396.1–PA/6–451: Telegram

The United States Delegation at the Four-Power Exploratory Talks to the Secretary of State 1


7473. The following text is free translation of Soviet reply handed in at conference by Mr. Gromyko this afternoon. Copies likewise delivered to three Embassies in Moscow.

“The Soviet Government considers necessary and desirable as it has previously considered, the earliest convocation of a CFM of the Four Powers for the consideration of the most important questions relating to the liquidation of the tense situation in Europe and the strengthening of peace.

However, the Soviet Govt considers that it would be inexpedient to break off the work of the Conference of the Deputies of the Ministers in Paris and that it shld be given the possibility of continuing its work for an agreement on an agenda for the CFM and the inclusion in the agenda of the question concerning the Atlantic Pact and military bases of the USA as an unagreed item.

The Soviet Govt considers that a frank consideration of the question of American bases and of the Atlantic Pact, which constitutes the chief cause of the worsening of relations between the USSR and the Three Powers wld appreciably relieve the atmosphere of tension in Eur and wld facilitate the work of the mtg of the CFM.

In conformity therewith, the Sov Govt will be prepared immediately to send its rep to a mtg of the CFM in Washington as soon as the mtg of the Deputy Foreign Ministers in Paris will have favorably decided the question of the inclusion in the agenda of the item concerning the Atlantic Pact of the military bases of the USA.”2

  1. Repeated to London, Frankfurt, and Bonn.
  2. A copy of the Russian text of this note is in file 396.1–PA/6–451. The text was also published in Pravda on June 5.