694.001/11–851: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser to SCAP (Sebald) to the Secretary of State


Topad 963. ReDeptel 729, Nov 31 rptd info Taipei 374. In lengthy conversation with me yesterday, Iguchi strongly confirmed that notwithstanding Yoshida’s recent “indiscreet” remarks in Diet re relations with China, policy of Jap Govt towards China remains in strict conformity with contents ltr dated Aug 6 Yoshida to Dulles (Mistel 278 Aug 7)2 and that Japan has no present intention establish relations any kind with Commie China. He stated underlying reason Yoshida’s statement was desire minimize UK and Commonwealth reactions to recent announcement opening Overseas Agency Taipei. In this connection Iguchi cited Secy Acheson’s remarks to PriMin in San Francisco to effect that Japan wld be well advised to go slow in opening peace talks with Chi Nat Govt3 and, further, Yoshida’s desire do everything possible not antagonize UK and Commonwealth Govts prior their ratification peace treaty. Iguchi described Gluttons attitude when announcement regarding Overseas Agency Taipei made as “unhappy” but under further questioning denied Clutton or Dening (who recently called upon Yoshida) had protested or used pressure on Jap Govt re estab of relations with either Chi Nat or Commie Govt.

Iguchi said Nagata of Kimura’s4 staff proceeding Taipei “next week to find office and living accommodations, Kimura to proceed with rest of staff by end of Nov”. In meantime some 50 Jap businessmen, headed by Domen (Pres Ajinomoto Co) proceeding Taipei during Nov to take part in Jap fair to be held there.

[Page 1392]

On question timing negots peace treaty with Chi Nat Govt, Iguchi was rather evasive and first said present thinking was that negots shld be delayed until peace treaty comes into effect because of effects early negots might have upon other govts which have not yet ratified. Further conversation produced to mission, however, no objection perceived why Kimura shld not become channel for exploration prelim views. One problem raised by Iguchi was that Chi Nat Govt had made no approach. When I asked why Jap Govt shld not make approach, Iguchi referred to Art 25 of treaty which he said Jap Govt construes to mean Chi Nat Govt must take initiative. Careful reading of Art 25 apparently satisfied Iguchi no firm provision made regarding which’ govt must take initiative. It was apparent Japs waiting for Chi Nat Govt make first approach. Shld such approach be made through Kimura, Iguchi said latter wld necessarily have to ask for instrs which cld be given only after Cabinet approval to proceed with negots.

I told Iguchi in my personal opinion no reason why Kimura or other suitable rep shld not on confidential basis, explore broad issues such as type and nature of treaty. Iguchi agreed and said Kimura will in any event initiate negots leading to settlement respective property questions under Art 4 thus at least making beginning.

Most pertinent reason for delay on part Jap Govt appears to be impression gathered by Yoshida in San Francisco in consequence his conversation with Secy and Dulles that time is not propitious proceed with negots. I pointed out to Iguchi that I was present at interview and reed distinct impression that Secretary’s and Dulles’ advice applied only to situation as of Sept 2, a situation which in meantime has changed considerably. In reviewing possibilities ratifications UK and Commonwealth Govts, Iguchi agreed exploratory negots with Chi Nat Govt wld not necessarily affect final results. I also gathered impression from Iguchi’s remarks and attitude that Jap Govt wld be receptive to approach by Chi Nat rep whether Tokyo or Taipei. Question of who takes initiative seems to be an important factor in Jap thinking.

Although I did not directly say that US wld consider it desirable that Japan promptly enter into negots for peace treaty with Chi Nat Govt I believe general tenor my conversation cld not but convey to Iguchi impression that such move wld be welcomed by US. In this connection, does Dept desire me go further in encouraging Jap Govt seek negots with Chi Nat Govt or is there any possibility latter cld be advised first approach?5

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Iguchi said he wld report our conversation to PriMin and intimated he would keep in touch with me on this question.

Sent Dept 963, rptd info Taipei 46.

  1. See footnote 4, p. 1390.
  2. See footnote 1, p. 1241.
  3. See the memorandum by Mr. Sebald of the Prime Minister’s conversation with Mr. Acheson and other officials held September 3, p. 1315.
  4. Mr. Kimura had been designated head of the Overseas Agency established at Taipei on November 17.
  5. In telegram 768 to Tokyo, November 9, the Department stated in part it considered action taken by the Mission sufficient for the time being, pending an effort to secure agreement of the United Kingdom to conclusion of at least a limited peace treaty between Japan and the Republic of China. (693.94/11–951)