166. Memorandum of a Telephone Conversation Between the President and the Secretary of State, Washington, December 8, 1956, 11:53 a.m.1


[Here follows a brief discussion of another matter.]

The Sec then said he wished to discuss the Middle East situation. He apparently listed 3 alternatives before cjp got on phone. Sec then said he, Phleger who was with him, Hoover, preferred the course of action calling for a Congressional resolution authorizing Pres to make arrangements for military cooperation, appropriations for expenditure, etc., quoting parts of his Draft #2 Joint Resolution,2 which would give both military and economic bait. Sec said this would show, particularly with Congressional adherence, our determination to make our presence known in the area. It would also give us maneuverability in the area, which would not exist through the Baghdad Pact or a new [Page 396] pact which would have great difficulties. The Pres said he believed if we proceed we could carry two strings in the bow, both No. 1 and No. 3 proposals. If we should get Saudi Arabia and Lebanon to adhere to Pact we could go in with them and that would be wonderful. The Sec mentioned the problem of Jewish and non-Jewish elements, both of which would get something from Resolution proposal. The Pres said in argument on the other side that as a member of the BP we would guarantee that nothing would be done as a Pact to harm Israel. The Sec said he was under great pressure from a Senatorial group headed by Javits to give assurances of security to Israel because of our statement last week about determination to help BP. The Pres said the BP has never indicated latter was not actually in the Charter of the hostility to Israel, it is only a defense against Communism. The Sec said that this BP, and that of course whereas it should be a defense against Communism, it had been perverted to an instrument of Arab politics. The Pres said that one price of our BP adherence would be a bilateral agreement with Israel. The Sec said he had mentioned this to the Ambassadors of the BP countries and they had said they would not want that. The Pres said he was looking for a package deal, EC, SOC, etc., which would put us in a better position with them all. The Pres said that re Israel if we do anything to break up the Arab world they will feel safe, this is just cold politics. The Sec said that evidence we have at the moment is that Saudi Arabia would not join BP. Pres said then he agreed you would have to go ahead with the 3rd alternative (the Resolution). The Sec said that re the Pres making the presentation in his Inaugural Address, he would have to give State of Union first. The Pres said this was a great question of high policy and he thought would fit into ceremonial occasion. He had mentioned it to Emmett Hughes. The Sec said he felt the Pres would have to seek the Congressional authority at the beginning of Congress. The Pres said he would do so.

  1. Source: Eisenhower Library, Dulles Papers, White House Telephone Conversations. Transcribed by Carolyn J. Proctor.
  2. Not found attached.