795B.00/5–3052: Telegram

The Chargé in Korea (Lightner) to the Department of State

top secret

1201. Deptel 887, May 291 received after delivery official letter to Rhee (see Embtel 1200, May 30).2

Am sure series our messages reveals logical arguments such as have been made to Rhee again and again fail utterly to impress him. His personal political stake, which he identifies with good of Korea, is paramount consideration with him and as of today no sign he is weakening or will weaken in determination proceed on lines now clearly spelled out.

Pending decision pointed up in Embtel 1171, May 28,3 believe no stones should be left unturned in continuing apply heat even if representations kept to mere expressions concern or dissatisfaction. Therefore, welcome suggestion General Clark meet Rhee to emphasize military danger. Rhee, of course, will express complete sympathy and appeal for couple weeks more when quiet (of police state) will be restored. Of course, I shall welcome Ambassador’s return and will inform Rhee he is coming.

As for emphasis on need for restoration essential ROK unity and reconciliation Rhee and opposition, this sounds reasonable enough but I am afraid dodges real issue and fails take into account sharpness of cleavage. This is now struggle to death: Either Rhee has his way or Rhee falls. No one that I know close to scene here disagrees with that estimate. Washington agencies must make decision posed in Embtel 1171 and should make it now. In few weeks horse will be stolen and too late lock barn door.

In this respect I am concerned lest mil’s primary interest in maintaining security of rear areas and emphasis on law and order lead us to accept, however grudgingly, Rhee’s (and Peron’s4) version of law and order with eclipse of constitutional govt and regime of law. Rhee’s recent actions are alienating many people previously his close supporters, and while masses apathetic responsible circles growingly hostile to him. If he permitted have his way hope of ever having democratic govt here will be postponed indefinitely.

Rhee has thumbed his nose at US Govt today. He is playing for time and doesn’t need much. He appears quite willing receive any number official visitors, listen to their protestations, play through his wellknown phonograph record and then go on with his dirty work. My point is situation is crystal clear; US Govt cannot fall back on excuse [Page 269] later that it didn’t know what was up; and must decide now (I mean now) whether to let this thing slide or take necessary steps thwart it.

Matter of asylum becoming more pressing every day. Threat that 60 more Assemblymen about to be arrested makes this no longer question applying to few individuals. UNCURK discussing appeal of large group this afternoon. I appreciate no action possible until decision referred to above is made. Imminence of further arrests such that here again may be too late unless we have very early answer.

  1. Ante, p. 264.
  2. Supra.
  3. Ante, p. 264.
  4. Juan Domingo Perón, President of Argentina.