164, 482, 527–528, 571, 764, 809, 826–827, 837
- U.S. position, 432, 434, 482–483, 545, 569, 596–597, 601–602, 617–618, 693, 738, 818
- Economic situation, 175, 359–360, 368–369, 395–396, 694
- France, relations with, 546
- French military aid to, 5–6, 16–17, 73, 84, 126–127, 221–222, 370,
887, 895
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 432, 439
- Border incidents, 11–12, 14
- British position, 339, 461, 895
- Canadian military aid and, 699
- French-Egyptian relations, 615–616
- French position, 10–11, 146–147, 173, 221–222, 247, 843–844
- Israeli position, 166, 269, 475, 540–542, 614–615, 698–699
- Italian position, 339, 737–738
- NEACC role in, 240
- Publicity, 301–302, 339–340
- U.S. military aid and, 164, 544, 693, 809
- U.S. position, 79–80, 137, 173, 181, 240, 292–293, 310, 339–340, 369, 406, 515, 569, 571, 616–617, 677, 788, 844
- German Federal Republic military aid to, 534
- Greek military aid to, 534
- Immigration, 359
- Iraq, relations with, 783
- Italian military aid to, 473, 475, 515, 527–528, 540–542, 693, 788
- Military capabilities, 340–341, 694
- Political situation, 8, 152, 258
- Security arrangements:
- Bilateral pacts, 216
- Israeli position, 257–258, 277–278, 368, 379
- Soviet position, 597
- Territorial adjustments and, 257–258
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 164
- Tripartite role, 40, 215–216, 257–258, 335, 368, 379, 408
- U.N. role, 215, 257–258, 277–280, 368, 379, 408, 521, 552–553
- U.S. military aid and, 164, 215
- U.S. position, 279
- U.S. role, 102, 327, 424, 438, 597
- Soviet military aid to, 272, 375
- Syria, relations with (see also Banat Yaqub; Border incidents), 85
- United Kingdom, relations with, 374–377
- United States, relations with, 14, 75, 277–280, 352, 427–429, 434, 446, 698, 740, 783
- U.S. economic aid to, 352, 409, 452
- U.S. military aid to (see
Operation Stockpile):
- Anderson mission and, 275, 277–279
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 416, 424, 432, 439
- Arab-Israeli settlement and, 183, 186–187, 189, 208, 223, 297–298, 409
- Arab position, 207–208, 249–250
- Arab States, Soviet bloc military aid to, 307, 527
- Armed attack, possible, 13–14, 70, 91–92, 111, 215, 251–252, 373–374, 380, 391
- Aswan Dam, 100, 209
- Banat Yaqub and, 400–401, 416, 420
- Border incidents and, 19, 77, 352, 409, 818
- British position, 111, 461
- Canadian military aid and, 164, 482, 527–528, 571, 764, 809, 826–827, 837
- Egypt, Soviet bloc military aid to, 74, 93, 186, 215
- Egyptian position, 128, 203–204, 209, 236, 393–394
- Egyptian-Western relations, 90–91
- French military aid to, 164, 544, 693, 809
- Iraq, U.S. military aid to, 476
- Israeli position, 13–14, 16–17, 26–27, 55–56, 59, 72–76, 81, 159, 164–166, 186, 257–259, 269–270, 276–279, 318, 334–335, 345–346, 368–370, 397–398, 406–408, 445, 473–475, 521
- Israeli public opinion, 74
- Jordan River Development Plan, 183
- Middle East Policy Planning Group report, 215
- Saudi Arabia, U.S. military aid to, 194, 249, 293, 371, 388, 418, 476, 518
- Saudi position, 388
- Security guarantees and, 164, 215
- Soviet-Arab relations, 249
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 368, 373
- U.S.-Arab relations, 426
- U.S.-Egyptian relations, 388, 660
- U.S.-Israeli relations, 783
- U.S. political situation, 166
- U.S. position, 71, 75–77, 92, 163, 165–166, 193–194, 210–212, 260–261, 272, 326, 333–335, 342, 369–371, 405–406, 409–410, 474, 476, 506, 572–573, 589, 818
- U.S. public opinion, 194, 204, 207, 210–211
- U.S. refusal of, 142
- U.S. Zionist position, 204, 585, 596
- Western military aid and, 186, 405–407, 427, 527–528, 540–544, 569, 571
- U.S. policy toward, 504–505, 509–510
- Water development projects (see also Export-Import Bank loanunder U.S. economic aid above), 359–360, 439
- West, relations with, 302–303
- Western military aid to:
- Arab-Israeli balance of power, 82, 596, 669
- Arab position, 636–637, 663
- British position, 619
- Canadian proposal, 837–838, 844, 858–859, 874–875, 885–886
- Chinese People’s Republic, Egyptian recognition of, 693
- Coordination of, 677–679, 685–687
- Egypt, Soviet bloc military aid to, 74, 93, 186, 215, 643, 685
- Egyptian position, 643, 647, 654, 663–664, 669–670
- French position, 596, 616, 618–619
- Israeli economic situation, 694
- Israeli position, 376, 694
- Italian position, 619
- U.S. economic aid and, 694, 699–700
- U.S.-Egyptian relations, 646–647
- U.S. military aid and, 186, 405–407, 427, 527–528, 540–544, 569, 571
- U.S. position, 250n, 445–446, 506, 596, 598, 844
- Italy (see also Italy, Italian, and Western subheadings under other subjects), 79–80, 250n, 432–433, 536, 576–577, 626, 630–632, 639, 641, 792
- Jackson, Elmore, 12n, 28, 328, 754
- Jackson, William H., 435n
- Jackson negotiations, 12, 28
- Jacquin de Margérie, Roland, 146–147
- Jebb, Sir Hubert Miles Gladwyn, 398, 604
- Jenkins, Alfred L., 606
- Jerusalem, 46, 57, 78, 124, 139–140, 145, 192, 657–658, 898–899
- Jisr Banat Yaqub. See Banat Yaqub.
