310.2/7–3054: Telegram
The United States Representative at the United Nations (Lodge) to the Department of State
100. Re Chinese representation. In preliminary review of ninth GA agenda items with UKDel yesterday, we emphasized Churchill’s statement in Parliament on this subject, our assumption that UK is wholly with us on continuation of moratorium in ninth GA and our assumption that overwhelming majority of GA would support us.
Crosthwaite said this was “leaping a stage”. The moratorium understanding now in existence between us, he said, applied only to a resumed eighth or special GA session and not necessarily to the ninth. Selwyn Lloyd, he said, had also made a statement in Parliament to the effect that the UK would not force the issue. His statement had not been as fully publicized as Churchill’s but should also be considered.
UKDel, Crosthwaite went on, had not yet received instructions as to the handling of this issue in ninth GA, he promised to let us know soon as they did. It is essential in my view that we take initiative and get this question settled with UK right away. In doing so I think we should insist that moratorium agreement apply for full length of ninth session and not be limited to end of calendar year as it was last session.
I am urging this on Dixon today and Department may also wish to take action in London or Washington.