310.2/4–1254: Telegram

The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State


612. Regarding membership. Belaunde (Peru) called on me Saturday morning at his request to give me his views on the membership question. He said that there were three countries who were above the Battle and who could be considered as neutrals in the cold war, to wit: Ireland, Finland, Austria. Both Ireland and Austria, he pointed out, were not members of NATO. On behalf of the West, there were Italy and Portugal. On behalf of the East, there were Hungary, Rumania, Bulgaria. On behalf of the Arab world, there were Libya and Jordan. On behalf of Asia, there were Nepal and Ceylon. He did not feel that Russia could reasonably object to Libya, Jordan, Nepal and Ceylon.

As far as Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria were concerned, they were at present outside of the international order because they are [Page 994] not regarded as Pacific nations which carry out their international obligations. From a legalistic and juridical standpoint there is the fact that the ICJ at The Hague has held that Hungary, Rumania and Bulgaria must name the third member of the Conciliation Commission and that they have not done so. He thought it would be well if the UK were to persuade these three countries to name the individuals and that the individuals named would be approved by us in advance. He felt that the above twelve countries constituted a “package” which might have some chance of approval.

I told him that I was not at all optimistic and did not feel that he ought to get his hopes up about such a package being approved by us. I said that speaking purely personally, it seemed to me that the only package which was really attractive was one in which all of the five permanent members would agree to give up their right to veto the admission of new States. But I made it clear that this was a purely personal view on my part and did not represent the US position.

He said he wanted to go to Washington and talk with the people in Department, who would have this matter in charge. He assumed that it would be Bedell Smith. I assume it would be Assistant Secretary Key. Will you please advise me whom he should see when he goes to Washington because he would like to go within a week or two.