- Johnson, Lyndon B., 504
- Johnston, Eric:
- Johnston plan. See Jordan River Development Plan.
- Joint Chiefs of Staff, 610–611, 639
- Jones, John Wesley, 685
- Jordan (see also
Arab States; Border
incidents; Jordan River Development
Plan; Jordan and Jordanian subheadings under other
- Arab States, relations with, 783, 786
- British military aid to, 338, 775
- Egypt, relations with, 365, 372, 392, 692, 701
- ESS pact, relations with, 664
- Iraq, relations with, 366, 385, 417, 664
- Palestinian refugees, 321–322
- Political situation, 10n, 17, 322, 333, 367, 386, 443–444, 573, 664, 692, 701
- Soviet Union, relations with, 277
- Syria, relations with, 221
- United Kingdom, relations with, 10, 33, 105, 149, 160, 289, 356, 385, 443, 461, 469, 568, 606–607 [Page 932]
- Jordan River Development Plan (see
Banat Yaqub):
- Arab aid for, 713
- Arab-Israeli settlement and, 21, 78, 193, 285
- Arab League discussions, 235, 254, 272–273, 285–286, 332, 361, 363, 402, 429, 561
- Arab position, 282–283, 360–361, 711
- Baghdad Pact and, 293, 296–300
- British position, 169, 234–235, 363
- British role, 142
- Egyptian position, 80, 140, 169, 245–246, 333, 360–361, 391, 429–430, 472
- Egyptian role, 220, 224–225, 244, 285, 295–296, 311, 314, 324, 332, 367
- French position, 363
- Hammarskjöld mission, 470–473
- Indian position, 695
- Israel, U.S. economic and military aid to, 175, 183, 401
- Israeli position, 24–25, 124, 329, 332, 401, 572, 810
- Israeli water development projects, 359–360, 439
- Jordanian political situation, 333
- Jordanian position, 90, 141–142, 151, 235, 254–255, 272–273, 395, 472
- Lake Tiberias attack, 162
- Lebanese position, 141, 244–245, 286–287, 332, 362, 472
- Lebanese proposal. See Overlapping agreements proposalbelow.
- Neutral control authority, 471, 713
- Overlapping agreements proposal, 361, 396, 401–402, 471, 709–714, 788–789
- Palestinian refugees and, 78, 282–283, 321, 472
- Syrian political situation, 169, 333
- Syrian position, 90, 241n, 285, 295–296, 332, 360, 362–363, 400–402, 472
- Tripartite position, 179, 182n, 220
- U.N. position, 708
- U.N. role, 470–473, 711, 798
- U.S. aid for, 352, 409, 713–714
- U.S. position, 145, 161–162, 182, 226, 244–245, 267, 347, 401, 563, 695
- U.S. role, 711
- Yarmuk Dam, 179, 287
- Jordan Valley Plan. See Jordan River Development Plan.
- Kaissouni, Abdel Moneim:
- Kennedy, Donald D., 429
- Kern, Harry, 823
- Khrushchev, Nikita S., 436, 440, 442, 467n, 537, 546, 549, 554, 585, 628, 708n, 754, 756
- Kidd, George P., 885
- Kirk, Roger, 667, 717n, 818n
- Kirkbride, Alec, 606
- Kirkpatrick, Ivone, 366, 705–706, 718–720, 730, 780
- Knowland, William F., 504, 508–510
- Kollek, Teddy, 52, 63, 68, 69n, 80n, 122, 333, 571–574, 700
- Kopper, Sam, 212
- Kottrash, Lt. Col. Bakri, 239n
- Kuwait, 366, 444, 505, 649, 713
- Labouisse, Henry, 312, 578, 709–710
- Lahoud, Salim, 61, 286–287, 591, 709–713
- Lake Huleh project, 85
- Lake Tiberias attack, 141, 162, 271
- Lathram, L. Wade, 451n
- Lavon, 24–25
- Lawson, Edward B., 18, 28, 257, 476, 517, 546, 698, 701, 783
- Anderson mission, 15–16, 24–26, 28, 396
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 4–6, 8, 270, 380, 398, 768–769
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 12–13, 25, 28, 73, 257–258, 378–379, 882–883
- Armed attack, possible, 8–9, 17–18, 132–133, 255–257, 270–272, 348n, 380, 539–540, 700
- Banat Yaqub, 8, 247, 348n, 377, 379–380, 400, 882–883 [Page 933]
- Border incidents, 6–8, 72, 74, 257, 381, 490, 492–493, 520, 539, 782, 798, 884
- Egypt, 521, 699–701
- General Armistice Agreements, 517–519, 523, 525, 766–768, 782–783, 883–884
- Hammarskjöld mission, 516–521, 539, 544–545, 768
- Israel, 272, 318, 374–377, 698
- Canadian military aid, 473, 475, 540–543, 545, 699
- French military aid to, 6, 16–17, 73, 84n, 247, 269, 475, 540–541, 698–699
- Italian military aid to, 473, 475, 540–542, 699
