740.5/9–2051: Telegram
The Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Turkey 1
213. For Amb. You are requested to deliver in person the fol msg from Pres Truman to Pres Bayar as soon as possible: (For Athens: Pls deliver identical msg to Venizelos substituting Greece for Turkey where appropriate)
“I wish to convey to you my deep personal gratification, as well as that of my govt, at the decision of the NAT Council, mtg in Ottawa, that subject to ratification by their govts they wld extend to Turk an invitation to become a full member of the NATO. I am sure that you have by this time reed from the Pres of the Council a formal notification of this action.
“I am particularly pleased with this decision because I know that it represents the fulfillment of a deep desire on the part of the Turk govt and Turk people, and a recognition of the valiant efforts Turk has made, in the post war period, to maintain her independence and integrity in the face of persistent threats and pressures. We have, as you know, long had the desire that Turk be invited to accede to the NAT. We have had the firm conviction that Turk can contribute greatly to the objectives of the Treaty, which represents a milestone in the efforts of the Atlantic community to create a security system to protect their independence and their common ideals.
“Turk will, I feel sure, benefit greatly from her membership in the Treaty Organization. As a signatory of the Treaty, Turk will have the same rights and, of course, will assume the same responsibilities as other members. We are glad that the excellent cooperation between your country and ours, which has enabled us, since 1947, to assist in [Page 576] the building up of Turk’s econ and mil strength, can now be fitted into the larger framework of the NAT.
“It will take some time to meet the constitutional requirements for parliamentary ratification by the various govts, including our own, of the action taken by the Council before a formal invitation can be extended. I hope, however, that the time to achieve this can be reduced to a minimum.
“I wish to assure you once again of our pleasure at the prospect of welcoming Turk into full membership in the NATO to which we attach such great significance. We look forward to working with Turk in this org to help build the bastions of the free world for defense against the Commie menace which Turkey knows so well.”
We assume Gr-Turk Govts will wish make above msg public, which Dept wld welcome. Pls inform Dept re Gr-Turk plans for release, so that appropriate steps can be taken here.
In order that there may be no misunderstanding of steps required to effect formal invitation and accession of Gr-Turk to NATO, you are authorized, in your discretion, to explain informally procedure outlined Dept circular 247, Sept. 10.2 Resolution and Protocol (particularly revised Art VI of Treaty) have undergone certain modifications in NAC mtg and therefore texts communicated ref circular shld not, be transmitted to Gr-Turk Govts.
- Drafted by C. R. Moore and by Elbrick of RA, cleared with NE and Defense, and repeated to Athens. These messages to the President of Turkey and the Prime Minister of Greece were subsequently released to the public and published in the Department of State Bulletin, October 8, 1951, p. 571. The formal reply (undated) of President Celal Bayar of Turkey, thanking President Truman for continued moral and political aid to Turkey and recognition of Turkey’s determination to defend its sovereignty is printed, ibid, October 22, 1951, p. 650. The formal reply of Prime Minister Venizelos of Greece, dated September 24, thanking President Truman for his continued support of Greek independence and of Greek desires to accede to the North Atlantic Treaty is printed ibid. ↩
- Not printed.↩