689.90D/11–1551: Telegram
The Ambassador in Pakistan (Warren) to the Secretary of State
524. Acting FonMin Mahmud Hussain informed me tonight in conversation called at his request that Paks had recd info over past two-three weeks that Afghan auths had recently surreptitiously released from incarceration over 120 known killers with orders infiltrate Pak and eliminate Pak public men. At first Paks did not believe but Hussain states that info has now reached Paks causing them consider reports beyond doubt. He wld not reveal sources of latter info beyond admitting that some came from Pak Emb Kabul, but with most from many other sources. Added that if other public men assassinated by suspected Afghan nationals, govt will be unable hold people in check.
Dept pass Kabul; sent Dept 524, rptd info Kabul 43.