No. 254


The Ambassador in Italy (Dunn) to the Secretary of State 1


3627. Statement of results of Santa Margherita conference as sent to me by Sforza in confidence is quoted below. We are also sending by despatch a copy of secret summary of economic discussions.2 We have also copy of letter on Schuman Plan iron ore agreement which confirms information in Paris’ telegram 4884 February 17.

Perhaps best result of conference from our point of view is that no information thus far available indicates any lessening of support by either French or Italians of primacy of NAT objectives over long-range problems of European unification.

Additionally Italian Government has been strengthened as result of conference by appearance being given of pursuit of “independent” foreign policy with promise of French support of Italian views in international forums. This will probably not mean much change in actual practice but psychological effect here has been very favorable.

[Page 574]

“Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers of Italy and France decided:

  • “a. To maintain intimate solidarity between them for purpose of thwarting any maneuver aimed to break up Atlantic unity;
  • “b. To resolve in full agreement problems concerning organization of common defense and common rearmament, which will be continued with maximum energy;
  • “c. To harmonize economic policy of two countries on raw materials;
  • “d. Until customs union can be perfected, two governments will constantly seek every occasion to develop their economic cooperation and increase their commercial exchanges;
  • “e. Ministers also decided that there will be exchanges of information and contacts before any political conference;
  • “f. Ministers emphasized interest of two countries in Yugoslavia’s defense and independence;
  • “g. French Ministers reaffirmed that their government remains faithful to declaration of March 20, 1948 regarding the Free Territory of Trieste;
  • “h. While considering that European Army would be one of elements of Atlantic force, ministers agreed to give every priority, in organization of defense, to creation of integrated force.”

  1. Repeated to Paris.
  2. Despatch 2460 from Paris, February 21, not printed. (451.6531/2-2151)