31. Editorial Note

Speaking before the House of Commons on March 30, Prime Minister, Eden announced that the United Kingdom would accede to the Turkish-Iraqi Pact on April 5, thereby terminating the Anglo-Iraqi treaty of 1930. In his statement, Eden stressed the British policy of “cooperation between equal partners” in relations with Middle Eastern countries. The Embassy in London transmitted reports of, Eden’s statement to the Department of State in telegram 4298, March 30, and despatch 2884, March 31. (Department of State, Central Files, 682.87/3–3055 and 682.87/3–3155) The Embassy in London transmitted copies of the British White Paper issued on March 30, entitled “Accession of the United Kingdom to the Pact of Mutual Cooperation between Turkey and Iraq signed at Baghdad on February 24, 1955 with Special Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of Iraq and Exchanges of Notes” in despatch 2879, March 31. (Ibid., 682.87/3–3155)

A Special Agreement between the United Kingdom and Iraq, under which the United Kingdom among other points acceded to the Turkish-Iraqi Pact of Mutual Co-operation was signed at Baghdad on April 4. The agreement came into force on April 5. For text, see 233 UNTS 236.

For text of the Anglo-Iraqi Treaty of Alliance, signed at Baghdad on June 30, 1930, see League of Nations Treaty Series, volume 132, pages 363–403.