123. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Pakistan1

1475. On basis information available consider concrete results Daud visit Karachi disappointing in light relatively favorable atmosphere which prevailed following Mirza’s prior visit Kabul. In fact Afghan “success” in inducing Pakistanis not only discuss “Pushtunistan” but insert reference to it in final communiqué would seem actual retrogression. You will recall Department in past has merely urged Pakistanis to listen to what Afghans had to say on subject but has carefully refrained from recommending they make any concessions on this point which would have effect derogating Pak sovereignty Pushtu areas.

Concur Karachi telegram 15532 US will have to continue in role of helpful middle man and attempt make progress other issues. Fact neither transit nor exchange Ambassadors apparently broached during Daud visit seems due solely to Afghan insistence speak of [Page 246] nothing but Pushtunistan, in contrast Pak conciliatory gestures during Mirza visit including offer transit facilities etc.

On Afghan side therefore our efforts should now be concentrated on convincing Daud and Naim that it is in their highest interest reciprocate very real evidences Pak desire friendship in order lay groundwork successful state visit King Zahir to Karachi. First step might be offer proceed forthwith to normalize relations by exchange Ambassadors. Suggest both Embassies at their discretion approach respective Governments on appropriate occasion achieve this objective.

Department also concerned over recent indications GOP may be losing interest in developing closer relations between two countries. Grudging tone of GOP aide-mémoire giving transit project assurances (Embtel 1570)3 together with Mirza and Ayub’s criticism of US policy re aid Afghanistan (Karachi despatch 302)4 might signify tendency revert tough policy in force prior Mirza visit Kabul. Believe this policy proved bankrupt during 1955 when it not only failed bring Daud to heel on Pushtunistan but pushed him towards greater reliance on Soviet Union. Suggest Karachi endeavor counter GOP tendencies slacken efforts develop Afghan-Pakistan cooperation, particularly re transit project.

Request comments both Embassies specifically re steps which might be taken this time further Afghan-Pak rapprochement.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 689.90D/12–356. Secret. Drafted by Witman and Jones and approved by Jones. Also sent to Kabul.
  2. In telegram 1553, December 3, Ambassador Hildreth reported that Daud’s visit to Kabul of December 1–2 achieved little in the way of concrete results and recommended that the United States accept the role of middleman to an even greater degree in the future and attempt to make progress on issues other than Pushtunistan. (Ibid.)
  3. Dated December 4, not printed. (Ibid., 989.7190D/12–456)
  4. Dated November 14, not printed. (Ibid., 780.5/11–1456)