30. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Egypt1

1636. Egyptian Ambassador called at Department Mar 29 to request US make representations to Turkey to soften harsh attitude towards certain Arab states particularly Syria over Turk-Iraq Pact. He was informed Embassy Ankara already instructed make appropriate representations.2

Department also made following points to Ambassador:

US not endeavoring prevent Egyptian arrangement with Syrians and Saudis although it would regret see any alignment directed against one Arab state or which appeared to have neutralist connotation. American people naturally would regard more favorably Turk-Iraq Pact which directed at communist menace than Syrian-Egyptian-Saudi Pact which appeared have other objectives.
Nasser at present has great opportunity and might wish broaden his horizon and consider matters reaching beyond area upon which he has concentrated in past. Perhaps three-pillared defense arrangement could eventually develop including Turkey, Egypt and Pakistan.
Preservation status quo with respect adherence additional Arab states to Turk-Iraq Pact desirable. Although in order find means of replacing Anglo-Jordanian treaty Jordan might wish adhere to pact US in no way encouraging any such tendency.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 682.87/3–3055. Secret; Priority. Drafted by Burdett and George Allen who approved and signed for Dulles. Also sent to Amman, Ankara, Baghdad, Beirut, Damascus, Jidda, London, Karachi, and Tel Aviv.
  2. Supra.