116. Telegram From the Embassy in Pakistan to the Department of State1

2121. Regarding Department telegram 2308.2 On return of Prime Minister, who also serves as Defense Minister, to Karachi, took up reference telegram last night. When asked for his reaction, Prime Minister said:

“You know what my position is and has been for some time. I believe USG should join Baghdad Pact now and until it does so, no matter what efforts it makes support Pact indirectly, those opposed to Pact will still argue effectively that USG is only giving lip-service and has not yet made up its mind to fully stand behind Pact. 1 believe that even among the very nations USG is trying to influence by not formally joining Pact, the most effective step would be to force the issue by USG joining Baghdad Pact.”

Barring such action by USG to swing neutrals into Pact alignment, Prime Minister wants maximum political, economic and military support for Baghdad Pact members especially emphasizing joint responsibility and cooperation in planning.

When asked if he would press for public statements on Durand Line and Kashmir at upcoming Pact meeting in Tehran, Prime Minister said he felt he must do so. I said he was familiar with thinking of State Department and UK, and that having gotten statements at SEATO meeting on these issues, 90 percent of the benefit to be gained had already been gained and why risk further irritation for negligible gain. Prime Minister felt that since SEATO meetings Nehru’s statements and attitude had become so strong on Kashmir that Pakistan had to attempt to get all support they could and on Durand Line, he felt the territory so obviously of interest to Baghdad Pact members and so clearly within territory involved that not to bring up Durand Line would be construed in too many quarters as weakness on part of GOP.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/4–1356. Secret; Priority. Repeated Priority to Ankara, Baghdad, Tehran, and London; repeated to New Delhi, Kabul, Cairo, Jidda, Amman, Beirut, Damascus, Rome, and Paris.
  2. Printed as telegram 1665 to Ankara, Document 110.