- Abbott, George M., 1163
- Acheson, Dean G.:
- Allied Council for Japan, 919
- Asia, U.S. policy toward, 1117, 1209
- Chiang–Quirino Conference at Baguio, 1151–1152, 1154–1157, 1159–1169, 1171–1173
- Chiang–Rhee discussions at Chinhae, 1181–1182, 1184–1185
- China, Republic of: Military conversations with Republic of Korea, 1080, 1092; U.S. policy, 1140–1141
- Chinese Communists, attitude toward, 1206–1207
- Council of Foreign Ministers, meeting of, 1146n
- Economic-commercial conference at Tokyo, 921
- Far East, U.S. policy toward, 853, 857, 1193, 1194n
- Far Eastern Commission: Meetings of, 644–647, 649–650, 666–667, 678–680, 685–692, 697–698, 703–704, 709–713, 715–716, 723–724, 727–729, 737–738, 749–750, 784–786, 807–808, 825–826, 876–877, 882, 887–888, 897, 910, 917–918; U.S. policy, 699, 801–802, 812, 846, 886–887, 1141
- India, U.S. policy toward, 1140, 1207–1208
- Indochina, U.S. policy toward, 1207
- Indonesia, U.S. policy toward, 1140
- Japan: Consular and trade representation abroad, 801; international affairs, participation in, 713–714, 744, 792–797, 880–881; Japanese fishing vessels, movements of, 700; Japanese prisoners of war, Soviet repatriation of, 754, 783, 919–920, 938–939; labor policies and problems, 771; most-favored-nation treatment for, 682–683; political situation, 628, 746; purge program, 684; reparations question, 631, 633, 639–642, 650–652, 654, 681, 699–705, 707–708, 716–720, 736–737, 748, 750–751, 754, 764–766, 782, 903, 1141; U.S. occupation policies, 648, 663–664, 676–677, 708–709, 740, 753, 778, 781, 786, 793–794, 797–799, 803, 814, 840, 844–846, 850–852, 861, 865, 878n , 882–883, 885, 889, 918, 1141; U.S. security interests, 882, 922, 924, 927–928; U.S.–U.K. textile mission, proposed, 667–670; war criminals, 681
- Japanese peace conference, proposed, 1205
- Japanese peace treaty, proposed, 753, 757–759, 796–797, 799, 830, 852, 858–861, 867, 870, 894–895, 898, 907, 910, 924–932, 1141
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of: Political situation, 1076; unification of Korea, attitude toward, 961
- Korea, Republic of: Inflation problems, 1112–1114; land reform program, 1110; situation in, 947, 979, 983, 987–988, 1041, 1045, 1062–1063, 1086; U.N. membership, proposed, 967; U.N. Commission on Korea, activities of, 961–962, 969, 1031, 1033, 1040, 1044, 1063, 1065, 1068, 1084, 1087; U.S. economic assistance, 1057, 1096, 1108; U.S. military advisory group, 986, 997–998; U.S. military assistance, 966, 986, 988, 993–995, 998, 1005, 1008, 1014–1015, 1018, 1021, 1060–1062, 1066, 1079, 1088, 1094–1095, 1099, 1102, 1105, 1112; U.S. Military Assistance Survey Team, 1107; U.S. occupation forces, withdrawal of, 945–946, 980–981, 992, 999, 1000–1008, 1014–1016, 1022, 1029–1031, 1034–1036, 1040; U.S. policy, 967–968, 969n , 992, 1011, 1013–1014, 1023, 1033, 1039, 1058–1059, 1108
- Kurile Islands, disposition of, 787
- Pacific pact, proposed, 901, 1123, 1125–1127, 1133, 1142–1144, 1159, 1161, 1169–1171, 1173–1180, 1182–1183, 1185–1186, 1188–1189, 1208
- Ryukyu Islands, government of the, 777, 912
- Secretary of State, appointment as, 657–658
- Southeast Asia: British policy, 1135; U.S. policy, 1119, 1198, 1204
- Southeast Asian association or union, proposed, 1189–1190, 1192, 1195–1196, 1199, 1208
- Taiwan: Disposition of, 787; U.S. policy, 1207
- Unification of Korea, Rhee position regarding, 1093
- Visit to Japan, proposed, 809
- Visit to the United States by Philippine President Quirino, 1179n
- Afghanistan, 1116n , 1136–1138, 1198, 1201, 1203
- Africa, 1140
- Africa, Bernabe, 765
- Air Force, U.S. Department of the, 681
- Albania, 792
- Allied Council for Japan: Chinese position, 615–616, 779, 840–841, 920; Chinese representation question, 876; Commonwealth position, 615, 779; democratization program in Japan, 919; economic stabilization program in Japan, 617; Japanese fishing vessels, movement of, 700; Japanese prisoners of war, Soviet repatriation of, 754, 919–920; labor policies in Japan, 772; meetings of, 614–616, 919–920; police forces in Japan, 614–616; reparations questions, 635, 701, 736; Soviet position, 700, 779, 876, 919; U.S. position, 725, 733, 759, 762, 779, 851, 876
- Allison, John M., 623, 625n , 644, 704n , 800, 844, 853, 877, 879–880, 890, 908–909, 933–934, 1187–1188
- Almond, Maj. Gen. Edward M., 741, 781–782, 812, 943
- An Doo Hi, 1045
- Antarctic, 814
- Arab states, 819–820
- Army, U.S. Department of the:
- Economic-commercial conference at Tokyo, 921
- Japan: Constitution, 626; economic stabilization program, 666, 685; reparations questions, 609, 612, 634, 682, 703, 716, 727, 744, 750, 754, 800; security of, 672–673; U.S. occupation policies, 602–603, 677, 693, 725–726, 734, 753–754, 767, 769–771, 787, 812, 827, 844–846, 874n , 879–881, 883; U.S.–U.K. textile mission, proposed, 668; war criminals, 665, 681
- Korea, Republic of: Invasion by Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, possibility of, 1046–1057; U.S. information and educational exchange program, 940; U.S. military assistance, 993–995, 997n , 1079, 1094–1095, 1112n ; U.S. occupation forces, withdrawal of, 942, 945–946, 998n , 999, 1007, 1015, 1029, 1046; U.S. relief and rehabilitation program, 940, 1026
- Okinawa, U.S. military bases on, development of, 656
- Ryukyu Islands, administration of, 777, 819, 912–913, 916
- Arthur, Chester A., 988n
- Asia: Communist threat, 1117–1118, 1121, 1197–1198, 1200, 1217, 1220; Marshall Plan for, proposed, 1199–1200; situation in, 1143–1144, 1159; Soviet policy, 1172, 1193, 1197, 1215–1216; U.S. policy, 1047, 1148, 1164, 1191–1194, 1201, 1208–1220
- Asian Conference in New Delhi, Jan. 1949, 1115–1116, 1162, 1170, 1174, 1182, 1187
- Austin, Warren R., 1006–1008
- Australia (see also Australian subheadings under individual subjects): Asian Conference at New Delhi, 1116n ; Pacific pact, attitude toward proposed, 901–902, 933, 1144–1145, 1150–1151, 1156, 1158, 1161–1162, 1164, 1166, 1168–1170, 1173–1174, 1177
- Avelino, José, 1169
- Babcock, Col. C. Stanton, 890–894
- Badger, Adm. Oscar C., 657
- Baird, Col. John, 1001
- Bajpai, Sir Girja, 1173
- Ball, MacMahon, 917–918
- Banerji, S. N., 721
- Bao Dai, 1156, 1168, 1207, 1220
- Barclay, Roderick E., 861, 1138
- Beam, Jacob D., 1138–1141
- Benelux, 682
- Berlin situation, 1139
- Bevin, Ernest:
- China, situation in, 118n , 1139–1141
- Chinese Communists, recognition of, 1206
- Far East, British policy in, 853, 1194
- Far Eastern Commission, role of, 699, 707, 796
- Indochina, policy toward, 1207
- Japanese peace conference, proposed, 1205
- Japanese peace treaty, 759, 796, 858–867, 870–871, 894, 903, 907, 925–931
- Japanese reparations, 736n
- Near and Middle East, British policy toward, 1138–1139
- Pacific pact, attitude toward, 1133, 1208
- Southeast Asia, British policy toward, 1135–1137, 1139–1141, 1197–1198, 1207
- Binnerts, Coert, 1072
- Bishop, Max, 608–609, 623–626, 655–663, 674n , 694–696, 704, 709, 721–723, 787, 1191–1192
- Blakeslee, George H., 934–937
- Bohlen, Charles E., 1147n
- Bolivar, Simon, 1189
- Bolté, Maj. Gen. Charles L., 1099n
