310.2/4–1354: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State


618. My telegram 612, April 12. Regarding Membership. Belaunde (Peru) advised USUN officer yesterday that he had spoken with Vishinsky and Hoppenot regarding his thoughts on a twelve-country package deal consisting of Austria, Bulgaria, Ceylon, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Libya, Nepal, Portugal and Rumania. He expected to see Dixon (United Kingdom) later in day. According to Belaunde, Hoppenot did not raise any strong objection to deferring question of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam until results Geneva Conference known. He said Vishinsky noncommital, limiting himself to light comments on why Belaunde would exclude Albania and Outer Mongolia, and demurring somewhat when asked whether in truth he didn’t consider Austria, Finland and Ireland in neutral category. Belaunde said he also asked Vishinsky why the USSR didn’t urge the three satellites to show their good disposition by cooperating with conciliation commission. Belaunde reported that his colleagues on Good [Page 995] Offices Committee “authorized” him approach four powers, and he hoped to go to Washington this week. Later, Scheltema (Netherlands) confirmed that he and Egyptian colleague had interposed no objections to Belaunde’s initiating preliminary, exploratory talks. However, for his part, Scheltema stressed that he felt that he was not in a position to associate himself formally with a proposal which his own government might not approve. In reporting matter to The Hague, therefore, Scheltema was interested to know our reactions. He was told that I had given Belaunde a pessimistic reaction as my purely personal views, but that as yet we had not had any official comments from Department.
