Editorial Note
The problems surrounding the creation of Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Middle East military commands and the admission of Greece and Turkey to NATO were discussed during the course of the first meeting between Acheson and Morrison on September 10 and the first, second, and seventh meetings between Acheson, Morrison, and Schuman on September 12 and 14 at the Washington Foreign Ministers Meetings. Morrison stated that owing to “political necessities” the United Kingdom could not go ahead with such vital NATO matters as the announcement of the Atlantic Command until the Middle East Command could also be announced. At several points, Secretary Acheson stressed the need for a decision on the admission of Greece and Turkey at the forthcoming Seventh Session of the North Atlantic Council, and the United States drafted a proposed procedure for the accession of the two countries to NATO. However, the communiqué issued by the three Foreign Ministers at the close of the meetings on September 14 was silent concerning both the establishment of regional commands and the Greek-Turkish issue. For further documentation, see pages 1163 ff.