- Bond, Niles W., 644, 940, 984, 1019, 1021, 1046n 1058, 1060, 1107, 1141
- Bonin Islands, 821, 866, 928
- Bonnet, Henri, 796n , 861
- Bradley, Gen. Omar N., 671–673, 885–886, 922–926, 929
- Brazil, 1074
- Budget, U.S. Bureau of the, 1029
- Bulgaria, 792
- Bullock, H.W., 649, 721
- Bunce, A.C., 964, 1033, 1096–1098, 1112–1113
- Bunche, Ralph J., 1073, 1194
- Burma (see also Burmese subheadings under Far Eastern Commission, Japan: Reparations, Japanese peace conference, and Southeast Asia): Asian Conference at New Delhi, 1116n ; British policy, 1119, 1136, 1139, 1203; Communist menace, 1119, 1199; independence of, 1120, 1122; Karen revolt, 1136; Pacific pact, policy toward proposed, 902, 1145, 1164, 1168–1169; U.S. policy, 930, 1128–1129, 1132
- Burns, Maj. Gen. J.H., 924–926, 929
- Burton, John W., 745
- Butterworth, W. Walton:
- Chinese Communists: U.S. controls over exports of strategic materials to, 1205–1206; U.S. recognition, question of, 1206
- Far East, U.S. policy in, 853, 900–901, 1209
- Far Eastern Commission, U.S. policy toward, 603–605, 686, 688, 692–693, 699, 867–868, 887, 906
- Indochina, U.S. policy toward, 1207
- Japan: Deconcentration program, 670; Japanese prisoners of war, Soviet repatriation of, 908; rearmament of, proposed, 694, 696n ; reparations questions, 608, 609n , 625, 633–640, 642n , 650n , 704, 707–708; situation in, 659, 662; U.S. occupation policies, 661–662, 674n , 708–709, 752–754, 767–770, 786, 808, 827, 849–850, 878–879, 882
- Japanese peace treaty, 853–856, 858, 860n , 861, 878, 890, 894–895, 989, 902–903, 907–908, 924, 929–931
- Korea, Republic of: Land reform program, 1110–1113; political and economic stability, 940–941; U.S. military assistance, 956n , 984–985, 1018n , 1104–1105; U.S. occupation forces, withdrawal of, 942–943, 992–993, 994n , 997n , 1014n , 1022–1023; U.S. policy, 1019–1021
- MacArthur’s return to the United States, question of, 740
- Pacific pact, proposed, 901–902, 1126, 1141–1143, 1208
- Ryukyu Islands, administration of, 815–816, 912–913
- Southeast Asia: Situation in, 1118–1119, 1197–1204; U.S. policy, 1204–1205
- Southeast Asian union, proposed, 1186, 1189–1190, 1208
- Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 894
- Visit to the United States by Philippine President Quirino, 1179n
- Byrnes, James F., 603
- Caffery, Jefferson, 738–740
- Canada (see also Canadian position under Far Eastern Commission), 611–612, 637, 820–821, 925, 1134, 1145, 1150–1151, 1166
- Caroline Islands, 923
- Case, Everett N., 850, 1204, 1206, 1209–1210
- Ceylon. see Sri Lanka.
- Chang, John M., 984–985, 1018n , 1019–1021, 1037–1038, 1058, 1061n , 1141–1142
- Chang Chi-yun, 1182
- Chao Yu-lin, 1177n , 1179, 1182
- Chen Chih-ping, 1151–1152, 1156, 1159, 1169
- Chennault, Claire Lee, 1104–1105
- Chiang Kai-shek: Anti-Communist Pacific union, proposed, 1152, 1169, 1177, 1179–1180, 1183–1184, 1186; Quirino, conference at Baguio with, 1151–1162, 1165–1177, 1186–1187; retirement as President, Jan. 21, 1949, 630, 1117, 1166; Rhee, discussions at Chinhae with, Aug. 6–8, 1949, 1080–1082, 1177, 1179, 1181–1186; Taiwan, policy toward, 1207; U.S. military assistance, 1161; U.S. support for, 1141, 1161, 1168; war between the United States and the Soviet Union, expectation of, 1207
- Chiang Kai-shek, Madame, 1158
- Chifley, Joseph B., 1133
- China, Republic of (see also Chinese subheadings
Far Eastern Commission, Japan: Reparations, Japanese peace
conference, Japanese peace treaty, and
United Nations: General Assembly):
- Anti-Communist bloc, proposed, 1158–1162, 1166–1173, 1178, 1180–1181, 1183–1185
- Pacific pact, question of inclusion in, 1144–1145, 1156, 1159, 1162–1163, 1169–1172, 1176, 1178, 1180
- Political and military situation, 636, 736, 746, 776, 780, 820, 824, 835–837, 872n , 886, 941, 949, 952, 999, 1003–1004, 1009, 1019–1020, 1035–1036, 1117–1118, 1120, 1125–1126, 1137, 1140, 1142, 1144, 1155–1156, 1160, 1163, 1168, 1177–1178, 1180, 1210
- U.S. military assistance, 1140, 1161
- U.S. policy, 1004, 1021, 1034, 1051, 1055, 1058, 1119–1120, 1140–1141, 1148, 1153, 1157–1158, 1164, 1166, 1168, 1181, 1185, 1212–1213, 1218–1219
- China Aid Act, 1140
- China White Paper, 1148–1149, 1163, 1166, 1185
- Chinese Communist Party, 1180–1181
- Chinese Communists (see also Chinese Communist threat under Southeast Asia): Asian Conference at New Delhi, 1116n ; British policy, 1205–1206; Pacific pact, attitude toward proposed, 1180–1181; Soviet cooperation and support, 1180, 1205–1206, 1210, 1218–1219; U.S. controls over exports of strategic materials to, 1205–1207, 1212–1213, 1217, 1219; U.S. policy, 1205–1206, 1212–1213; U.S. recognition, question of, 1159, 1205–1206, 1213, 1218
- Chinese representation question, 757, 759, 821, 824, 854, 856, 859, 876, 908, 923–924, 928, 1371
- Choi Yung Sik, 1062–1063, 1065
- Chough Pyung Ok, 940–941, 966, 984–985, 1018–1021, 1023, 1036–1037, 1039, 1058–1060, 1061n , 1177
- Chu Chih-ming, Gen., 765, 920
- Clapp, Gordon R., 1208
- Clark, Lewis, 803, 1160–1169, 1171–1172, 1176–1177, 1183
- Clay, Eugene H., 1180
- Clay, Gen. Lucius D., 811
- Cochran, H. Merle, 1140
- Collins, Ralph E., 721
- Commander in Chief, Far East (MacArthur), 657, 676, 678, 725, 779–780, 815–816, 912–917, 942, 977, 986, 988, 994–995, 998, 1006, 1015, 1018, 1029, 1031, 1036, 1145, 1184
- Commerce, U.S. Department of, 668, 921
- Commonwealth, British (see also Commonwealth, British, position under Allied Council for Japan, Japanese peace treaty, and Southeast Asia), 682, 759, 768, 771, 779, 858, 930–931, 937, 1136, 1145–1146, 1166, 1204–1205, 1207
- Commonwealth Conference at Canberra, Aug. 26–Sept. 2, 1947, 858, 901
- Commonwealth Conference at Colombo, 1950, 859, 860n , 870, 895, 907, 925–926, 929–932
- Congress, U.S.:
- Chiang Kai-shek, support for, 1141
- Chinese Communists, attitude toward, 1206
- Far East, U.S. policy toward, 1194
- House Committee on Expenditures in the Executive Departments, 1099n
- House Foreign Affairs Committee, 1040, 1057
- House of Representatives, 1040
- Japanese occupation costs, 753, 853, 855
- Japanese reparations, 608–609, 636, 682, 702
- Korea, Republic of, appropriations for, 973, 985, 1020, 1039–1040, 1057–1058, 1076, 1084–1086, 1096, 1101, 1178
- Lodge amendment to Korean aid bill, 1057–1058
- Senate, 992, 1040
- Southeast Asia, U.S. policy toward, 1149–1150, 1168
- Corner, Frank H., 721, 1187–1188
- Costilhes, Henri, 1070–1071
- Coulter, Maj. Gen. John B., 956–957, 959
- Council of Foreign Ministers, 757–759, 806, 820, 832, 852, 858–859, 1146n
- Cowen, Myron M., 751, 1163, 1179n , 1190–1193, 1196
- Cripps, Sir Stafford, 1140
- Czechoslovakia, 792
- Davies, John P., 724, 878, 1148–1151
- Dedman, J. J., 1133
- Defense, U.S. Department of:
- Japan: U.S. occupation policies, 677, 695–696, 799, 882–886, 902; U.S. security requirements, 860, 895, 907
- Japanese peace treaty, 758, 760, 883, 926
- Korea, Republic of: U.S. military assistance, 993, 1019, 1061, 1066, 1088n ; U.S. occupation forces, withdrawal of, 977, 1016
- Okinawa, U.S. military bases on, development of, 656
