3. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel1

401. If approached by IG re published intention Turk and Iraq Govts conclude mutual defense treaty you may take following line:


Conclusion of Turk-Iraq mutual defense treaty will mark another step forward in construction of “northern tier” defenses against Soviet imperialism. This process can only result in enhancement of security of the entire region including Israel.

It is gratifying to note Iraq is entering into further arrangements committing her to cooperation with free world in resisting designs of USSR which has proved itself to be unsympathetic to Israel and active in fomenting discord and promoting instability in area.

Israel should also feel gratification at fact Iraq has chosen strengthen her ties with Turkey with full knowledge of Turkey’s close relations with Israel (relations recently strengthened by Israel-Turkey trade agreement)2 and Turkey’s public declarations that close relations [Page 4] with Israel will be maintained. This willingness on Iraq’s part subordinate hostility toward Israel to compelling threat from North is encouraging sign.
USG is aware IG’s sense of isolation resulting from fact network of security arrangements is emerging which do not as yet include Israel. You may assure IG that USG has not lost sight advantage to free world of integrating Israel into NE security arrangements at appropriate time. We feel Turkish endeavors to strengthen will to resist Soviet aggression among Arab states can go far toward hastening time IG’s entry into arrangements. We ask IG take these assurances at face value and give careful consideration our considered advice that present Turkish efforts should receive tacit IG support and that IG look upon these developments from viewpoint her long-term interests in becoming fully-accepted member of the area.

Ambassador Ankara in his discretion authorized approach Prime Minister and suggest he reassure Israel along foregoing or any other lines Prime Minister considers most effective.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 682.87/1–1455. Confidential. Drafted by Bergus and approved by Jernegan who signed for Murphy. Also sent to Ankara; repeated to Baghdad, London, Amman, Beirut, Cairo, Damascus, Jidda, Jerusalem, and Paris.
  2. Reference is presumably to the Israel-Turkey Trade and Payments Agreements signed at Ankara on July 4, 1950 (text enclosed in despatch 67 from Ankara, August 9, 1950; Ibid., 482.84A31/8–950), and to the agreement relating to the sale of Turkish wheat to Israel signed at Ankara on April 4, 1953 (text enclosed in despatch 830 from Ankara, June 24, 1953; Ibid., 484A.8231/6–2453).