795B.00/5–3052: Telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Korea1

top secret

894. Urtels 1171,2 1201.3 Recognize force position set forth ur 1201 but believe every effort shld be made along lines indicated Deptel 887.4 Re ur comments on restoration unity and reconciliation and ur estimate sharp cleavage, believe essential this stage you shld make every effort thru UNCURK and Emb facilities to compose differences. Before anything more positive done along lines ur 1171 and while urging lifting martial law believed here essential try everything possible to find compromise formula.

Gravity of our imposing martial law for polit purposes such that we must exhaust every effort short such step. Meanwhile to help our consideration recommendations ur 1171 request you consult with Van Fleet and Plimsoll (and other UNCURK members at ur discretion) on most confidential basis and tel soonest ur best ans fol questions:5

What is opinion UNCURK and Van Fleet as to desirability UNC taking over exercise police powers or imposing martial law Pusan? What do they think about timing?
Wld UNCURK be willing report SecGen UN recommending desirability such action if situation continues deteriorate? Once decision made we wld lay foundation for such step by appropriate representations each govt represented UNCURK as well as our principal allies.
What dangers wld be created of internal disturbance ROK directed against UNC? What wld be reaction Rhee, and his followers and ROK armed forces? What are possibilities Rhee continuing defiance of Natl Assembly, inspiring demonstrations and mob violence, or declaring emergency to gain his ends by any means if martial law lifted or taken over by UNC?
What wld be probable polit consequences in ROK especially re constitutional amendments and election pres? What are possibilities Natl Assembly will proceed, if practicable, elect new pres and Rhee nevertheless continue act as pres under emergency powers with control of police and armed forces?
What comments on best procedure bringing about imposition of martial law if it is considered feasible and desirable and also on its scope and method subsequent exercise?

In all discussions this subj you shld remember and stress decision not made for intervention this nature and we simply endeavoring assess possible effects of what wld be extremely serious action and be prepared for all contingencies.

Ur 12006 just recd. Also desire ur estimate whether any validity at all attaches Rhee’s claim Commie plot exists.

  1. This telegram was drafted by McClurkin and cleared with Allison and Johnson.
  2. Dated May 28, p. 264.
  3. Supra.
  4. Dated May 29, p. 264.
  5. The Embassy in Korea answered these questions in telegram 1228, June 1, p. 279.
  6. Dated May 30, p. 266.