390. Telegram From the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State1
5650. Shuckburgh told Emb yesterday that as result Barbour’s discussion of Aswan Dam June 1st with Kirkpatrick (Embtel 55842) proposed instructions to Brit Emb Washington mentioned reftel have been held up since main purpose of instructions was to ascertain Dept’s current thinking. Shuckburgh said Dept’s concept for riparian conference now being actively examined by HMG and Foreign [Page 720] Office expects revert to subject with US next week after matter has been considered by ministers. His preliminary view was that HMG would probably support Dept’s idea, at least to the extent of trying it out and seeing the action of the riparian countries including Egypt. Confirmed Kirkpatrick’s remarks in reftel re difficulty which HMG would have in going forward at this time with aid for High Aswan Dam project, both because of financial considerations and because of Nasser’s attitude. He thought it was becoming more and more plain that the British must help their friends in the ME rather than some who had shown no real disposition to cooperate with the West.
Shuckburgh added time is approaching when US and UK must make basic decision whether go forward with High Dam or not. In latter event, he pointed out, we must work out in advance what we will say to Nasser when as anticipated he threatens go ahead with project with aid from Soviet Bloc. In this connection he expressed interest in knowing details of Dept’s recent information regarding possibility Nasser might seek aid from Soviets for High Dam. He seemed to think it might be necessary for US and UK to run risk of having Nasser seek Soviet support for project, particularly if as British were beginning to suspect High Dam was not as practically sound as originally believed. Shuckburgh expressed opinion that out of our further discussion of matter with Egyptians there might emerge some proposal for a less ambitious project which would be more consistent with the unified approach to the Nile problem and in which the West might be able to offer some assistance.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 874.2614/6–756. Top Secret. Received at 8:35 a.m.↩
- Document 384.↩