310.2/7–3054: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Embassy in France
402. Your 359.1 Notwithstanding your 3972 Department concerned possibility French may be considering recognition Communist China. USUN shares this concern USUN 75. Department concurs USUN belief representations should be made French Government in strong terms to withhold recognition and continue oppose seating in UN.
You should seek early appropriate opportunity inform French Government United States earnestly hopes it will continue non-recognition Communist China and support Chinese Nationalist Government in UN and elsewhere. United States position stems from fact Communist China is aggressor and acts in violation all standards international conduct. Any increased diplomatic acceptance of Communist China would directly serve Communist purposes. Anti-Communist forces in Laos Cambodia Vietnam faced with difficult future in view communist penetration already present those areas would undoubtedly be weakened by French recognition Communist China. Important overseas Chinese communities Southeast Asia, already targets large-scale Communist propaganda, would be adversely affected. Thailand Philippines Republic of China among free world’s best friends in Far East would be dealt severe blow and Communist elements Burma Indonesia strengthened and emboldened. Result would be important damage French and free nations Far East and gain for Communist orbit all over world.
Mention might be made adverse effect on United States public opinion as to France. You may wish remark United States Government has no reason believe French Government has any intention departing from firm position it has consistently and usefully maintained on this issue since 1950. However these views are set forth to insure that our understanding on this important matter remains complete.
- In Paris telegram 359, July 26, the Embassy reiterated the fears of the Chinese Chargé in France (Tuan), already set forth in Paris telegram 283, July 21, that French recognition of the Peking regime was imminent and that “U.S. persuasion only hope forestalling such action.” (751G.00/7–2654)↩
- In Paris telegram 397, July 28, the Embassy reported that French Foreign Ministry official Roux “again confirmed today that although possible recognition of Communist China has been advanced by Geneva no action is in prospect at present. He agreed with Embassy that perhaps West is apt to exaggerate importance Chinese attach to diplomatic recognition pointing out that subject was never broached by them at Geneva. Roux expressed further opinion that Peking attention was concentrated on participating in international meetings and acquiring membership in international organizations, particularly U.N. itself, rather than to obtaining diplomatic recognition from those powers who have failed to grant it to date.” (751G.00/7–2854)↩