45. Telegram From the Mission at the United Nations to the Department of State1
Delga 210. Re conversation with Kuznetsov. Kuznetsov and Sobolev (USSR) came to see me on November 27 at their request. They took up following three items:
1. Security Council enlargement.
Kuznetsov said USSR was not enthusiastic about enlarging SC. He referred to exclusion Eastern European representatives from Council and to “violation” gentlemen’s agreement on allocation seats in Council. USSR might be prepared go along with increase of two, but could not justify enlargement unless it clear there would be EE seat. There would have to be some kind of understanding or agreement that would be on more definite basis than allocation in past. Sobolev said this did not need to be done in Charter but might be accomplished by GA resolution or report.
I pointed out that, of course, our attitude was so-called gentlemen’s agreement had only been applicable for one session but that I understood what they were interested in for future.
I inquired what they meant include in EE. Kuznetsov replied they were thinking of what they called “peoples democracies”, including Yugoslavia. In response to further question, he said they had not thought of Greece, Turkey or Finland. I told him I had no instructions on this question but would seek them immediately.
Kuznetsov also asked whether we had considered possible increase in permanent members. I told him we had not and asked what he had in mind, observing there might be number of claimants. Kuznetsov admitted there might be other aspirants but noted that at the present time there was only one big power in UN that was not permanent or non permanent member of SC, and that was India. In subsequent statement referring to an increase to “7 or 8” non permanent members, he implied increase of two might include one non permanent member and India as permanent member.
[Here follows discussion on the election to fill the Yugoslav seat on the Security Council and disarmament.]
Dept’s instructions requested on (1) allocation of SC seat to EE (see mytel 4862), (2) timing GA disarmament discussions and next [Page 145] session disarmament commission, and (3) US attitude toward discussions with USSR here on disarmament.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, 330/11–2856. Secret.↩
- Document 39.↩