740.5/8–951: Telegram
The United States Deputy Representative on the North Atlantic Council (Spofford) to the Secretary of State 1
Depto 175. Burin des Roziers tells me that Fr position on Gr and Turk, subj to confirmation when new govt formed,2 is as fols:
Fr wld have preferred separate inter-locked pact but wld “not oppose” full membership provided command structure satisfactorily settled. Their idea of satisfactory solution is that Turk as well as Gr shld be under SHAPE and that any ME command shld be under SG as such rather than separate body composed of SG members and Turk. Their fear is that such separate body, even though composed of three persons who comprise SG wld, with addition of Turk and possible dominion representative, have interests and responsibilities in conflict with those of SG. When I suggested this seemed more distinction than difference and that SG members wld certainly not vote differently under different hats, he reiterated Fr considered question of divergent and possibly conflicting interests and responsibilities one of great importance. Also indicated that wld constitute enlargement of SG in which Italians might claim shares, and dilution of its authority. I suspect this attitude is combination of long-standing Fr desire to have SG authority extended beyond NATO area and their fear that their minority continental position in SG, as opposed to US and UK who are preoccupied with Middle Eastern as well as Eur theaters, wld be further weakened in another body which included reps of Turks and possibly another dominion. He stated that unless any Middle Eastern command were directly subordinate to SG as such Fr wld not agree to full membership.