689.90D/11–1551: Telegram

The Ambassador in Pakistan (Warren) to the Secretary of State


525. In conversation tonight Mahmud Hussain Acting Fon Min stated that when Abdul Majid in Karachi on way to US he called on PriMin and on Hussain. Majid stated to Hussain Afghan had to make friends with Paks otherwise Afghan wld be “taken over by Soviets”. Hussain replied Paks willing go all out on their side improve Pak-Afghan relations on mutual basis economically and politically, exchanging Amb, ceasing propaganda and even discussing Pushtoon question without publicity. Majid stated Afghan Govt wld have let people know question being discussed owing popular feeling. Hussain stated Paks cld not have publicity due loss face with Pak public. He emphasized to Majid this not concession on Pak’s part. Agreement reached between two that propaganda wld gradually decrease over period three months at end of which Amb wld exchange and at that stage discussions on Pushtoon and other issues wld begin. Majid was to write to Afghan Fon Min not then in Kabul and answer wld be channeled thru Colonel Shah to Hussain. No reply yet recd by Pak.

Dept pass Kabul; sent Dept 525, rptd info Kabul 44.
