694.001/11–751: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Paris
Telac 10. For Secretary1 from Dulles. As I think you know, John Sparkman, Alex Smith and I plan to be in Japan about mid-Dec2 with view to getting in best possible position to handle Treaty ratifications in Jan–Feb. A major aspect will be probable future relations of Japan with Formosa which has been greatly confused by equivocal statements made by Yoshida in course of Diet debates/Some of his statements will greatly disturb Congress and have bad effect on Treaty ratification. In view of what Yoshida has said feel it indispensable that when in Tokyo three of us should get some indication of Jap intention more reliable than Yoshida’s recent public utterances which slant both ways. Without that, Sparkman and Smith will be in a difficult position to handle Treaties in Senate.
It seems to me highly desirable that first effort should be endeavor clear situation with UK, particularly having in mind new Govt3 may take somewhat different approach than Labor Govt and might not be opposed to Jap Govt making at least limited peace treaty with Nationalist Govt which wld be operative within the de facto authority of that Govt, both territorially and as voting member of UN in which and in organs of which Japan seeks membership. Although we have been discussing such limited treatment with Chi Emb and Taipei for many months, we are not yet clear whether Generalissimo4 will accept limited treaty but if Japanese propose it and he refuses, then responsibility will be his.
Our practical suggestion is that Merchant, now on leave, but who thoroughly familiar with entire background, shld promptly go London for discussion with FonOff which might be consummated between Dening and me at Tokyo so that we cld present united front there and avoid conflict which wld be embarrassing and which Japs wld tend to capitalize on for their own purposes. Policy and program here outlined has approval of EUR, FE and Matthews. If you concur, we wld appreciate being promptly advised and also ask you to mention [Page 1394] matter to Eden5 with view to his seeing Merchant in London after Merchant has first approached FonOff officials. Feel importance of trying continue united US–UK front in Japan justifies Eden giving, this matter personal attention. We do not however feel you need discuss details with him at this time as probably it wld be better to have first discussion take place with FonOff officials without whose advice we wld not expect Eden to commit himself. [Dulles.]
- Mr. Acheson was in Paris from November 2 through 21 for the meetings of the Western Foreign Ministers.↩
- Mr. Dulles and his companions arrived in Tokyo December 10.↩
- A Conservative Cabinet had taken office in the United Kingdom on October 26.↩
- Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, President of the Republic of China.↩
- Anthony Eden, Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.↩