113. Telegram From the Embassy in Turkey to the Department of State1

1685. Paris for Wallner and Knight. Rome for MacSweeney. Re Deptel 1664.2 In absence Foreign Minister who accompanying Prime Minister on tour dedicating Sekhan dam and other development projects south Turkey, contents Deptel 1665 and reference telegram communicated to and discussed with Secretary General Foreign Ministry today.

While expecting Koprulu would want discuss further on return Ankara, Birgi considered communication and discussions reflected therein encouraging. Was particularly pleased composition United States observer delegation Tehran meeting and fact authorized actively participate broad discussions area problems. Indicated interest in possibility informal preliminary contact Turk and United States delegates prior formal Council sessions, saying Turk delegation scheduled arrive Tehran via KLM about noon April 14. I promised inform Birgi United States delegation ETA as soon as known. Birgi expressed appreciation opportunity exchange views between Secretary and Foreign Minister at NATO meeting Paris, to which sure latter would look forward.

Birgi added Turks also now satisfied about British representation in view assurances received from British Ambassador that Defense Minister Monckton will be fully briefed and prepared participate authoritatively in political discussions.

In summary, Birgi made clear considers steps we are taking assure Tehran meeting will now provide opportunity make real progress toward reaching firmer common Middle East policy and reverse recent trend toward discouragement and defeatism.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 780.5/4–956. Confidential. Repeated to Baghdad, Rome, Karachi, Paris, Tehran, London, Cairo, Jidda, Amman, Beirut, Damascus, Belgrade, and Tel Aviv.
  2. Telegram 1664 to Ankara, April 6, referred the Embassy to telegram 1665 (Document 110) as a basis for answering Turkish queries and advised: “suggest you reiterate that in current and continuing review U.S. policy in Middle East, clear-cut Turk Government position regarding Baghdad Pact, Middle East problems, and views on Nasser role, etc. have been most helpful. We attach high importance close consultation.” (Department of State, Central Files, 396.1/3–2356)