- Political situation, 8, 258, 784
- Security arrangements, 257–258, 379, 521
- U.S. economic aid to, 400, 699–700
- U.S. military aid to, 19, 380, 400–401, 518, 540–544, 546–547Israeli position, 16–17, 72–74, 257–259, 269–270, 318, 345–346, 397–398, 473–475, 521U.S. position, 260, 272, 474, 476, 783
- Western military aid to, 540–544, 546–547, 885–886
- Jordan River Development Plan, 19, 24–25, 142, 400–401, 798
- Saudi Arabia, 476, 518
- Soviet Union, 272, 521, 546
- United Kingdom, 73, 318, 374–377, 546
- UNTSO, 317, 380, 884
- Lebanon (see also Arab League; Arab States; Lebanon and Lebanese subheadings under other subjects), 33, 244, 285, 416–417, 420, 756
- Leger, 543–544, 837
- Libya, 327n, 343, 371, 385–386, 388, 422, 439–440, 469, 823
- Lippincott, Aubrey, 685, 887n
- Lister, Ernest, 685
- Lloyd, John Selwyn, 101, 102n, 374, 459, 468–469, 593, 605–607, 730, 826
- Anderson mission, 223–224, 262–263, 696
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 447, 462–463, 467–470
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 374, 605, 864, 893
- Armed attack, possible, 103–106, 108–109, 375, 529–530, 537, 609, 614, 626
- Aswan Dam, 705, 730, 855
- Baghdad Pact, 319, 323, 438, 447, 470, 604–605
- Border incidents, 376, 781
- Egyptian-British relations, 287–289, 295, 323–324, 375, 389–391
- Israel, 259, 324, 374–377, 593, 609, 618–619
- Jordan River Development Plan, 273, 324
- Near East, U.S.-British policy toward, 337–338, 378, 383–387, 424, 483
- Operation Stockpile, 593, 614, 626, 630, 656
- Saudi Arabia, 468, 605–606
- Soviet Union, 442, 554, 604, 616
- Lodge, Henry Cabot, Jr., 282n, 502n, 515n, 516n, 520n, 835n, 893
- Lucet, Charles E., 125, 685
- Ludlow, James M., 136n, 224n, 226n, 267n, 281n, 282n, 308n, 319n, 338n, 347n, 515n, 579n, 815n, 818n, 835n, 847n
- MacArthur, Douglas, II, 9, 265n, 453n, 483n,
537n, 575n, 583n, 667n, 835n, 836n, 847n, 886n
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 455–456, 462
- Arab States, 531, 593
- Armed attack, possible, 532, 626–627, 629, 634–635, 642, 673–674
- Aswan Dam, 717n, 830
- Border incidents, 495–496, 818
- Colombo Plan, 438
- Cyprus, 532, 641, 655–656
- Greece, 532
- Israel, 532, 593, 641, 655, 677–678, 723, 818
- Italy, 532, 593, 641
- Near East, U.S.-British policy toward, 430, 457–458, 504
- Omega Operation, 435, 461–462
- Operation Stockpile, 497, 593, 639, 655–656, 702, 714–715, 737, 840–841
- Turkey, 497
- McCardle, Carl W., 702
- McClellan, Harold, 531
- McCormack, John W., 504
- MacDermot, T.W.L., 7
- McGuire, E. Perkins, 240, 610, 735–736
- Macomber, William B., 20n, 430n, 554n, 585n, 601n, 609n, 634n, 835n
- Maillard, Pierre, 10–11, 146–147, 221–222, 528n, 617n
- al-Majali, Haza, 10n
- Makins, Sir Roger, 364n, 378n, 389, 391n, 439–444, 460–461, 463–466, 641, 655
- Anderson mission, 7, 9, 223–224
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 441, 462–464, 467–470, 481
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 319, 466
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 710, 778–779
- Armed attack, possible, 108–109, 264n, 293, 315–316, 443–444, 466, 537–538
- Aswan Dam, 441, 450, 726–727, 830–831, 863–864, 866
- Israel, 223, 442, 837
- Jordan, 10, 443
- Near East, 383, 387n, 435, 483–484
- Nile River issue, 830, 832
- Operation Stockpile, 630, 641, 655, 840–841
- Saudi Arabia, 441, 457, 465–466
- Soviet-British relations, 436, 440, 442, 585–586, 710
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 125, 840
- U.S.-British relations, 7, 9, 101, 223–224
- Mallory, Lester D., 142, 151–152, 254–255, 272–273, 332, 395
- Mansfield, Mike, 417, 432–433
- Margérie. See Jacquin de Margérie, Roland.
- Marshall Plan, 431, 506
- Martin, Joseph W., 504
- Martin, Paul, 764
- Mason, Robert Heath, 775
- Massigli, René, 614
- Matthews, Elbert G., 533n, 549–553, 575n
- Meir, Golda. See Myerson, Goldie.
