454. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iraq1

1553. Inform Richards. Baghdad’s 1473 and USAIRA’s C–42.2 Joint State-Defense. You may use following in discussion with Prime Minister and General Rafiq to indicate continuing USG interest in effective air defenses Iraq.

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Since original Iraqi expression of concern during crisis last fall3USG has been mindful Iraq’s desire for assistance in air defense. In considering requests for military aid however USG has doubted defenses could be effectively strengthened to meet any current threat by introduction US equipment for Air Force through aid program. Possibility eventual discussions re sale of aircraft not excluded in reply given General Daghestani February 15. USG pleased at information received since that UK supplying Hawker Hunters which should provide immediate strengthening RIAF.4

FYI. This response based on: 1) fact primary responsibility for Iraq Air Force still rests with UK, and 2) Defense position that aid for RIAF beyond approved pilot training is not justified at this time. Richards recommendations and possible increased US participation in Baghdad Pact military activities may however provide basis for further consideration Iraq air defense problem. Richards Mission will also be empowered discuss possible further ground force assistance which may include some anti-aircraft items. End FYI.

USAF sending separate message to AIRA containing reply from Twining for Rafiq.5

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 787.5–MSP/3–457. Secret. Drafted by Newsom and approved by Rountree. Repeated to London, Beirut, and Tripoli.
  2. In telegram 1473, March 4, Gallman called the Department’s attention to two messages sent by the Air Attaché to the Director of Intelligence, U.S. Air Force. The first message, February 25, concerned the overflight of Baghdad by an unidentified plane on February 23. The second message, C–42, March 2, reported Rafiq’s “keen disappointment” after receiving word of the negative decision on USAF-MDAP for Iraq. Rafiq reportedly mentioned both recent unidentified overflights of Iraq and information concerning the operation in Syria of Russian-built aircraft, and made a renewed request for adequate radar coverage and some modern fighter aircraft. Gallman requested information concerning the status of the longstanding Iraqi request for air defense assistance, as well as authority to provide the Government of Iraq with some indication of U.S. reassurance concerning U.S. efforts to assist Iraq. (Ibid.) Message C–42 has not been found in Department of State files.
  3. On November 10, 1956, the Embassy urgently requested the Department’s attention to a message from the Air Attaché regarding an Iraqi request for radar units and fighter aircraft defense. The Embassy hoped that a prompt favorable response would be forthcoming. (Telegram 812 from Baghdad, November 10; ibid., 787.5/11–1056)
  4. In telegram 1459 from Baghdad, February 26, Gallman reported that the British Ambassador had informed him that the United Kingdom would provide Iraq with five Hawker-Hunter Mark 6 aircraft, with a substantial quantity of spare parts, on a grant basis. (Ibid., 787.5622/2–2857)
  5. Not found in Department of State files.