751G.13/12–751: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Legation at Saigon
788. Urtel 1147. Upon Huu’s return Leg is authorized present note explaining US views re continued failure of Vietnam Govt to draw up budget and difficulty this presents for US Govt particularly in dealing with matters of econ aid. Tactful attn shld also be drawn to fact that continued absence of full time Min of Defense also presents difficulties in connection with US mil aid. Note shld refer to previous conversations with Huu this subj and statement made that it is being presented upon instructions ur Govt in order to reaffirm views expressed verbally on past occasions.
Copy shld be given Bao Dai for whatever use he chooses with Huu. This wld serve double purpose of formalizing US views while at [Page 561] same time satisfying points made by Emperor in his recent “note” (urtel 1129 Dec 3).
Sent to AmLegation Saigon 788, rptd AmEmbassy Paris for info 3451.