- Merchant, Livingston T., 9, 101, 108–109, 125, 213n, 426, 435n, 595, 604, 609n, 615n, 877
- Meroz, Yohanan, 692
- Metzger, Stanley D., 114n
- Middleton, Drew, 399n, 463
- Mikoyan, Anastas, 549
- Mixed Armistice Commission, 199, 237–238, 291–292, 394, 478, 480, 489, 623–624, 651–653, 656–657, 692, 777
- Mollet, Guy, 546, 699n
- Molotov, Vyacheslav M., 549, 612, 751
- Monckton, Walter, 442
- Moose, James S., Jr, 112–113, 136n, 207, 241, 332, 362–363, 561n, 607–608, 620
- Morgenthau, Henry, Jr., 345
- Morocco, 365
- Morris, Willie, 101, 108, 171n, 180, 530n, 672n, 685, 738n, 802, 804, 811–812, 838, 855, 864n, 887n, 895
- Morse, True D., 531
- al-Mufti, Said, 10n, 664
- Muhieddin, Col. Zacharias, 46n, 392
- Murphy, Robert D., 109, 187n, 265n, 300, 387–388, 435n, 442, 667n, 677n, 693, 695, 714n, 840n, 886n, 887n, 903n, 904n
- Murray, Francis Ralph Hay, 287
- Murville, Couve de, Maurice. See Couve de Murville, Maurice.
- Mussolini, Benito, 366, 384
- Myerson, Goldie, 739–740, 760, 762, 782–783, 883, 885–886
- Naguib, Mohammed, 89n, 793, 795
- Nasashibi, Azmi, 775
- Nasser, Gamal Abdul, 30–33, 94, 96, 107, 342, 388, 391, 410, 485, 693, 696, 726
- Anderson mission, 15–16, 22–23, 77, 224, 243, 277, 279, 587, 696
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 356, 418–419, 431, 437, 440–441, 448, 453–455, 457n, 467–468, 557–560, 566, 583, 586–589, 659–663, 665–667, 676, 796, 810
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 30, 46, 49, 78, 119, 205, 306, 341, 410, 448–449, 602
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 37, 49, 77, 79, 90, 94–96, 101, 119,
158, 305, 309–310
- Arab States role in, 35, 48, 61, 63, 139, 156, 312, 393
- Balance of power, 37
- Direct communications channels, 86–89, 123
- Direct talks, 13, 18, 25, 54, 58, 189, 223, 304, 306, 333
- Egypt, inducements for, 40–41
- Egyptian attitude, 52–53, 82–83, 121–122, 183–184, 326n, 384, 796
- Egyptian position, 80, 89, 139–140, 147–148, 158
- Egyptian role, 305–306, 312–314, 349, 352–353, 392, 394, 410, 682
- Exchange of letters, 50, 56–58, 60, 90, 138–139
- Hammarskjöld mission, 566
- Israel, U.S. military aid to, 208–209
- Israeli attitude, 87
- Nasser committee proposal, 61–62
- Outside powers conference proposal, 789, 791
- Palestinian refugees and, 321, 323
- Soviet role, 821
- Special emissary proposal, 817, 820–821, 825
- Tension reduction, 194, 196–198, 351, 392
- Timing of, 36, 43, 60–61, 66–67, 87, 145, 158, 203, 310–311
- U.S. position, 45–48, 93–94, 281, 305, 349
- Arab States, 31, 36, 41, 57, 89, 206–207, 299, 871
- Armed attack, possible, 256–257, 350–351, 358, 373, 375, 458, 539, 545, 571, 741
- Aswan Dam, 1, 4, 128, 171, 828
- Baghdad Pact, 39, 107, 174, 297–300, 584
- Banat Yaqub, 90, 149–150, 246, 350, 572
- Border incidents, 205, 239, 270n, 303–304, 323, 358, 480, 501n, 522, 701
- Chinese People’s Republic, Egyptian recognition of, 644, 647–648, 670, 700, 806, 870
- Egyptian economic situation, 58, 127, 486, 742, 748
- Egyptian neutralism, 747, 758
- Egyptian political situation, 2, 80–81, 86, 186, 342, 494, 574, 731–733, 744
- General Armistice Agreements, 523, 525, 562, 602
- Hammarskjöld mission, 523, 525–527, 539, 545, 562, 564, 566, 571, 574, 587
- Israel, 67, 302–303, 643
- Jerusalem, 46, 57, 78
- Jordan, 295, 301, 321–322, 329, 333, 386, 573
- Jordan River Development Plan, 90, 124, 162, 182n, 184, 234–235, 285, 293, 298–300, 333
- Libya, 375, 388, 823
- Near East, 32, 94, 206, 337, 387n, 411, 511n, 572
- Nile River issue, 128, 171, 266n, 636, 742, 748, 807, 869
- Palestinian refugees, 50, 57, 61, 89–90, 321–323, 566, 578
- Saudi Arabia, 324, 425, 823–824
