751G.5/10–2550: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Legation at Saigon


436. In view both State and Defense immed polit and mil advantages sought in natl army plan must be found thru immed integration [Page 910] into natl army commanded by Bao Dai of armed native contingents such as Caodists, Hoa Hao, Catholics, etc. Technical difficulties inherent in this effort well known but must somehow be overcome.

Caodists offer (Legtel 638)1 development of highest importance in Depts opinion. We believe every possible effort shld be made by Leg, Emb Paris and Dept to get these men in the fight as part of the new natl army.

Discussions with Bishops Thuc and Chi and Ngo Dinh Diem during past month centered in large part around Depts expressed conviction that mil forces of Bishop must become part of natl army at once. Dept believes that these conversations will bear fruit and will advise developments soonest.

Technical conversations prelim to Moch–Petsche conferences Fr mil stated that seventy-six thousand suppletives cld be incorporated ultly into the natl armies. These they describe as three state forces including regulars and irregulars (see Deptel 307, Sep 27).2

Leg advise Dept and Paris of any steps believe practical to expand Caodists offer and incorporation suppletives natl armies.

  1. In telegram 638 from Saigon, October 23, not printed, Heath relayed reports of willingness on the part of the Cao Dai sect to contribute troops to the Vietnamese national army (751G.5/10–2350).
  2. Not printed.