740.00116 PW/4–149

Memorandum by the Chief of the Division of Northeast Asian Affairs (Bishop) to the State–Army–Navy–Air Force Coordinating Committee

Memorandum for the Secretary, SANACC

Subject: FEC Recommendation on Trial of Japanese War Criminals

There is enclosed a copy of a recommendation regarding the trial of Japanese War Criminals which was approved at the 147th meeting of the Far Eastern Commission on March 31, 1949, by a vote of six in favor (Australia, France, India, New Zealand, U.K. and U.S.), 1 against (Philippines) and 4 abstentions (Canada, China, Netherlands and USSR).

[Page 697]

It is requested that the text of the attached recommendation be forwarded to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for transmission to General MacArthur for his information.

The Secretary General of the Far Eastern Commission has been requested by the U.S. Government to delay release of this recommendation to the press until this cable has been dispatched.1

Max W. Bishop
  1. For recommendation released April 1, see Department of State Bulletin, May 1, 1949, p. 569. For report of FEC meeting on March 31, see ibid., p. 570.