- Sinai, 120, 128
- Soviet bloc military aid to Egypt, 54, 128, 185–186, 372, 384, 453, 521, 645, 731, 828, 870
- Soviet-Egyptian relations, 183, 277, 390, 485–486, 558, 721, 725, 729, 742–743, 752–754, 756–757, 761, 849–850
- Suez Canal, 46, 49, 391, 458, 906–908
- Syria, 90, 246, 262, 307, 311, 321–322, 333
- Territorial adjustments, 46, 48–49, 78, 144, 305, 323–324, 566
- United Kingdom:
- U.S.-British policy toward Egypt, 337, 366
- U.S. economic aid to Egypt, 896, 899–900
- U.S.-Egyptian relations, 1, 61–62, 206, 354, 418, 484–485, 547, 560, 645, 720–721, 735, 822–823
- U.S. military aid to Egypt, 128, 793–794
- West, Egyptian relations with, 90–91, 384–385, 387–388, 390–391, 448, 744–745, 906–908
- National Security Council, 328–330, 729–730, 754–755, 819
- National War College, 671
- Navy, U.S. Department of the, 674
- Near East (see also
Arab States; Israel)
- Arms embargo, 551–552, 555n, 599
- British military aid to, 214–215
- British policy toward, 106, 383–387, 389, 548, 586, 604, 670
- British-Soviet relations, 537, 546, 548–549, 554, 567–568, 585–586
- Egyptian propaganda, 447
- French-Soviet relations, 546
- French military aid to, 214–215, 596
- Regional defense, 352, 389, 409, 553
- Soviet bloc, relations with, 23, 126, 355, 412–413, 558
- Soviet policy toward, 75, 94, 250–251, 337, 447, 453, 477, 557, 559, 599, 613
- Tripartite discussions (see also Tripartite responseunder Armed attack, possible) 483–484, 595–596, 615–616
- Tripartite military aid to, 125, 161, 398–399
- U.S-British policy toward:
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 352–357, 387–388, 409–425, 431–433, 439, 447–448, 453–456, 457n, 462, 531, 557–560, 566–567, 658–667, 796, 850
- British position, 385–386, 389, 462–463, 467–470, 481
- Egypt, approaches to, 411–412, 583–584, 586–589, 660–663, 666–667, 676–677, 702
- Egyptian position, 448
- Hammarskjöld mission and, 586–587, 661
- Israeli position, 741, 810–811
- Operation Stockpile and, 886, 888
- U.S.-British cooperation, 436–445, 454, 463–464, 467–470, 481
- British-Soviet talks, 436, 440, 467, 477
- Soviet policy and, 559
- U.S.-British cooperation, 353, 366, 378, 411, 435–436, 506–507, 537, 584
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 352–357, 387–388, 409–425, 431–433, 439, 447–448, 453–456, 457n, 462, 531, 557–560, 566–567, 658–667, 796, 850
- U.S. economic aid to, 709–710
- U.S. forces in, 509
- U.S. military aid to, 184, 206, 214–216, 456
- U.S. policy toward (see also U.S.-British policy toward above), 325–326, 405
- Western military aid to (see also Ambassadorial Committee on Coordination of Arms Shipments to the Near East), 215, 403–404, 553
- Western policy toward, 447, 550–552
- Near East Arms Coordinating Committee (NEACC), 146–147, 240, 324, 618–619, 677–679, 686–688, 737–738n, 788, 843–844, 887
- Neeman, Col., 255–256
- Negev, 22, 36
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 190, 559, 604, 695, 701, 758, 791, 878
- Nicholls, John Walter, 179, 247n, 317, 374, 378, 380, 780
- Nile River issue, 130, 266, 668, 683–684
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 414
- Aswan Dam and, 98, 128–129, 170–171, 268, 450–451, 588–589, 599, 633n, 753, 844
- British position, 170–171, 289, 659–660, 675, 705, 718–720, 728–730, 814, 829
- Egyptian position, 128, 167, 266n, 450–451, 599, 697, 718, 742, 748, 752, 806
- Ethiopian position, 415, 636, 659, 668, 688–689, 718, 728, 869
- French position, 844
- Nile Valley Authority proposals, 667–669, 675–676, 680–682, 688–689, 704–705, 718–720, 728–730, 812, 814, 829
- Riparian States conference. See Nile Valley Authority proposalsabove.
