693.94/10–451: Telegram

The United States Political Adviser to SCAP (Sebald) to the Secretary of State


Topad 684. In informal conversation with me Sir Esler Dening advocated idea that Japan’s best interest lies in refusing estab dipl relations with either Taipei or Peiping regimes, notwithstanding [Page 1374] desirability Japan carry on trade with both govts, which he considers only realistic course for Japan to follow. Recalled Jap withdrawal recognition Czarist Govt, but failure recognize USSR until four years later. Consequently no reason why Japan cld not follow same procedure towards China until situation clarifies. In his opinion reestablishment relations with Taipei wld not be best interest Japan as commitment undoubtedly wld cause later embarrassment, especially as Chi Natl Govt incapable re-establishing hold on mainland.

Dening proposing call on Yoshida within next few days at which time it is safe assumption he will advance above ideas in endeavor influence Jap course of action.1

  1. In telegram 2204 from London, November 6, the Embassy stated in part:

    “At FonOff yesterday Emb officer permitted read series of background papers on EE problems for use by Eden in discussions with (Secretary. Salient points as fols:

    “Japan: Only question at issue between US and UK in connection with Japan was what Chi Govt wld sign peace treaty. This problem resolved through compromise last June; however, UK understands there are forces at work which may attempt influence Jap into recognition Formosa rather than CPG. For example, certain Senators may insist US ratification of treaty dependent on Jap commitment recognize Chiang Kai-shek. UK position is Japan’s interest wld be best served for present if it recognized neither regime but entered into commercial relations with each. Dening has spoken to Japs along these lines. Dening’s efforts obtain assurances from SCAP and USPolAd of their neutrality this regard have met with ‘evasive’ replies.” (790.00/11–651)