2. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Jordan1

275. If approached by government to which accredited re Baghdad statement2 intention, Turkish and Iraqi Governments conclude mutual defense treaty you should state USG’s position as follows:

We have always supported efforts states achieve greater degree stability and security through cooperative undertakings. In particular we have favored increased collaboration between states interested in developing Middle East defense against possible Communist aggression.
We welcome Turkish-Iraqi declaration intention as constructive step taken recognition need develop effective defenses in areas at present exposed and unprotected against danger Communist expansion.
We prepared assist Turkish and Iraqi efforts achieve realistic and effective defense arrangement.
We believe Arab states should welcome development as important step contributing to their own security.3

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/1–1455. Confidential. Drafted by Fritzlan and approved for transmission by Jernegan, who signed for Murphy. Sent also to Beirut and Damascus; repeated to Ankara, Baghdad, Cairo, Jidda, London, and Tel Aviv.
  2. On January 12 and 13, 1955, following a week of talks in Baghdad between Turkish Prime Minister Adnan Menderes and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Said, the Iraqi and Turkish Governments jointly issued a communiqué announcing that Iraq and Turkey would conclude a military alliance that other Middle Eastern states would be invited to join. The text of this communiqué is in Noble Frankland (ed.), Documents on International Affairs, 1955, pp. 286–287. Documentation on the MenderesNuri talks is in Department of State, Central Files 033.8287 and 780.5.
  3. The Department of State sent a similar telegram to the Embassy in Jidda with the following additional instruction: “Should you consider it desirable you may assure SAG our support of northern tier developments should in no way be construed as implying reduction US military training efforts Saudi Arabia. These efforts to be continued.”(Telegram 314, January 14; Ibid., 780.5/1–1455)