- Roseires Dam, 728
- Soviet aid and, 451, 659, 680
- Sudanese position, 382–383, 668, 704, 812
- U.S.-British delays (see also Nile Valley Authority proposalsabove), 451
- Nixon, Richard M., 729, 819
- North Africa, 94, 359, 372, 388, 410
- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 259, 388, 459, 482, 509, 552
- Nutting, Anthony, 752
- Nuwar, Maj. Gen. Ali Abu, 664, 701, 765, 776, 778–779, 781, 884
- O’Connor, Roderic L., 504
- Oil industry:
- Armed attack, possible, 424, 443–444
- British interests, 21, 389, 485, 548, 586, 604, 649
- Egyptian propaganda, 385, 390
- Iran, 505
- Iraq, 505, 649
- Kuwait, 444, 505, 649
- NATO interests, 21, 277, 313, 506
- Saudi Arabia, 505–506
- Soviet policy toward, 460
- U.S. interests, 277, 280, 335–336, 422–423, 430–431, 485, 558
- U.S. public opinion, 106
- Western European interests, 21, 93, 249, 277, 342–343, 477, 505–506, 550, 552
- Omega Operation (see also Anti-Egyptian policies under Near East: U.S.-British policy toward), 461–462
- Operation Stockpile, 497, 532–537, 575–577, 593, 626–632, 634–635, 637–638, 641, 714–715, 840–843
- Anti-Egyptian policy and, 886, 888
- British position, 609, 614, 655–656, 737, 773–774
- Israel, Canadian military aid to, 534, 576, 630–631, 655, 724, 874–877, 880–882, 886–888
- Joint Chiefs of Staff position, 639
- Publicity, 640, 670–671, 673–674, 702–703, 715, 877–878, 887, 906
- United Nations, notification of, 819, 827, 835, 839
- U.N. position, 891, 893–894
- Overby, Andrew N., 748
- Pakistan, 326, 337, 352, 438, 464–465, 792, 807, 816, 836, 847, 852
- Palestine Conciliation Commission, 103, 217, 281
- Palestinian refugees, 21, 61, 78, 86,
122, 142, 321–322, 490
- Arab-Israeli settlement and, 38, 41, 200, 312, 321, 323
- Arab League role, 38, 41
- Arab States aid for, 709, 789
- Compensation, 57, 64, 78, 80, 90, 139, 144–145, 192
- Egyptian position, 57, 89, 522, 566
- Jordan River Development Plan, 78, 282–283, 321, 472
- Repatriation:
- Self-representation, 43
- Sinai project, 21, 78, 90
- Soviet position, 550
- Syria, 78, 90, 321–322
- Tension reduction and, 196
- U.N. position, 57, 578
- UNRWA aid for, 709, 713, 789
- U.S. aid for, 22, 38, 41, 409
- U.S. position, 355, 413, 551
- Parkes, Roderick Wallis, 605
- Pearson, Drew, 740
- Pearson, Lester B., 12, 433–434, 476, 809, 837–838
- Persian Gulf States, 385–386
- Persons, Wilton B., 670, 714–715
- Peterson, Col. David A., 132
- Petroleum. See Oil.
- Phillips, Richard H., 610–611
- Phleger, Herman, 114n, 213n, 435n, 444, 462
- Pinay, Antoine, 146
- Pineau, Christian, 483, 529–530, 538, 595–596, 598, 615–616
- Pinkerton, Lowell C., 422, 683–684, 704, 812
- Pitblado, D.B., 743
- Prochnow, Herbert V., 109, 455–456, 462, 531
- Proctor, Carolyn J., 874
- al-Qudsi, Nazim, 61, 292
- Query, Col. Leo J., 132n
- al-Quwatli, Shukri, 233, 234n, 246n, 262, 275, 329, 350, 360, 400
- Radford, Adm. Arthur W., 202n, 421–425, 435n, 442–443, 496–497
- Radius, Walter A., 114n
- Raphael, Gideon, 12, 15–16, 24, 26, 28, 564–566, 883n
- Rayburn, Sam, 504, 509–510
- al-Rawi, Neguib, 747
- Riad, Gen. Mahmoud, 360, 591
- Richards, James P., 504, 508
- Rifai, Abdul Munim, 884
- al-Rifai, Samir, 151–152, 169, 174, 235, 254–255, 272–273, 289, 332, 338, 692n
- Rizk, Edward, 470
- Robertson, Brian, 752
- Robertson, Reuben S., 109, 423, 425
- Rose, Michael, 10n
- Rountree, William M., 71n, 77n, 79n, 82n, 114n, 121n,
137n, 224n, 226n, 285n, 308n, 338n, 347n, 453n, 502n, 503n, 515n, 531n, 554n, 583n, 588n, 615n, 658n, 667n, 668n, 671n, 726n, 743n, 793n, 859n, 875n, 898n
- Anti-Egyptian policy, 421, 423, 425, 462, 658–667, 676–677, 702
- Armed attack, possible, 101, 108, 187–188, 189n, 264, 265n, 315, 529n, 530n
- Aswan Dam, 170–172, 450–451, 635–636, 648, 717–719, 855, 867, 897–898
- Baghdad Pact, 637
- Egypt, 645, 735–736, 896–898
- Hammarskjöld mission, 604, 638
- Israel, 359, 434, 504, 595, 614–615, 636–637, 677–678, 685–686
- Nile River issue, 636, 718–719
- Omega Operation, 435n, 462
- Operation Stockpile, 702, 714n, 737
- Roux, Henri, 79n, 126, 146–147
- Rowan, Leslie, 101, 108–109
