No. 114
Editorial Note
On June 13 a tripartite drafting group headed by Jessup, Franks, and Daridan began meeting in Washington to consider the reply to the Soviet note. At this meeting the French were without instructions, attending informally to take note of the discussion, and Franks and Jessup reviewed the positions of the United Kingdom and the United States on the proposed four-power meeting. The United States also introduced a new draft reply which was transmitted to London and Paris for delivery to Eden and Schuman. The Department of State reported on this meeting in telegram 6619 and transmitted the new draft in telegram 6609 to London, June 13. (662.001/6–1352 and 662A.00/6–952) The initial reaction in Paris and London was favorable, but on June 16 both Schuman and Eden indicated that they still preferred the French draft (telegram 7679, June 9, Document 109) as amended by Eden (footnote 3 to telegram 7679). Two more drafting sessions were held in Washington on June 16 and 17, but no progress other than agreement on the first [Page 271] five paragraphs of the draft reply was made. The reactions of Schuman and Eden were transmitted in telegrams 7856 from Paris and 5713 from London. (662A.00/6–1652 and 662.001/6–1652) The Department of State reported on the meetings of June 16 and 17 in telegrams 6655 and 6677 to London, June 16 and 17. (662.001/6–1652 and 662A.00/6–1752)