751G.00/10–2050: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consulate at Hanoi
75. Re Saigon’s 604, Oct 20 to Dept.1 Under no circumstances remain Hanoi in event Viet Minh occupation. You will evacuate when Fr officials, army and Govt of Vietnam leave or even sooner if you decide circumstances warrant. Assumed you will alert Amer cits to depart on or before date you evacuate. Dept agrees fully with Min Heath that no useful purpose wld be served in remaining while on other hand your usefulness to Viet Minh as hostage might be considerable.
Dept surprised Brit Con decision remain. Is this his own decision or has it been taken with concurrence of or under instructions from FonOff?2
Telegram 604 from Saigon, October 20, read as follows:
“Blancké wires that in case Viet Minh take Hanoi British Consul plans to stay for moral effect on Vietnamese and in which case he feels he should also stay. I wired Blancké that my reaction was that if French officials and North Vietnam Government leave Hanoi he should accompany them. I would see no purpose in letting Viet Minh have an official hostage to mistreat and use for bargaining purposes.” (751G.00/10–2050)
↩ - In telegram 166 from Hanoi, October 27, Blancké reported that the remarks by the British Consul on staying were of a personal nature (751G.00/10–2750).↩