- Russell, Francis H., 15n, 24n, 36n, 39n, 50n, 71n, 77n, 82n, 91n, 170n, 193n, 223n, 308n, 332n, 347n, 396n, 448n, 533n, 690n, 793n, 835n, 836n, 840n, 847n
- Anderson mission, 9, 158, 233, 341
- Arab-Israeli dispute, 787
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 20n, 101, 133, 135, 145, 189–191, 285, 707–710, 789
- Armed attack, possible, 121, 190, 787–788
- Aswan Dam, 865
- Banat Yaqub, 190, 285, 396, 400, 690
- Border incidents, 300
- Egypt, 20n, 865, 896
- Haifa Port, 145
- Israel, 183, 427–429, 445, 690
- Jerusalem, 145
- Jordan River Development Plan, 145, 285–286, 709–714, 788–789
- Lebanon, 285
- Near East, U.S. policy toward, 213, 405, 504
- Nile River issue, 667n
- Omega Operation, 435n, 461–462
- Operation Stockpile, 532, 575–577, 714n, 819
- Palestinian refugees, 144–145, 789
- Territorial adjustments, 143–144
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950, 121, 788
- al-Sabah, Abdullah al Salim, 366
- Sabini, John A., 764–765, 772–773, 778–779, 799
- Sabri, Ali, 174, 203, 393–394, 448–449
- St. Laurent, Louis S., 724, 738–739, 764, 826, 874, 876, 880–881, 888n
- Salem, Gamal, 228–230, 232, 236n, 267–268
- Salmon, Katriel, 359, 445, 692–694
- Saltonstall, Leverett, 211, 504, 510
- Samuel, Ian, 101, 108–109
- Sanger, Richard H., 770–771, 774–776, 784–785, 884–885
- Saud, ibn Abd al-Aziz, King, 246n, 288, 366, 447, 463, 468, 605, 665, 683
- Saudi Arabia (see also
Arab States; Egypt-Syria-Saudi
Arabia (ESS) pacts; Saudi and Saudi Arabia subheadings under other
- Egypt, relations with, 32, 75, 324, 326n, 327, 341, 365–366, 371, 385, 390, 417, 422
- Egyptian military aid to, 646
- Iraq, relations with, 326n, 366, 447, 606, 664
- Jordan River Development Plan, 713
- Oil industry, 505–506
- Political situation, 324
- Soviet bloc military aid to, 606
- Soviet Union, relations with, 327
- United Kingdom, relations with (see also Buraimi dispute), 75, 325, 343, 389–390, 457, 464, 468, 506, 606, 664
- United States, relations with, 249, 327, 343, 422–423, 659, 664–665, 746, 823–824
- U.S. military aid to, 212, 214, 275–276, 325
- Selim, Mohammad, 402, 429
- Sharett, Moshe, 26–27, 55,
59, 80n, 124, 345, 476, 546, 592, 700–701
- Anderson mission, 16, 24, 26, 397
- Arab-Israeli balance of power, 4–6, 26–27, 347, 348n
- Arab-Israeli settlement, 54–55, 58, 68–69, 73, 333, 349, 566
- Armed attack, possible, 26–27, 270–272, 347, 348n, 700
- Banat Yaqub, 123, 176–178, 180, 269n, 316–317, 322, 336, 377, 565
- Border incidents, 6, 19, 59, 69, 72, 74, 318–319, 334, 480, 492
- Canadian military aid to Israel, 473, 545, 699
- French military aid to Israel, 5–6, 11, 138n, 146, 475, 698–699
- General Armistice Agreements, 489–490, 564, 592
- Hammarskjöld mission, 526, 544–545, 564–566, 592, 602
- Israeli political situation, 79n, 739–740, 760–762, 769–770, 777, 784, 787
- Italian military aid to Israel, 473, 699
- Jordan River Development Plan, 19, 162, 177–178
- Palestinian refugees, 59, 122, 578
- Saudi Arabia, 123, 476
- Syria, 123, 270, 698
- Territorial adjustments, 58–59, 122, 271–272
- United Kingdom, 318–319, 374, 376, 546
- U.S. economic and military aid to Israel, 16–17, 476, 541–543, 546–547, 572, 699–700
- U.S.-Israeli relations, 278, 698
- Shaw, John F., 170n, 671n, 672n, 717n
- Sheperd, Bryan, 390
- Shepilov, Dmitri, 800n, 801, 803, 809, 882–883, 892, 907
- Shiloah, Reuven, 158, 183, 290–291, 300, 332, 367, 615, 701, 739–741, 809
- al-Shishakli, Adib, 350, 400
- Shuckburgh, Charles A.E., 40–41, 101, 109, 125, 142, 398–399, 604–605, 719–720
- Shuqayr, Gen. Shawkat, 118
- Silver, Rabbi Hillel, 475
- Sinai:
- Smith, H. Alexander, 504, 509
- Sobolev, Arkadi Aleksandrovich, 708n
- Socony Vacuum Oil Company, 175
- Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 438, 459, 464–465, 552
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet, Soviet bloc, and Soviet Union subheadings under other subjects), 65, 94, 126, 461, 546, 756, 833–834
- Special National Intelligence Estimates:
- Stassen, Harold E., 109, 754–755
- Stevenson, Adlai E., 211–212
- Stockpile. See Operation Stockpile.
