662.001/6–1352: Telegram
No. 113
The Acting United States High
Commissioner for Germany (Reber) to the Department of State1
3359. At Chancellor’s request Blankenhorn called on me this afternoon to inform me of Adenauer’s concern over Eden’s proposal for a mtg with Sovs which Kirkpatrick had described today along lines of draft contained in London’s 5677 (rptd Bonn 660, Paris 2455, Moscow 211).2 Chancellor told Kirkpatrick that, whereas door shld be left open for future negots with Sovs, such a proposal wld have serious effect upon chances of Ger ratification of contracts and EDC. It wld lead to conference without adequate preparation and leave the important points mentioned in allied reply of May 133 still open without obtaining any assurances as to free elections or freedom of action of any all-Ger Govt. It wld thus give Sovs full opportunity to confuse public opinion and create impression that allies had abandoned their previous position which had been fully understood in Ger. Chancellor thought Eden’s proposal wld have such serious repercussions on Ger opinion that it might force him to reconsider his decision to press for early ratification of treaties. In these circumstances he urged that efforts to clarify the Sov position continue through exchange of notes until after ratification, which he said was now more than ever before possible within six weeks. Chancellor asked me to communicate foregoing [Page 270] urgently to you and Blankenhorn said that Kirkpatrick has agreed to send similar msg to London.
I explained I had intended to call upon Chancellor today to dispel any misunderstanding as to US position which might have been created by leaks to foreign press re differences of opinion over reply to Sovs, and took this occasion to explain our views as outlined in recent tels. Blankenhorn said that these were similar to those held by Chancellor and said he wld inform latter immed.
Kirkpatrick has subsequently telephoned to confirm that Chancellor had stressed importance of the timing of any suggestion for mtg with Sovs. He said he was reporting to London urgency of Chancellor’s request that further clarification of Sov position be obtained before suggesting any mtg, thus giving him opportunity to press through ratification. He said Chancellor had also commented upon Eden’s proposal for setting up of an impartial commission by pointing out that as at present phrased this wld imply we had completely abandoned UN commission and were suggesting an entirely new approach.4
- Repeated to London, Paris, and Moscow.↩
- Document 111.↩
- Document 101.↩
- On June 15 Reber reported that Blankenhorn had seen him that morning and had stated that the Chancellor was still worried that the proposal for a four-power meeting would be made prior to ratification of the contractual agreements and the EDC Treaty. (Telegram 3370 from Bonn, 662A.00/6–1552)↩