- Philippines, U.S. military bases in, 1150
- Dening, Maberly E., 797, 799, 853–856, 858, 861, 901, 1118, 1133–1134, 1176, 1197–1205
- Derevyanko, Lt. Gen. Kuzma N., 614–616, 754n , 772, 889n , 919–921
- Dickover, Erle R., 1133–1134
- Dixon, Lt. Col. D. D., 890
- Dodge, Joseph, 651, 655, 680, 709, 726, 755, 809–810, 849, 913
- Douglas, Lewis W., 799, 858, 1133–1134, 1176
- Draper, William H., 625, 644, 692, 700n , 944, 945n , 958
- Drumright, Everett F., 960–967, 979–980, 1000, 1002n , 1003, 1008, 1013, 1016, 1029, 1145–1146
- Early, Stephen T., 860
- Eberle, Brig. Gen. George L., 644, 692
- Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East, 1156, 1193, 1199–1200
- Economic Cooperation Administration, 835, 948, 952, 964, 973, 978, 1008, 1015, 1019, 1026–1029, 1036–1037, 1040, 1056, 1096–1098, 1101–1103, 1109–1114, 1132, 1213, 1218
- Edgar, Donald D., 1168
- Egypt, 1116n
- Eichelberger, Lt. Gen. Robert L., 615
- Elizalde, Joaquin, 1126, 1128, 1142–1143, 1173, 1179n
- El Salvador, 1011n , 1073–1074
- Ethiopia, 1116n
- Etorofu Island, 762, 787, 790–791, 889, 900, 904–906
- Europe, 656, 853, 1054, 1124, 1127, 1131, 1135, 1137–1138, 1140–1141, 1143–1144, 1201
- European Recovery Program, 853, 1140, 1155
- Evatt, Herbert V., 745–746, 823, 859, 863, 933n , 934, 1036, 1144
- Export–Import Bank of Washington, 1200–1201, 1217
- Fahy, Charles, 1085–1086, 1090n
- Far East: Chinese Communist role, 857; Soviet policy, 853, 857, 932, 1141–1142, 1157, 1210; U.S. policy, 655–658, 850–853, 857, 923, 926, 1148, 1157, 1174, 1178, 1193–1195, 1204, 1209–1214
- Far Eastern Commission:
- Australian position, 616–617, 619–621, 649–650, 679, 685, 687–689, 691–692, 696–697, 703, 710, 712, 715, 727–729, 738, 744–746, 753–754, 761, 763, 767–770, 785, 801–802, 808, 814, 825–826, 846, 865, 867–868, 877, 882, 909–910, 918, 935
- British position, 621, 645, 647, 650, 667, 678–679, 685–687, 696–697, 709–710, 712, 715–716, 723, 727–729, 738, 750, 756, 762, 796–797, 825, 846, 861, 887, 910, 918, 935–936
- Burmese membership, 621–622, 802–803, 886–887, 900–901, 918
- Burmese position, 910, 935
- Canadian position, 619, 679, 685, 688–689, 692, 696–697, 712, 715, 727–729, 761, 812–814, 825, 910, 918, 934
- Chinese position, 619–620, 645, 647, 650, 665, 667, 679, 685, 687–689, 692, 696–697, 703, 713, 715–716, 723, 727–728, 757, 761–763, 765–766, 768, 785, 802–803, 826, 868, 874, 876–877, 882, 887, 910, 935–936
- Commonwealth, British, forces, 771, 779
- Commonwealth, British, position, 768, 937
- Complaint against SCAP by deported German national, 698, 704, 713
- French position, 619, 649–650, 679, 685, 687, 696–697, 709–711, 715, 723–724, 727–729, 738–740, 749, 761, 795–796, 825, 861, 910
- Indian position, 619, 645, 647, 650, 658, 679, 685, 687–688, 691–692, 696–697, 703, 712, 723–724, 727–729, 738, 825, 865, 874–875, 877, 882, 960
- Japan: Agrarian reform program, 712, 715, 727; armaments, charges regarding manufacture of, 826; assets in neutral countries, 712, 729, 761, 875; basic post-surrender policy, 615, 631, 644, 680, 687, 698–699, 710, 714, 721–722, 732, 738, 749–750, 756, 785, 789, 795, 828, 830, 851, 869, 874; constitution, 616, 620, 626, 667, 727–728, 737–738, 750; criminal jurisdiction over U.N. nationals, 786–787, 879–880; deconcentration policy, 647, 750, 840, 877, 888; democratization program, 620, 643, 666, 679, 888, 917–918; economic life and industry, level of, 616, 621, 645, 650, 667, 679, 687, 689–690, 701, 716, 720, 736, 749, 753, 757, 763, 785, 798–799, 808, 826, 865, 869, 874–875, 877, 887, 903, 917; economic stabilization program, 616–617, 619–621, 642–646, 649–650, 666–667, 679–680, 685–687, 689, 692, 749, 785; fishing and aquatic industries, 712, 715, 729, 760–761, 868, 888; fishing areas, 865, 868, 876, 882; gold earmarked for Thailand and French Indochina, 844–845, 865, 877; international affairs, participation in, 710, 713–714, 721–724, 728, 738–740, 744–746, 749, 753, 756, 762–763, 766, 784–785, 792–797, 820, 849–850, 854, 861, 877, 880–882, 887, 895–897, 906, 909–910, 934–937;
- International Telecommunications Union, membership in, 686–690, 692, 698, 709–713, 723–724, 727–728, 738, 749, 756, 763, 766, 785, 792, 813, 935–937; labor policies, 617, 619–621, 644–645, 666, 686–687, 690, 712, 715, 729, 753–754, 761, 767–770, 772, 785, 801–802, 808, 812–814, 825–826, 846, 887–888, 897–898, 917; patents, policy regarding, 621, 647, 650, 667, 678–680, 685–686, 688–689, 724, 728, 750, 756–757, 763; purge program, 806, 827–830; rearmament policy, 617–618; reparations questions, 609–613, 616, 620, 630–636, 638–642, 645, 649–650, 652–654, 679, 689–690, 692, 700–708, 713, 716–720, 729, 735–736, 744, 750, 753, 755, 757, 762–766, 785, 798, 808, 826, 869, 874–875, 903; replacement of lost cultural objects, 645, 692–693, 713, 716, 729, 761, 785; restitution of looted property, 865, 868, 874, 876; technical and scientific information, access to, 686, 688, 691, 697, 703; trademarks, trade names, and marking of merchandise, 761, 807, 825; war criminals, trial of, 617–619, 658–659, 665, 679–681, 689, 691–692, 696–697
- Meetings, 616–622, 642, 644–645, 649–650, 667–680, 685–692, 697–698, 703–704, 709–711, 723–724, 727–728, 737–738, 749–750, 756–757, 760–763, 784–786, 807–808, 825–826, 865, 867–870, 874–876, 882, 887–888, 910, 917–918
- Netherlands position, 618, 621, 645, 647, 685, 691–692, 696–697, 712, 715, 723, 728–729, 768, 867, 874, 882, 910, 918
- New Zealand position, 619–621, 649, 658, 679, 687, 689, 696–698, 710, 712, 728–729, 750, 756, 763, 783–785, 825, 865, 910, 935
- Pakistani membership, 621–622, 802–803, 886–887, 900–901, 918
- Pakistani position, 910
- Philippine position, 617, 619–620, 679, 685, 687, 689–692, 696–698, 704, 710, 716, 727–728, 738, 749–750, 756–757, 761, 763, 768, 785, 803, 808, 865, 868, 874, 877, 882, 910, 935
- Role and functions of, 771, 779
- Soviet position: 604, 616–617, 619–621, 642–647, 666–667, 678–680, 685–687, 689–692, 696–699, 710, 712, 715, 724, 727–729, 737–738, 749–750, 756–757, 761, 763, 767–768, 785–786, 792, 802–803, 808, 825–826, 830, 865, 868–869, 874–877, 882, 887–888, 897–898, 910, 917–918, 935–936, 1141
- Steering Committee, 645–647, 649, 666, 678, 685, 703, 712–713, 715–716, 727–729, 760–762, 768, 784, 868, 875, 877, 887, 910, 934, 936–937
- U.S. policy, 603–605, 609, 615–621, 640, 642–647, 658–659, 665–666, 678–681, 685–693, 696–697, 699–708, 710, 712–724, 727–729, 732, 735–736, 738, 743, 749–751, 753–754, 756–757, 759–763, 767–770, 784–785, 792–798, 801–803, 808, 826, 844–845, 849–851, 865, 868–869, 874–877, 880–882, 885, 887–888, 895–897, 903, 906, 909–910, 917–918, 934–937, 1141
- Far Eastern Economic Assistance Act, 1950, 1057n
- Fearey, Robert A., 644, 724–727, 877–878, 890–894, 905–906
- Fisher, Francis M., 1160–1164
- Flexer, Fayette J., 655
- Ford, J. F., 721, 853, 1197, 1200
- Forrestal, James, 671
- Fosdick, Raymond B., 850, 1193n , 1204, 1206, 1209–1210
- Foster, Andrew B., 744–746, 1174
- Fox, Maj. Gen. A. P., 782
- France. see French subheadings under individual subjects.
- Franks, Sir Oliver, 925–927, 929–932, 1138
- Freeman, Fulton, 802–803, 1171
- Gardiner, John P., 953–955, 1010–1011
- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade Conference at Annecy, 669, 682–683
- Germany: Peace treaty, proposed, 799, 822; reparations question, 642, 651; Soviet zone of occupation, 85; U.S. zone of occupation policies, 674, 740, 749, 771, 778–779, 796, 850–851; Western Germany, 854, 861
- Government and Relief in Occupied Areas (GARIOA), 677, 726, 753, 835, 912
- Grant, Lt. Col. Walter H., 1046–1047
- Graves, Hubert A., 1118–1119
- Gray, Gordon, 999, 1007
- Greece, 1036, 1054–1056, 1069, 1073
- Green, Marshall, 819–825, 853–856
- Gross, Ernest, 609n
- Habomai Islands, 762, 787–791, 866–867, 889, 900, 904–906
- Hailey, Lord, 1123
- Hamilton, Maxwell M., 674–678, 890, 904n , 910, 917, 924–926, 934
- Hare, Raymond A., 1197, 1202–1203
- Harrington, Julian K., 812–814
- Hawkins, Ralph G., 1128
- Henderson, Loy W., 1140–1147, 1173
- Harrington, W. C., 866
- Hester, 1186
- Hilldring, Gen., 787
- Hirohito, Emperor of Japan, 694
- Hisato, Ichimada, 605–607
- Hitotsumatsu, Sadayoshi, 629
- Ho Chi Minn, 1200–1201
- Hodgson, William R., 920
- Hoffman, Paul G., 634, 636, 641, 940, 973, 1024, 1026, 1029
- Holland, Sidney G., 935n
- Holmes, Julius C., 846
- Hong Kong, 1117, 1136, 1139, 1194, 1205
- Hong Myung Hi, 1077
- Howard, John B., 883, 890, 924
- Hu Hun, 1077
- Huang Shao-ku, 1182
- Huh, 1034–1035
- Huh Moon Taek, 1063
- Hull, Cordell, 1194
- Hungary, 792
- Huston, Cloyce K., 740–743, 746–748, 754–755, 757–758, 764–767, 771–772, 777, 781–784, 786–791, 803–807
- Hutchinson, Walter R., 623–625, 670, 840, 842
- Ichiro, Ishikawa, 605–606
- India (see also Indian subheadings under individual subjects): Asian Conference at New Delhi, 1116n ; British policy, 1139; Commonwealth, British, attitude toward, 858, 1146, 1166; Communist movement, 1199, 1202, 1209; independence of, 1120, 1136; Indonesia, policy toward, 1202–1204; Kashmir dispute with Pakistan, 1203; Pacific pact, policy regarding proposed, 902, 1126, 1128, 1143, 1145, 1161–1162, 1164–1165, 1168–1170, 1172–1173, 1176, 1185, 1209; situation in, 1112, 1210–1211; Soviet policy, 1172; third world force concept, 1202; U.N. Security Council, proposed membership on, 1202–1203; U.S. policy, 930–931, 1140, 1151, 1195, 1207–1208, 1214; visit to the United States by Prime Minister Nehru, 1192, 1194, 1196, 1201
- Indochina: British policy, 1207; Chinese minority, 1201; Commonwealth position, 1207; Communist movement, 1119, 1210; French policy and position, 1117, 1120, 1129, 1133, 1153, 1204, 1207, 1213, 1220; gold in Japan, return of, 844–845; independence of, proposed, 856, 1120, 1122; Japanese reparations, 636; situation in, 1129, 1137, 1163, 1168, 1198; Soviet policy, 1087; U.S. policy, 930, 1119, 1128–1129, 1132, 1153, 1164, 1171, 1207, 1213, 1220; Vietminh, 1136; Vietnam, 1156, 1169
- Indonesia (see also Indonesian position under Southeast Asia): Chinese minority, 1201; independence of, 856, 1120, 1122, 1126, 1202–1204; Indian policy, 1202–1204; Netherlands role and policy, 1117, 1120, 1129, 1131, 1133–1134, 1140, 1149, 1166, 1202–1204; Pacific pact, attitude toward proposed, 902, 1156, 1158, 1161, 1164, 1168–1170; Pakistan policy, 1202; Round Table conference at The Hague, 1207, 1220; situation in, 636, 1054, 1116, 1126, 1129, 1131, 1136, 1139, 1153, 1163, 1198; U.S. economic assistance, 1149; U.S. military assistance, 1149; U.S. policy, 930, 1119, 1128–1129, 1131–1132, 1140, 1164, 1171, 1202–1203, 1215n , 1220
- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 1140, 1200–1201, 1207, 1217
- International Labor Organization, 804
- International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 618–619, 659
- International Red Cross, 920
- International Telecommunications Union, 680–689, 692, 698, 710–711, 713, 723–724, 727–728, 738, 745, 749, 756, 763, 792–793, 804, 935–937
- International Trade Organization, 804
- Iran, 1086, 1101, 1116n , 1138, 1164, 1215n
- Iraq, 1116n
- Israel, 1054
- Jamieson, A. B., 953, 955, 1070
- Japan (see also
Allied Council for Japan
and under
Far Eastern Commission):
- Australian policy, 609
- Benelux policy, 682
- Commonwealth, British, position, 682
- Communist movement, 601–603, 660, 663, 747–748, 755, 757–758, 767, 770, 773, 802, 836–837, 873
- Constitution, 616—617, 620, 626–627, 645, 667, 671, 727–728, 737–738, 741, 743, 750, 891, 898
- Consular and trade representation abroad, 801, 881, 895–897
- Deconcentration Control Board, 623–624, 670, 840–843, 869
- Deconcentration policies and program, 623–625, 670, 840–844, 918–919
- Disarmament and demilitarization, 822
- Economic stabilization program, 635, 638, 651, 682, 701, 707, 718, 725–726, 752, 768, 802, 849, 897, 1141, 1166
- Elections, 628–631, 660
- Fair Trade Commission, 670, 842–843
- French policy, 682
- Government and relief in occupied areas, 677, 726, 753, 835, 912
- Holding Company Liquidation Commission, 624, 670, 869, 893
- Industry in post-treaty period, 882–886, 893, 902–903
- Instrument of Surrender, 605, 672, 674, 699, 732
- Inter-Allied Trade Board, 779
- International affairs, participation in, 804–805, 820, 834, 854, 861, 934–937
- International Telecommunications Union, joining of, 680, 686, 745, 792, 804, 935–937
- Japanese fishing vessels, movement of, 700
- Japanese prisoners of war, Soviet repatriation of, 754, 772–773, 783–784, 806, 908–909, 920–921, 938–939
- Korea, Republic of, relations with, 804
- Labor policies and problems, 767–773
- Most-favored-nation treatment for, 669, 682–683, 745, 1218
- National Diet, 601, 605, 607, 620, 623, 626, 628–629, 666, 752, 755, 761, 848, 897–898, 922
- Neutralization of, proposed, 657, 662, 695, 804, 806, 831, 862, 891, 928
- Occupation costs, 726, 733, 737
- Pacific pact, relationship to proposed, 902, 1126, 1150–1151, 1156, 1166–1169, 1209
- Police forces, development of, 614–616, 672–673, 694, 725, 732, 754, 811, 833, 837–838, 862, 873, 886, 893, 903
- Political parties: Communist Party, 602–603, 607, 628–630, 736–737, 752, 755, 802, 832–834, 837, 848, 1025; Democratic Party, 607, 628–630; Democratic-Liberal Party, 607, 628–630, 747; Farmer-Labor Party, 628–629; Independent Party, 628–629; Japan Farmers Party, 628–629; New Liberal Party, 628–629; People’s Cooperative Party, 628–629; Social Democratic Party, 602, 607, 628–629, 747; Social Revolutionary Party, 628–629
- Political situation, 605–607, 628–631, 746–748
- Purge program, 622–623, 684–685, 726, 733, 803, 805–806, 809, 812
- Rearmament of, question of, 617–618, 657, 671–673, 694–696, 777, 822–823, 926, 928
- Reparations: Advance transfers program, 610–611, 613, 625, 634–635, 650–654, 700, 707, 719, 735, 751, 755, 764–767, 800, 808; Australian position, 609, 611–612, 636–637; British position and share, 611–612, 633, 637, 651; Burmese position and share, 636; Canadian position and share, 611–612, 637; Chinese position and share, 609, 611, 613–614, 633, 636, 651, 755, 764–766, 800, 822; French position and share, 611–612, 633, 636, 822; Indian position and share, 611–612, 633, 637, 822; Japanese attitude, 754–755; Johnson–Hoffman report, 1948, 634, 636, 641, 718; Korea, Republic of, claims by, 911; Netherlands position and share, 611–612, 633, 636, 651, 822; New Zealand position and share, 611–612, 637, 782–783; Overseas Consultants, Inc., report of, 611, 625, 634, 718; Philippine position and share, 611–612, 633, 637, 651, 736n , 748–751, 755, 764–765, 823; Soviet position and share, 609, 611–614, 636; U.S. position, 608–614, 625–626, 631–642, 650–655, 658, 681–682, 699–709, 716–720, 727, 735–737, 744, 750–756, 800, 805, 1141
- Reparations Technical Advisory Committee, 779
- Security of, 671–673, 694–696, 732, 776–777, 802, 804, 806, 862, 872, 884, 892–894, 907, 927–928
- Shoup taxation mission, 831, 846–849
- Situation in, 659–663, 1126
- Soviet policy, 862, 927–928, 1172
- U.S. cultural and social mission, 663
- U.S. initial post-surrender directive, 644
- U.S. military bases, 821, 824–825, 854–855, 886, 891–892, 902, 922–923, 933, 1151, 1213
- U.S. military forces, 831, 893, 922–924, 928, 933
- U.S. naval bases, 731–732, 775
- U.S. occupation policies, 602, 608, 615, 624, 644, 660–664, 674–678, 708–709, 733–736, 740–744, 752, 778–782, 786, 803–812, 832–840
- U.S. policy, 648–649, 652, 655, 664, 730–736, 824, 836, 871–873, 930–931, 1005, 1119, 1139, 1141, 1208–1209, 1211–1214, 1215n , 1216
- U.S. security interests, 695–696, 730–731, 733, 753, 759, 773–777, 824, 835, 854–855, 857, 860, 870–873, 882, 884–886, 894–895, 907, 922–924, 927–928, 932–933, 1149–1150, 1205, 1213, 1220
- U.S.–U.K, textile mission, proposed, 667–670
- Universal Postal Union, membership in, 804, 877, 882, 935
- War crimes trials, completion of, 726, 734–735
- Japanese peace conference, proposals concerning: Australian position, 910; British position, 854, 928, 1205; Burmese participation, question of, 856; Chinese position, 822; Chinese representation, question of, 821, 824, 856, 908; Commonwealth, British, attitude, 759, 1205; French position, 822; Pakistani participation, question of, 856; Soviet position, 824–825, 830–831, 855–856, 859, 908; Sri Lanka participation, question of, 931n ; U.S. policy, 610, 613–614, 693, 706, 713, 716, 730, 752, 758, 763, 771, 805, 824, 830, 840, 852–854, 863, 907, 925, 928, 936, 1151, 1154, 1213, 1218
- Japanese peace treaty, proposals concerning: Arab states, position of, 819–820; Australian position, 746, 763, 820–821, 823, 858, 901–902, 907, 910, 925, 933; British position, 710, 756, 796–797, 799, 820–821, 824, 853–856, 858, 867, 870, 890, 907, 925, 931, 1205; Canadian position, 820–821, 925; Chinese Communist position, 854, 859, 923–924, 928; Chinese position, 806, 820–822, 855, 1154; Commonwealth, British, position, 820, 854, 858–859, 861, 870, 890, 895, 907, 925–926, 931–932; French position, 709, 820–822, 861, 907; Indian position, 820, 822, 859; Japanese attitude, 752, 755, 757, 907, 922, 925, 928–929, 932; Korea, Republic of, question of participation by, 904, 911; Latin American position, 819; Netherlands position, 723, 820, 822, 867–868; New Zealand position, 784, 820–821, 823; Pakistani position, 820; Philippine position, 820–821, 823, 854–855; Soviet position, 685, 757–758, 781, 804, 806, 808, 820, 823–825, 831–832, 854–855, 859, 891, 904, 907, 923–924, 928–929, 932–933, 1154; territorial questions, 762, 787–791, 822, 904–906; U.S. position, 655, 662, 672, 674–675, 695, 702, 714, 724, 730–731, 752–753, 758–760, 762, 775–777, 781, 797, 803, 805–806, 810–811, 819–820, 824–825, 830–840, 853–856, 858–861, 870, 872–873, 877–878, 894–895, 898–903, 907–908, 922–932, 1141, 1149–1151, 1154, 1194, 1204, 1206, 1213, 1218
- Jessup, Philip C., 850, 858, 1116, 1138, 1147n , 1149–1150, 1153–1154, 1178, 1186, 1189–1190, 1193n , 1204, 1206–1210
- Johnson, Nelson T., 900
- Johnson, Louis A.:
- Japan: U.S. occupation policies, 753, 770, 797, 799, 850n , 883, 885; U.S. security interests, 886, 894–895, 922, 924
- Japanese peace treaty, 758–759, 860, 924–925
- Korea, Republic of: Invasion by Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, possibility of, 1048; U.S. occupation forces, withdrawal of, 1007, 1015–1016, 1022
- Johnston, Percy H., 634, 636, 641, 718
- Joint Chiefs of Staff:
- Far East, U.S. military forces in the, 656
- Japan: Basic post-surrender policy, 644, 789; constitution, 626; industry in post-treaty period, 883, 885–886; rearmament proposals, 671–673, 694n , 695; reparations questions, 611, 744, 764–765; U.S. initial post-surrender directive, 644; U.S. occupation policies, 786–787; U.S. security interests, 773–777, 860, 870–873, 892, 894, 922–924, 1220; war criminals, 680–681, 697
- Japanese peace treaty, 886, 922–924
- Korea, Republic of: Invasion by Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, possibility of, 1046, 1048, 1056–1057; strategic value of, 1056–1057; U.S. occupation troops, withdrawal of, 975–976
- Ryukyu Islands, U.S. interests in, 731, 816–819, 913–917, 923, 1220
- Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 1219
- Justice, U.S. Department of, 665, 846
- Kashmir dispute, 1054, 1136, 1203, 1208
- Katayama, Tetsu, 629
- Kato, Kanju, 629
- Kato, Shizue, 629
- Kennan, George F., 609n , 752, 778n , 793–794, 799, 878, 1123n , 1147, 1153–1154, 1204–1206
- Kim Do Bong, 962, 1077
- Kim Dong Sung, 1012
- Kim Hal Lyung, 1077
- Kim Il Sung, 962, 984, 1031, 1032n , 1071, 1077
- Kim Koo, 994n , 1005, 1045–1046
- Kim Moo Jung, 962
- Kim Wan Soo, 959
- Kim Yak Soo, 980n
- Kimm Kiu-sik, 994n
- Kirk, Alan G., 1172–1173
- Kohler, Foy D., 754
- Koo, V. K. Wellington, 803
- Korea:
- Democratic People’s Republic of (North Korea):
- Chinese Communist support, 987, 1042–1043, 1052, 1055, 1078–1079, 1103
- Korea, Republic of: Attack on, possibility of, 1046–1057, 1060n , 1075–1076, 1078, 1088, 1103, 1108–1109, 1112, 1161; attitude toward, 949–950, 953–954, 977, 1003–1004, 1043, 1046–1057, 1074–1075, 1087
- Military forces, 950–951, 957, 974, 987, 993, 1031, 1042–1043, 1048, 1052, 1060n , 1067, 1075, 1094–1095, 1099, 1102–1103
- Soviet assistance and cooperation, 950, 962, 968, 974–975, 977, 990, 993, 1031, 1042, 1048–1052, 1060n , 1075, 1078, 1087, 1093n , 1094–1095, 1102–1103
- Soviet occupation forces, withdrawal of, 950, 957–958, 963, 972, 974, 1038, 1040, 1041n , 1042, 1049, 1090–1091
- Supreme People’s Assembly, meeting of, 1076–1079
- Unification of Korea, attitude toward, 961–963, 1088
- U.N. Commission on Korea, attitude toward, 954, 962–963, 1063–1064, 1077, 1087–1088
- U.N. membership, proposed, 943–944
- U.S. controls over exports of strategic materials to, 1219
- Joint Soviet–U.S. Commission, 1947, 1049
- Republic of (South Korea):
- Anti-Communist bloc, proposed, 1158–1159, 1161, 1166–1167, 1169–1170, 1172, 1186
- British recognition, 947, 949
- China, Republic of: Attitude toward, 1144–1145; military conversations with, 1080–1084, 1092–1093; recognition by, 947, 949
- Communist activities, 949–950, 957, 964–966, 979n , 983–985, 994n , 998n , 1002, 1006, 1012, 1014, 1017–1018, 1021, 1038, 1040, 1043, 1050–1051, 1062–1066, 1073, 1086–1087, 1103, 1109–1110
- Economic situation, 948, 950–951, 979
- Electric power, agreement with the United States concerning claims for, Dec. 28, 1949, 1043–1044
- Fulbright agreement with the United States, negotiations concerning, 1036
- Inflation problems, 948, 1111–1114
- Japan: Relations with, 804; reparations from, 911
- Japanese peace treaty, question of participation in, 904, 911
- Land reform program, 1110–1113
- Military situation, 948–951, 954, 956–957, 987–988, 998n , 1001–1002, 1006, 1009, 1013, 1016–1019, 1034–1035, 1041–1043, 1046–1049, 1052, 1060–1061
- Mutual defense assistance agreement with the United States, Jan. 26, 1950, 1086
- National Assembly, 941, 947–949, 955, 957, 965, 971, 973, 979–982, 1037–1038, 1047, 1049, 1054, 1057, 1071, 1110–1111
- National assistance youth movement, 1002
- National security law, implementation of, 949
- Pacific pact, attitude toward proposed, 901–902, 1023, 1029, 1059, 1081, 1141–1142, 1144–1146, 1152, 1156, 1159, 1163–1164, 1170, 1172, 1209
- Political situation, 947–948, 950, 955, 979, 985, 1045–1046, 1062–1066
- Security of, 990–991, 1004–1005, 1009, 1011–1013, 1015, 1023–1024, 1029–1030, 1059, 1060n 1061, 1084–1085, 1094–1095, 1102, 1105n 1161
- South Korea Labor Party, activities of, 1062–1064
- Treaty of friendship and commerce with the United States, proposed, 992, 1029, 1030n
- U.N. Commission on Korea, attitude toward, 953, 960–961, 964–965, 1062–1065, 1074
- U.N. membership, 943, 967, 1101
- U.S. economic assistance, 940, 948, 953, 964–965, 968, 970, 973–974, 976–978, 980, 985, 989, 1004, 1008, 1013–1015, 1018, 1020, 1022, 1024–1029, 1036–1037, 1039–1040, 1056–1058, 1096–1099, 1103, 1108–1110, 1113–1114, 1166, 1213, 1218
- U.S. information and education exchange program, 940, 978
- U.S. military advisory group, 951, 957–958, 977, 979n , 980–982, 986, 993, 995, 997–998, 1000–1003, 1008–1009, 1015, 1022, 1029, 1035–1036, 1040, 1041n , 1044–1045, 1075, 1084–1085, 1089, 1099n 1100–1101, 1104, 1106n 1112n ; agreement with the United States regarding, Jan. 26, 1950, 1044–1045
- U.S. military assistance, 940, 948, 956–958, 966, 968, 970, 973–974, 970–978, 980–982, 984–988, 993–995, 998–999, 1001, 1004–1008, 1013–1016, 1018–1022, 1025, 1029–1031, 1036–1038, 1060–1062, 1066–1067, 1075–1076, 1079–1080, 1084–1086, 1088–1089, 1094–1096, 1099–1106, 1108n , 1109–1110, 1112, 1161, 1178, 1213, 1218
- U.S. Military Assistance Survey Team, 1102, 1107
- U.S. occupation forces, withdrawal of, 836, 940, 942–946, 949, 951, 955, 957–959, 963, 968–972, 975–977, 980–981, 984, 986, 989–996, 998–999, 1005–1010, 1012–1016, 1018–1024, 1026, 1029–1031, 1033–1039, 1042, 1046–1047, 1049, 1052–1053, 1055, 1058–1059, 1090, 1157
- U.S. policy, 942–943, 945, 947n 951–952, 958, 967–978, 985, 989–990, 992, 1003–1005, 1011–1014, 1019–1026, 1028, 1033–1034, 1037–1040, 1053, 1058–1059, 1068–1069, 1108, 1119, 1168, 1211, 1213
- U.S. recognition, 940–941, 947, 949, 951, 973
- U.S. relief and rehabilitation program, 940, 952, 973
- Thirty-eighth parallel, problems concerning, 942n , 949–950, 954, 956, 983, 987–988, 1009–1013, 1017–1018, 1020, 1030, 1032, 1041n , 1042–1043, 1047, 1051, 1054–1055, 1068, 1074–1075, 1087–1088, 1100, 1108, 1110
- Unification proposals, 941, 960–964, 968, 974, 989, 994n , 1012, 1024, 1027–1028, 1032, 1047–1048, 1050–1051, 1057–1058, 1060n , 1064, 1069, 1071–1072, 1074, 1077, 1084, 1088, 1091, 1093–1094
- U.N. Commission on Korea (see also under
Democratic People’s Republic of, supra and
Republic of, supra):
- Activities of, 948, 951–955, 959–961, 967, 972, 981–982, 995, 1017, 1019, 1030, 1033, 1036, 1044–1045, 1057–1058, 1068–1075, 1108
- Arrest of Korean newsmen, 1065, 1066n
- Australian position, 953–955, 960, 1011n
- Contacts with Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, efforts to establish, 960–961, 1031–1032, 1038, 1057–1058, 1071
- El Salvadoran position, 1011n , 1073–1074
- French position, 1011n , 1073
- Indian position, 953
- Korean unity problem, 960, 980, 1032, 1069, 1071–1072, 1074
- Occupation forces, withdrawal of from Korea, verification of, 1038, 1040–1041, 1049–1050, 1084, 1090–1091
- Philippine position, 1006–1007, 1033, 1073
- Report to the General Assembly, 1070–1072, 1074, 1090
- Soviet attitude toward, 1041n , 1064, 1072
- Syrian position, 1073–1074
- U.N. military observers, 963, 969, 1010–1011, 1091
- U.S. policy, 968–969, 977–978, 989–990, 998n , 1008, 1015, 1038, 1213
- U.N. Temporary Commission on Korea, 970–972, 1069–1072, 1090
- Democratic People’s Republic of (North Korea):
- Kudo, Tetsuo, 629
- Kunashiri Island, 762, 787, 790–791, 889, 900, 904–906
- Kurile Islands, 762, 787–791, 867, 879, 889, 904–905, 923
- Labor, U.S. Department of, 767, 769
- Lacy, William S. B., 1197, 1200
- Lady, Harold, 1094
- Landon, Kenneth R., 1188, 1197, 1201
- Lasher, John, 1002, 1061
- Latin America, 819
- Laurel, José P., 823, 1170
- Lawson, Col., 1103, 1107, 1112n
- Lay, James S., 671n
- Lebanon, 1116n
- Lee Bum Suk, 979n , 981, 983, 987–988, 1000–1001, 1003, 1005, 1008, 1029, 1057, 1060, 1081–1082, 1096–1098, 1112
- Lee Ho, 1063
- Lee Moon Nam, 1063
- Li Tsung-jen, 1117n
- Liancourt Rocks (Takeshima), 900
- Lie, Trygve. see United Nations: Secretary-General.
- Limb, Ben C., 960, 981, 1011n 1029–1031, 1033–1034, 1044, 1081–1082, 1145–1146, 1186
- Lincoln, Col. George A., 625
- Listowel, Lord, 1133
- Liu Yu-wan, 1019, 1070, 1072
- Lockett, Thomas H., 748–749, 1115–1116, 1123–1128, 1142–1143, 1151–1152, 1154–1160, 1169–1170, 1173–1175, 1179–1180, 1182–1183
- Lodge, John, 1057
- Lovett, Robert A., 601, 605, 616–622, 829n , 941–942, 943n , 945–946, 1115
- Lozada, Faustina, 721
- Luna, Rufino, 1019, 1033, 1064, 1070, 1072, 1152, 1157
- Macao, 1117, 1205
- MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas (see also
Supreme Commander, Allied Powers, Japan):
- Acheson, attitude toward, 657–658
- Far East, U.S. policy toward, 655–658, 709
- Japan:
- Communist movement, 601–603
- Constitution, 626–627, 711, 743–744
- Consular and trade representation abroad, 801
- Deconcentration program, 625
- Economic stabilization program, 622, 646, 667, 699, 707, 1141
- Elections, 628–631
- International affairs, participation in, 711–712
- Japanese prisoners of war, Soviet repatriation of, 772–773, 783–784, 806, 908, 920–921
- Labor policies, 687, 771–773
- Neutralization of, proposed, 657, 662, 663, 804, 806, 831, 862, 891
- Police forces, 811, 862, 893
- Purge program, 803, 805–806, 809, 812, 827
- Rearmament of, question of, 617–618, 657, 672–673, 694
- Reparations question, 608, 633–634, 658, 681–682, 703, 707, 744, 800, 805
- Security of, 804, 806, 862, 892–893
- Shoup mission, 831
- U.S. military bases, 891–892
- U.S. occupation policies, 602, 608, 644, 655, 677–678, 724–725, 741, 743–744, 778–782, 786–787, 793–794, 803–812, 831–832, 839, 844–845, 850, 852, 879
- U.S. policy, 648, 662, 724
- U.S. strategic interests, 891, 894
- War criminals, 680, 697
- Japanese attitude toward, 663
- Japanese peace conference, proposed, 830–832, 863–864
- Japanese peace treaty, proposed, 655, 674, 803–806, 810–811, 830–832, 862–864, 890–895, 898–899
- Korea, Republic of, U.S. occupation forces from, withdrawal of, 943, 945–946
- Okinawa, U.S. military base on, development of, 655–657
- Pacific pact, proposed, 1167–1168, 1172
- Return to the United States, proposed, 740
- Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 656–657, 894
- MacArthur, Douglas III, 861
- MacDonald, John, 1182, 1185
- MacDonald, Malcolm, 857, 1194, 1198
- Maddocks, Maj. Gen. Ray T., 1022
- Magaña, Miguel Angel, 990n , 1064
- Magruder, Maj. Gen. Carter B., 882–883, 890, 894, 902–903
- Malaya, 1117, 1119, 1122, 1128–1129, 1132–1133, 1136, 1139, 1198, 1200–1201
- Manet, Olivier, 1070
- Manning, Capt., 1185
- Marcus Island, 731, 923
- Marianas Islands, 923
- Marquat, Maj. Gen. William F., 624, 661, 742, 842
- Marshall, George C., 601n , 622, 626, 656, 692, 941, 1024, 1026
- Marshall Islands, 923
- Marshall Plan, 853, 1155
- Marshall Plan for Asia, proposed, 1199–1200
- Mathews, Elbert G., 1197, 1203–1204
- McCloy, John, 778
- McCoy, Maj. Gen. Frank R., 603–604, 618, 621–622, 626, 639, 642, 647, 658, 665, 686, 688, 693, 703–708, 716, 750–751, 796n , 798, 808n , 844, 849, 906, 910
- McDermott, Michael J., 1159
- McEvoy, Dennis, 662
- McGhee, George C., 858, 1197, 1201, 1204, 1207–1209
- McIntyre, Mary, 1000
- Meade, C. A. Gerald, 853, 856, 1197, 1203
- Meeker, Leonard C., 878
- Menzies, Robert Gordon, 933n
- Merchant, Livingston T., 853, 856, 861, 1197, 1204, 1207
- Mexico, 856, 1074
- Milner, Col. W. W., 644
- Min On Sik, 1062
- Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers, 1945, 778–779
- Moseley, Harold W., 721–723
- Moss, L. Harold, 847
- Most-favored-nation treatment. see under Japan.
- Muccio, John J.:
- Chiang–Quirino Conference at Baguio, 1152–1153
- Chiang visit to Korea, 1178–1179, 1181–1182, 1184–1185
- China, Republic of, military conversations with, 1080–1084, 1092–1093
- Japanese peace treaty, question of Republic of Korea’s participation in, 904, 911
- Korea:
- Democratic People’s Republic of, activities of, 1076–1079, 1087–1088
- Republic of: Economic aid agreement, 1948, 973n ; military situation, 1016–1018, 1041–1043; Pacific pact, attitude toward, 1144, 1178; situation in, 947–952, 956–957, 979, 983–984, 1045–1046, 1062–1066, 1086–1087; treaty of friendship and commerce with the United States, proposed, 992n , 1029, 1030n ; U.N. Commission on Korea, activities of, 953–954, 1010n , 1031–1033, 1040–1041, 1044–1045, 1063–1066, 1068–1070, 1087–1088; U.S. economic assistance, 1057–1058, 1096–1099, 1108–1110; U.S. military advisory mission, 980n , 986, 998n 1000–1003, 1040; U. S. military assistance, 985–988, 994–999, 1005–1009, 1018–1019, 1021–1022, 1060–1061, 1066–1067, 1079–1080, 1085, 1088–1089, 1094–1096, 1099–1100, 1102–1107, 1112; U.S. occupation forces, withdrawal of, 944, 958–959, 981–982, 986, 989–992, 998n 999, 1016, 1022–1023, 1029–1031, 1034–1036, 1039–1041, 1052; U.S. policy, 1003–1005, 1011–1013, 1023–1024, 1033–1034, 1039, 1052
- Unification of Korea, Rhee position regarding, 1093–1094
- Mughir, Yasin, 1073
- Murchison, Claudius, 668–669
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, 1086, 1112, 1206, 1220
- Nagae, Kasuo, 629
- Nanpo Islands, 731, 923
- Napier, Maj., 622
- National Security Council:
- Asia, U.S. policy toward, 1047, 1128n , 1208–1209, 1215–1220
- Far East, U.S. policy toward, 656, 850
- Japan: Proposed rearmament of, 671n , 694, 696; reparations question, 634, 716, 720, 727; U.S. policy, 604, 652, 655, 662, 670, 671n , 672–676, 694–696, 699, 703, 709, 724–727, 730–736, 752–754, 759, 773–777, 797–798, 809, 812, 815–816, 827–831, 852, 872n 873, 883–885, 903, 922–925, 1220; U.S. security interests in, 773–777, 894, 922–923
- Japanese peace treaty, 759, 860n , 907
- Korea, Republic of, U.S. policy toward, 942–943, 945–946, 947n 951–952, 958n 969–978, 980, 986, 999, 1007, 1014–1016, 1019, 1024, 1026, 1028, 1030n , 1049, 1062, 1088, 1095, 1100–1101
- Southeast Asia, U.S. policy toward, 1128n , 1150, 1175–1176
- Taiwan, U.S. policy toward, 1219–1220
- U.S. controls over exports of strategic materials, 1206
- Navy, U.S. Department of the, 681, 753, 775, 798
- Near and Middle East, 853, 1135, 1137–1138, 1140, 1201, 1211–1212
- Nehru, Jawaharlal, 854, 1116, 1126, 1128, 1139, 1142–1143, 1146, 1151, 1154, 1162–1163, 1165–1166, 1170, 1172–1173, 1185, 1192, 1194, 1196, 1198, 1201, 1203
- Nepal, 1116n
- Neri, Felino, 1152, 1155
- Netherlands–Indonesia union, proposed, 1202, 1204
- Netherlands (see also Netherlands subheadings under individual subjects), 1131–1132, 1156
- New Zealand (see also New Zealand subheadings under individual subjects), 902, 1116, 1145, 1150–1151, 1161–1162, 1164, 1168, 1170, 1177, 1187
- Niblo, Brig. Gen. Urban, 826
- Nishio, Suehior, 629
- Nitze, Paul H., 609–614, 633n , 639–640, 642n 650n 670
- Noble, H. J., 1070–1075
- Nominzo, Kazue, 629
- Norahashi, Wataru, 629
- Office of the Foreign Liquidation Commissioner, 993
- Okinawa: Situation on, 815; U.S. military bases on, development of, 655–656, 725–726, 731, 775, 902, 923, 1212
- Oliver, Douglas L., 815–816, 912
- Oliver, Robert T., 1015
- Overseas Consultants, Inc., 611, 625, 634, 718
- Pace, Frank, 1024
- Pacific pact, proposed, 822, 824, 901–902, 933, 1023, 1029, 1059, 1081, 1123–1128, 1133–1134, 1141–1146, 1150–1152, 1155–1162, 1164–1180, 1186–1188, 1207–1209; U.S. policy toward, 1126–1128, 1134, 1141–1144, 1150–1151, 1155, 1157–1159, 1162, 1166–1167, 1170–1171, 1174–1175, 1177–1178, 1183, 1188–1189, 1208
- Pak Hun Yong, 962, 1088
- Pak In Hwan, 1063
- Pakistan (see also Pakistani position under Far Eastern Commission and Southeast Asia), 820, 856, 1116n , 1136, 1145, 1169, 1172, 1202–1203, 1209, 1211, 1214
- Palestine question, 1069, 1138
- Palestinian refugees, 1138
- Pandit, Vijaya Lakshmi, 859, 1146, 1154, 1173
- Panyushkin, Alexander Semenovich, 642–643, 646, 685, 938
- Parks, Maj. Gen. Floyd L., 981
- Paul-Boncour, Jean-Louis, 1070, 1072
- Peake, Cyrus H., 909
- Pearson, Lester B., 930–931
- Pechkoff, Lt. Gen. Zinovi, 709
- Pedrosa, Pio, 1180
- Pendatun, Salipada, 1116
- Pescadores Islands, disposition of, 789, 923, 1219
- Phibun (Pibul) Songgram, Field Marshal, 1195–1196, 1201
- Philippines (see also Philippine subheadings under individual subjects) : Anti-Communist bloc, proposed, 1158–1161, 1166–1167, 1169, 1171–1173, 1181, 1183–1185; Asian Conference at New Delhi, 1116; Pacific pact, policy toward proposed, 901–902, 1123–1128, 1142–1146, 1150–1152, 1158–1159, 1161, 1164–1165, 1171–1172, 1176, 1182–1183, 1209; Southeast Asian Conference at Baguio, proposed, 1182, 1188–1189, 1192–1193, 1196; U.S. economic assistance, 1133, 1150, 1166; U.S. military assistance, 1086, 1125; U.S. military bases, 902, 1101, 1150; U.S. policy, 648, 657, 835, 857, 930–931, 1055, 1119, 1126, 1128–1129, 1132–1133, 1150, 1168, 1195, 1209, 1211–1213, 1215n , 1216, 1220; U.S. war damages payments, 1150; visit to the United States by President Quirino, 1149–1150, 1153, 1156–1157, 1165, 1177–1179, 1186n , 1188–1189
- Plimsoll, James, 933–934
- Point Four program, 1130, 1133, 1140, 1150, 1164, 1194, 1212–1214, 1217
- Policy Planning Staff of the U.S. Department of State, reports of, 1128–1133, 1149, 1175n , 1194
- Portugal, 1117
- Potsdam Conference, 1945, 1138
- Price, Col. Terrill E., 956
- Pridi Phanamyong, 1195
- Quelpart (Cheju) Island, 821
- Quirino, Elpidio, 736n , 748–749, 751, 823, 1115–1116, 1124–1128, 1134, 1142, 1149–1180, 1182–1193, 1196, 1199
- Randall, Brig. Gen. Russell E., 1094, 1102, 1104–1105
- Ranshofen-Wertheimer, Egon, 963, 969, 1010–1011, 1072
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation, 1040
- Reed, Charles S., 1118–1119, 1188–1189, 1197
- Reischauer, Edwin O., 662–663, 709
- Reuchlin, J. O., 721, 784, 867–868
- Rhee, Syngman:
- Anti-Communist bloc, proposed, 1152–1153, 1155, 1161–1162, 1166, 1170, 1178, 1181, 1184