- Streibert, Theodore C., 25, 28, 435n
- Sudan (see also
Nile River issue):
- Currency, 171, 266, 383, 414, 588–589, 684
- Egypt, relations with, 171, 266, 386, 414–415, 420, 437, 664, 680–681, 684
- Ethiopia, relations with, 689
- IBRD loan request, 130, 171, 266n, 383, 414, 441
- Political situation, 266, 289, 704
- Roseires Dam, 130
- Soviet Union, relations with, 437
- U.S.-British economic aid to, 356, 414
- U.S.-British policy, 414, 422, 432, 437, 441, 468, 852
- West, relations with, 741
- Suez Canal (see also Arab blockade of Israelunder Arab-Israeli dispute), 18, 430–431, 443–444, 447, 459–461
- Suez Canal Company, 750
- Sweden, 250n, 569–570
- Switzerland, 250n, 569
- Syria (see also
Arab States; Egypt-Syria-Saudi
Arabia (ESS) pact; Syria and Syrian subheadings under other subjects):
- British military aid to, 288
- Egyptian military aid to, 637
- Iraq, relations with, 297
- Israel, relations with (see also Banat Yaqub), 85
- Jordan, relations with, 221
- Palestinian refugees, 78, 90, 321–322
- Political situation, 124, 169, 246, 322, 333, 447
- Soviet bloc military aid to, 329, 698
- Soviet Union, relations with, 729, 755–756
- Tannenwald, Theodore A., 428
- Tarazi, Salah al-Din, 600
- Taylor, Gen. Maxwell D., 688–689
- Tekoah, 528, 652
- Templer, Gen. Gerald, 10n, 33
- Territorial adjustments, 78, 86, 122
- Armed attack, possible, 271–272
- Egyptian position, 44–45, 48–49, 57, 80, 139, 305, 323–324, 566
- Elath, 144
- Gaza strip, 144
- Israeli position, 52, 58–59, 63–64, 81, 124
- Lake Tiberias, 305
- Negev, 50, 67, 74, 81, 93, 95, 134, 190–191
- Samakh Triangle, 46
- Security arrangements and, 67, 216, 257–258
- U.N. position, 578
- U.N. resolution, 1947, 44–45, 57, 305
- U.S. position, 45, 55, 59, 144, 191–192
- Timmons, Benson E.L., 109
- Tiran Straits (see also Arab blockade of Israelunder Arab-Israeli dispute), 219
- Tito, Josip Broz, 758, 791
- Trevelyan, Sir Humphrey, 124, 169, 179, 266n, 321, 390–392, 487, 580, 905
- Tripartite Declaration, 1950 (see
NEACC; Tripartite subheadings under other subjects):
- Arab-Israeli balance of power, 142
- Armed attack, possible, 102–103, 110–111, 121, 125–126, 140–141, 159–161, 165, 263–265, 294, 537
- Banat Yaqub, 140–141
- British position, 161
- Cease-fire proposals, 51
- Egypt, Soviet bloc military aid to, 161
- Israel, U.S. military aid to, 368, 373
- Israeli position, 257
- Near East, Soviet bloc military aid to, 126
- Near East, Tripartite military aid to, 161
- Operation Stockpile and, 840, 842
- Security guarantees, 164
- Tension reduction, 219
- U.S. position, 161, 788
- Troxel, Oliver L., 140, 143, 285n, 332n, 338n, 395n, 401, 429n, 451n, 710n, 745n
- Truman, Harry S., 89
- Tunisia, 365
- Tunner, Gen. William H., 639
- Turkey (see also Baghdad Pact), 31, 35, 179, 218, 352, 533, 852
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. See Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom (see also British, Tripartite, United Kingdom, U.S.-British, and Western subheadings under other subjects)
- United Nations (see also U.N. and United
Nations subheadings under other subjects; U.N.
Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East;
U.N. Truce Supervision Organization):
- Cease-fire, 50, 67, 69n
- Chinese People’s Republic membership, 249
- General Assembly Resolutions:
- Israeli security arrangements, role in, 215, 257–258, 277–280, 368, 379, 408, 521, 552–553
- Jerusalem, 145
- Jordan River Development Plan, 470–473, 708, 711, 798
- Near East military aid coordination, 553
- Operation Stockpile, 819, 827, 835, 839, 891, 893–894
- Palestinian refugees, 57, 282–283, 566, 578
- Peace Observation Commission, 217
- Security Council Resolutions:
- Tiran Straits, 219
- Uniting for Peace Resolution, 104, 217, 279, 508–509
- U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), 90, 282, 472
- U.N. Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO) (see also Burns, Maj. Gen. Eedson L.M.; United Nations; UNTSO subheadings under other subjects) 136, 195, 199–200, 215–217, 226, 282, 317, 344, 380, 562–563, 711
- U.S. Information Agency, 33, 462
- Valluy, Gen. Jean E., 263, 643
- Vigier, Henri, 592, 651–653, 772–773
- Voice of America, 204
- Vorys, John M., 504
- Wadsworth, George E., 326n, 470, 570, 621, 664, 902–903
- Wagner, D.J., 553n, 575n, 626, 629, 634–635, 715
- Wainhouse, David W., 638
- Walmsley, Arnold R., 555–556
- Watson, Adam, 389–390
- Waugh, Samuel C., 359, 810
- Weeks, Sinclair, 531
- West Bank, 148, 283n
- Westlake, Peter Alan, 766
- WFTU, 297
- White, Ivan B., 12n, 24, 28, 561–566, 578, 592–593, 602–603, 883n
- White, Lincoln, 203–204, 302, 844
- White, Gen. Thomas D., 328
- Whiteley, Gen. John, 108, 109n, 110, 112, 188, 264, 446, 642n
- Whitman, Ann, 378n, 520n
- Wikeley, Thomas, 493
- Wilcox, Francis O., 109, 213n, 308n, 515n, 724, 835n, 836n, 903n, 904n
- Wilkins, Fraser, 79n, 137n, 159n, 267n, 290n, 308n, 339n, 429n, 588n, 658n, 677n, 696n, 793n
- Wilson, Charles E., 423, 425, 610, 639, 674
- Wilson, Evan M., 366, 389
- Wright, Adm. Jerauld, 715
- Yafi, Abdullah, 472
- Yemen, 356, 415, 420, 441, 465, 573, 637
- Younis, Nabih, 266
- Yugoslavia, 726, 753, 758, 791
- Zacharia, Col., 28–29, 36, 43–44, 46–47, 52, 58, 88–91, 94–95, 204–205, 295–298, 302
- Zeineddine, Farid, 142
- Zionist movements: