751G.00/10–2350: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation at Saigon


462. Reurtel 635 Oct 23. In including Para 7 in msg to be delivered to Bao Dai (Depts 384 Oct 18) Dept did not seek to accentuate the point that he move his residence from Dalat to Saigon altho such a move wld be welcome. Primarily, we wish to impress on Bao Dai our urgent hope that he will see fit to abandon his aloof attitude toward Vietnamese governmental affairs in favor of a more active participation in day to day problems. A change of residence to Saigon wld be a step forward but of little consequence unless, concurrently, the Chief of State discarded his present system of dealing with matters of state only after prolonged delay, from afar, and through the intermediary of a palace clique. We wld seek to have Bao Dai devote himself to more productive efforts in dealing with the multitudinous problems now facing Vietnam and use the influence which only he can command with his compatriots toward constructive ends.

Moreover, it was the Depts purpose in Para 7 of msg to give Bao Dai first official implication that US Govt does not regard him as indispensible to contd existence and growth in stability of legal Govt of Vietnam. It is not inconceivable that if Bao Dai’s ineffectiveness continues another non commie Viet Nationalist leader might seek to replace him as Chief of State and that the Dept might view such a development as not obstructing the objectives we now seek in carrying out the present policy of furnishing econ and mil aid to Vietnam.

It is therefore urged that you deliver the contents of Para 7 during the course of ur next interview with Bao Dai placing less emphasis on the ques of residence in Saigon and more on other aspects. The Dept shld not like to think that Bao Dai uses the controversial ques of the palace in Saigon as an excuse to stay in Dalat where he can remain aloof from tiresome problems and pursue his pleasures without being in the public eye.

We are encouraged by his statements concerning the formation of Natl army, his own intention to assume command and plans to visit [Page 914] central and north Vietnam in the near future. Pls continue to push these points with him at every opportunity.
