751G.13/12–1151: Telegram
The Ambassador in France (Bruce) to the Secretary of State
3491. Saigon tel 1147 December 7 rptd Paris 443. Emb agrees with Saigon that US Govt shld not put itself in position middleman between Bao Dai and his own PriMin in effort have Vietnamese Govt do things it shld. Emb does not believe that US Govt shld adopt paternal role vis-à-vis Vietnamese Govt in attempting offer advice or exerting pressure unless such advice or pressure can be related to US mil and econ assistance. US aid program does provide lever which can be used.
It is Emb’s view, therefore, that any approach made to Vietnamese Govt shld be on basis US Govt desire and expectation see its aid utilized effectively. On that basis we wld be justified in expressing concern and interest re question of budget, which has definite bearing on US aid, and re post Min Def, which can be related to formation national army as latter dependent to considerable extent upon US matériel. Expression our concern and interest wld seem to require some fairly plain talk and not just reading of lecture, which cld be listened to and ignored with same degree politeness.
Emb assumes that prior to any such approach Leg wld wish discuss matter with French authorities Saigon in order avoid any misunderstanding or misinterpretation that we were assuming supervisory role over Vietnamese Govt directed toward supplanting French.
Sent Dept 3491, rptd info Saigon 187.