674.84A/8–2252: Telegram
No. 472
The Ambassador in Israel (Davis) to the Department of State1
304. Embtels 191,2 2863 and last para 294.4 FonMin Sharett told me today he wished give background info about PriMin’s statement re Egypt and at same time advise me at early stage of action IG proposed take. He said he was sure USG would appreciate need [Page 986] for preserving confidential character fol, which he said has not yet been conveyed other govts.
Sharett indicated direct appeal to Egypt marked new departure for Israel and action had been taken after careful consideration. He said he had advised PriMin to make public statement rather than act through any third govt as intermediary. FonMin stated Israel now proposes act promptly to test whether statement attributed Ali Maher may mean any readiness consider Israel–Egypt rapprochement. He remarked both he and PriMin had come to know Ali Maher personally through roundtable discussions proposed in 1939 which were attended by reps Egypt and several other Arab states, but which failed because of refusal Palestine Arabs take a part. Sharett mentioned that Jewish del was headed by Dr. Chaim Weizmann and included BG and himself.
Present plan is to transmit to IG Chargé in Paris, Shmuel Divon, Israel offer meet Egypt, leaving it to Chargé to determine whether contact will be made in Paris or Bern and whether such contact will be purely oral or confirmed by aide-mémoire. In any case substance Israel communication will be as fols: “The Govt of Israel proposes to the Govt of Egypt that a mtg be held to discuss the estab of peace between the two countries. While being ready negotiate an immed peace, the Govt of Israel would also be willing should this be preferable to the Egypt Govt to enter at this stage into prelim parleys for the purpose of exploring the possibility of a peace settlement or of paving the way thereto.
“It is desirable that the Govt of Egypt should communicate its reaction to this proposal as soon as possible. If the response is affirmative, the Govt of Israel would suggest that the mtg take place somewhere in Europe, leaving choice of place to the Egypt Govt. The Govt of Israel is convinced that this initiative is in the common interest of both countries, of the region as a whole and of the peace of the world.”
Emb comment:Sharett was informed that above info was of definite interest and its confidential character would be duly safeguarded; that statements of PriMin and himself as well as public reaction thereto had been followed with great interest; that IG pronouncements on desirability improve Arab-Israel relations are constructive and that advocacy peace and stability in ME is worthwhile, whatever might be outcome of present initiative.
- Repeated to Cairo, London, Paris, and Ankara.↩
- Document 466.↩
- Not printed, but see footnote 2, supra.↩
- Telegram 294 from Tel Aviv, Aug. 22, reported that Western news despatches concerning Ben-Gurion’s speech of Aug. 18 were being closely watched in Israel. The last paragraph of the telegram included the following comment: “Emb has been informed by Fon Ministry latter has report as yet unconfirmed that Ali Maher’s reaction to Ben-Gurion’s statement gives reason hope Egyptian Govt has not closed door to possibility entertain proposals from I.G. Belief based on reported remark in press conference that Egyptian PriMin while recommending caution acceptance news reports of Ben-Gurion’s speech as accurate, said no proposal had actually been received from Israel’s PriMin. The fact that this rather negative statement is regarded here as a reason for optimism is a gauge of the eagerness with which the Israel Govt wld welcome any opportunity to improve relations with Egypt. Ben-Gurion continues to believe Egypt key to any progress toward liquidation Arab-Israeli dispute.” (674.84A/8–2052)↩