47. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission at the United Nations1
294. Urtel 486.2Dept agrees desirable maintain flexibility respect both East European allocation and size increase SC. However, two-seat increase SC, rather than three, indicated if we to avoid Latin American demand for increase to four, thus open flood gates for further demands other areas. Therefore it our view Del should continue talk terms of two-seat increase unless or until becomes evident necessary majority GA favors larger increase.
Dept also agrees allocation seat to Eastern Europe clearly preferable allocation to “Warsaw Pact” countries.Del should argue that (1) commitment based on criterion of “treaty relationship” or of control by one country over another obviously inconsistent Charter and sound policy; (2) allocation one seat East Europe should be geographical rather than ideological, as true in other areas; (3) present situation East Europe requires maximum flexibility be retained re candidacies that area; and (4) recent Soviet actions in Hungary, including stubborn disregard GA recommendations, militates against world community conceding USSR right select incumbent East European seat.
However, in view Delgas 210 and 2303 USSR may be expected oppose enlargement plan envisaging allocation to “Eastern Europe” rather than “People’s Democracies”. Evident USSR plans Phil election issue as leverage and uncertainty EE seat question also affecting [Page 149] support some Latin Americans for Phil candidacy. Dept believes not clear that USSR rather than US would actually bear onus preventing enlargement if USSR blocks increase size SC because our refusal accept Warsaw Pact allocation. Since considerable pressure for enlargement must be anticipated and US relations with other key areas may be very uncomfortable unless enlargement attained, US should not take position at this time which would wholly preclude some eventual compromise. If Del finds outcome Phil election endangered or USSR unwilling accept enlargement without assurances and that this position is winning wide support among other dels primarily interested enlargement SC, Del should promptly consult Dept.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 330/11–956. Confidential. Signed by Wilcox for the Secretary.↩
- Document 39.↩
- Delga 210 is printed as Document 45. Delga 230, November 29, reported mounting opposition within various Latin American delegations to the Philippines’ candidacy for the Security Council seat being vacated by Yugoslavia. Lodge wrote that Urrutia of the Colombian Delegation “said Soviets prepared accept corollary to present agreement whereby two new seats would go to Western Europe and Asia, with present Yugoslav seat remaining allocated Eastern Europe.” (Department of State, Central Files, 330/11–2956)↩