674.84A/8–2552: Telegram
No. 473
The Ambassador in Israel (Davis) to the Department of State1
310. Embtel 304.2 FonMin advises Israel Chargé Paris saw Egyptian Chargé there, gave him msg substantially as reported reftel and confirmed it in writing as requested by Egyptian.
Meanwhile FonMin spokesman was reported in press this a.m. as saying, altho no dipl steps yet taken re PriMins recent peace gesture toward Egypt, he thought such action “likely”. FonMin advises public statement unfortunate and inadvertent. Explains spokesman has no knowledge of steps reported reftel re overtures to Egypt.
Emb was informed further that MAC mtg has been called for Tues Aug 26 at Egypt’s request re recent patrol clash. While Egypt’s calling such mtg is regarded as hopeful sign, source stated more significant fact is Egyptian senior MAC delegate has requested private mtg with Israel senior delegate 2 hours before MAC meets.