793.5851G/12–1851: Telegram

The Minister at Saigon (Heath) to the Secretary of State


1220. Legtel 1083, November 261. Fol receipt disturbing reports re internee desertions Phu Quoc Island Gen Hwang Chieh2 and Fr representative have made independent journeys island to ascertain facts. Conditions now appear better than previously described. Hwang Chieh has stated to Leg that upon his appeal to deserters return camps approx 100 who had remained on island heeded request, while ltrs have been recd from Cambodian mainland deserters stating the desire rejoin fight against Communism but not remain idle and uncomfortable in internment camps. Fr rep has substantiated Hwang’s statements.

Solutions internee problem proposed Deptel 746, December 3 appear Leg impracticable. Re internee volunteers Fr Union forces, Natlist commanders wld surely never agree this owing fear subsequent dispersal their units with resentment loss own commands as well as slim credit they believe wld accrue Natlist troops operating under Fr flag. For Fr part, Chi Nats wld probably not be regarded as acceptable Fr Union armies because (1) Fr interpretation internatl law prohibiting such move, (2) purported scarcity liaison officers assignable Chi troops, (3) ill feeling which wld probably develop between Chi and Viets components union forces. As for proposal Chi Nats “melt” into large Chi communities IC, Leg fears maneuver wld hardly be successful. Large majority internees are not from Kwangtung, Chi province most heavily represented by local overseas Chi, but rather from North Kwangsi, Yunnan, Hupei and even Hopei provinces. They have few relatives IC, little commercial or artisan experience and no capital. Moreover, Viets belief is that Chi already resident IC are too numerous. 30,000-man increment wld hardly be acceptable to Viets Govtal, or public opinion. Finally, of “melt” doubtless more than few wld for reasons necessity if not conviction find way cooperate with Chi Com elements IC.

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Altho internee situation appears momentarily improved, potential gravity as well as actual expense Fr suggests some early action. Leg remains of view best solution wld be that of unpublicized repatriation Formosa internees in small groups, ships and funds to be furnished by Chi Nat Govt. Local Nat auths have frequently expressed to Leg certainty that Nat Govt wld gladly send shipping and defray repatriation costs. Possibility even exists that internees might “escape” in small lots from camps and board Nat ships offshore, procedure not without historical analogy.

By whatever means, Leg wld counsel earliest treatment of what Dept aptly describes as this “open sore which benefits no one but VM.”

Sent Dept 1220, rptd info Paris 466, Taipei 42, Hong Kong 101, Hanoi unnumbered.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Commander of interned Chinese Nationalist troops.