453. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iraq1

1411. Joint State–ICA–Defense message. Iraqi Counselor2 and General Daghestani were given reply February 15 to several Iraqi requests related military assistance.3 Following is summary informal memorandum handed Iraqis.4 You may inform Prime Minister these details.

FY 1957 program represents substantial increase over FY 56 and provides far greater quantity of equipment than total so far delivered under military assistance program. Daghestani given details 57 program which MAAG may now discuss with Iraqis.
In response request for accelerated two division program US bringing forward from 58 program equipment including 24 M–24 tanks and various combat vehicles.
US providing 5 additional pilot training spaces and two air staff spaces in addition to 15 already programmed.
US agrees in principle assist Iraqi internal security forces and ready send civil police expert to discuss requirements, including equipment, training and technical advice.
US accepts third infantry division and one armored unit similar to combat command US armored division as additional force objectives for Iraq. While US cannot undertake this time provide equipment these forces on grant basis, every effort will be made expedite requests GOI for purchases military equipment US sources, and consideration will be given possible extension credit. US reaffirms its intention, subject availability funds, consider requirements jointly agreed force objectives which demonstrably beyond long-run capability its allies to meet from their own resources.
US not in position present time meet requests Iraqi Air Force, but suggests discussions later date on possibility sale aircraft under existing US-Iraq reimbursable agreement.

In regard par 4 above such survey must under US policies precede any grant of equipment.

Concerning par 5 Department promised Daghestani in response his question investigate possible use US credit facilities for OSP. Purchase under credit arrangements creating problem in connection OSP. FYI. US does not exclude possibility ultimate grant aid but this [Page 1039] not raised by Counselor and Daghestani, and not mentioned by Department. We should be especially careful avoid any intimation this position which might be interpreted as commitment. End FYI.

In presenting foregoing Department stressed desire to continue provide effective help Iraq forces and mentioned possibility that Iraqi requirements could also be discussed with experts who will accompany Richards Mission.5

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 787.5–MSP/2–2057. Secret. Drafted by Newsom and approved by Rountree. Repeated to London and Paris for the Permanent Representative on the North Atlantic Council.
  2. Hashim Khalil, Counselor of the Iraqi Embassy.
  3. The memorandum of conversation of this meeting is in Department of State, Central Files, 787.5–MSP/2–1557.
  4. A copy of this informal memorandum is attached to the memorandum of conversation cited in footnote 3 above.
  5. Eisenhower appointed former Congressman James P. Richards to travel to the Middle East after Congress approved the President’s Middle East Resolution (Eisenhower Doctrine) to gather information and explain U.S. policy to Middle Eastern governments. Regarding the Richards Mission to Iraq, see vol. XVII, pp. 393 ff. and Document 217. Gallman reported that he called on Nuri Said on February 23 and gave him orally the substance of the appropriate portions of telegram 1411, Gallman said that Nuri was glad to get this information, since no report had reached him about the February 15 meeting with Daghestani and Khalil. According to Gallman, Nuri seemed “genuinely relieved and pleased” to receive the U.S. reply. (Telegram 1432 from Baghdad, February 23; Department of State, Central Files, 787.5–MSP/2–2357)

    On February 26, during a meeting at the Department of State, Brigadier Hassan Mustafa informed the Department that, in general, the Crown Prince, General Daghestani, and he had been disappointed in the U.S. response of February 15. Lampton Berry replied that the Department had been notified by the Embassy in Baghdad that Nuri had expressed satisfaction with the contents of the U.S. memorandum. Berry assured Mustafa that Nuri had received no additional information. (Memorandum of conversation, February 26; ibid., 787.5–MSP/2–2657)