- Chiang–Quirino Conference at Baguio, attitude toward, 1152–1153, 1161
- Chiang Kai-shek, discussions with, 1080–1084, 1177–1179, 1181, 1184, 1186
- China, Republic of: Air landing rights in Republic of Korea, requests for, 1092–1093; attitude toward, 1144–1145
- Economic aid agreement with the United States, 1948, 973n , 1114
- Inflation problem, 1113
- Japanese peace treaty, policy regarding Republic of Korea’s participation in proposed, 911
- Korea, Democratic People’s Republic of: Attitude toward Rhee, 1077; Rhee attitude toward, 966, 1093–1094
- Land reform program, 1111
- Military situation, 956–957, 983, 1001–1002, 1016–1019
- National association youth movement, 1002
- Pacific pact, attitude toward proposed, 1023, 1029, 1144–1145, 1152, 1162, 1170
- Political situation, 955, 979, 985, 1038n , 1046, 1049, 1065–1066
- Security of the Republic of Korea, 990–991, 1004–1005, 1009, 1012–1013, 1023–1024, 1029–1030, 1061, 1094, 1105n
- Treaty of friendship and commerce with the United States, proposed, 992, 1029
- Unification of Korea, 1047–1048, 1050–1051, 1057, 1093–1094
- U.N. Commission on Korea, attitude toward, 960, 964–965, 1057
- U.S. economic assistance, 964, 993, 1057, 1093n , 1097–1098
- U.S. military advisory mission, request for, 980, 986, 993, 997, 1000–1003, 1036n , 1040
- U.S. military assistance, 949, 956–958, 966, 984, 986–988, 993–995, 998–999, 1001, 1006, 1008–1009, 1013n , 1015, 1018, 1021–1022, 1029, 1060–1061, 1075–1076, 1084, 1093n , 1102, 1104–1106, 1161
- U.S. occupation forces, withdrawal of, 957–959, 981–982, 986, 989–995, 997–999, 1005–1006, 1008–1009, 1012–1013, 1015, 1019, 1021, 1023, 1029–1030, 1034–1035, 1039
- U.S. policy, 1003–1005, 1011–1014, 1019–1024, 1033–1034, 1039, 1058
- Rhee, Mrs. Syngman, 1181, 1184
- Roberts, Brig. Gen. William L., 996–997, 1000–1003, 1006, 1008–1009, 1013, 1016–1017, 1029, 1040, 1044, 1079–1080, 1085, 1094–1095, 1099–1100, 1102–1104, 1106–1107
- Romulo, Carlos P., 736n , 1006–1008, 1088, 1115–1116, 1126, 1157–1158, 1162–1165, 1170, 1172–1174, 1178–1180, 1182–1183, 1186–1187, 1189–1193, 1196, 1199
- Roosevelt, Franklin D., 1004
- Roosevelt, Theodore, 1004
- Ross, John C., 1036–1037
- Royall, Kenneth C., 639, 648–649, 655, 671–672, 681–682, 692–694, 700, 702–703, 706, 709, 780, 829n , 943n , 945–946, 949n , 955–959, 973, 1001, 1005, 1046, 1060n
- Ruhr, 1138
- Rusk, Dean: Asia, U.S. policy toward, 1208; Chinese Communists, U.S. recognition of, question of, 1206; Japan, U.S. occupation policies in, 767, 878n ; Japanese peace treaty, proposed, 860n , 924; Southeast Asia, U.S. policy toward, 931, 1147n , 1153, 1175–1176, 1196–1197, 1204; Southeast Asian Association of Union, proposed, 1191
- Russell, Francis, 1147n
- Ryukyu Islands: Chinese claim to, 822; U.S. administration of, 777, 815–818, 866, 912–917; U.S. military bases in, 695, 725, 731, 775, 824–825, 857, 894, 923, 928, 1216, 1220; U.S. strategic trusteeship for, proposed, 821, 854
- Sakhalin Island (Karafuto), Soviet occupation of southern, 788–790, 905, 923
- Saltzman, Brig. Gen. Charles E., 604–605, 609n , 618–619, 623, 625–626, 639–640, 642–643, 647, 650n , 658–659, 665, 680–681, 692, 700n , 944–945
- Sam Rai Sup, 1063
- Sansom, Sir George, 917
- Satterthwaite, Joseph, 1146–1147
- Satterthwaite, Livingston, 858, 861, 1204
- Saudi Arabia, 1116n
- Scandinavia, 1138
- Schmidt, Petrus J., 1072
- Schuman, Robert, 738–740, 794, 861, 1194, 1207
- Schwarz, Sanford, 1072
- Scotten, Robert M., 782–783
- Sebald, William J.:
- Allied Council for Japan: Chinese representation question, 876; meetings of, 614–616, 919–920
- Economic-commercial conference at Tokyo, proposed, 921
- Far East, U.S. policy toward, 857
- Far Eastern Commission, meetings of, 616, 619–620, 644–645, 649, 666, 678, 685–686, 688, 691, 697, 703, 709, 712, 715, 723, 727–728, 737, 749, 756, 760, 762, 784, 807, 825, 865, 868, 874, 876, 882, 887, 897–898, 910, 917
- Japan: Communist movement in, 601–603; consular and trade representation abroad, 801; deconcentration program, 840–844, 918–919; elections, 628–631; fishing and whaling areas, 865–867, 889; international affairs, participation in, 711–712, 792, 880; Japanese fishing vessels, movements of, 700; Japanese prisoners of war, Soviet repatriation of, 754n , 908–909, 919–921, 938; MacArthur return to the United States, question of, 740; most-favored-nation treatment, 682–683; political situation, 605–607, 628–631; purge program, 622–623, 684–685; Shoup taxation mission, 846–849; U.S. policy, 648–649, 655, 805, 808–812; U.S.–U.K. textile mission, proposed, 667; whaling expedition to Antarctic for 1949–1950 season, 814–815
- Japanese peace treaty, 830–840, 862–864, 898–900
- Taiwan and Kurile Islands, disposition of, 762
- Shaw, Patrick, 953–956, 960
- Sheetz, Gen. J.R., 912
- Shikotan Island, 762, 787–791, 889, 900, 904–906
- Shin Syuk-woo, 1179
- Shoup, Carl S., 782, 831, 846–849
- Shtykov, Col. Gen. Terenty F., 962n , 1077
- Sihn Sung Mo, 947, 979n , 981–983, 1000, 1002–1003, 1008–1009, 1029–1031, 1033–1035, 1083
- Singh, Anup, 1063
- Snow, Conrad, 904–905
- Son Won Il, Adm., 1081
- Souers, Adm. Sidney W., 753, 758n , 773, 860n , 870, 943n , 946, 969n , 1128n , 1215
- Southeast Asia:
- Anti-Communist bloc, proposed, 1152–1154, 1158–1162, 1164–1173, 1178, 1181, 1183–1185, 1201, 1217
- Association, federation, or union, proposals concerning, 1117, 1121–1122, 1139, 1182–1183, 1186–1193, 1195–1196, 1198–1199, 1203–1204, 1208, 1214, 1216–1217
- Australian role, 1123, 1129–1130, 1133–1134, 1139, 1163, 1172, 1186, 1188, 1214
- British position, 1115, 1117–1119, 1123, 1129–1130, 1133–1137, 1139, 1141, 1161, 1163–1164, 1168, 1172, 1176–1177, 1188, 1190, 1197–1202, 1207
- Burmese position, 1186, 1198–1199
- Canadian role, 1134
- Chiang–Quirino Conference at Baguio, July 10–12, 1949, 1151–1162, 1165–1173, 1177, 1182, 1184, 1187
- Chinese Communist threat, 1202
- Commonwealth, British, position, 1129, 1133–1134, 1146, 1165, 1169, 1172, 1199, 1202, 1212, 1220
- Communist activities, 1115, 1120–1123, 1125, 1135–1136, 1149, 1165, 1199–1200, 1210
- Conference at Baguio, proposed, 1182, 1186–1189, 1196, 1199
- French position, 1117, 1123, 1129, 1134, 1163–1164
- Indian position, 1117, 1123, 1130, 1132, 1134–1135, 1151, 1162–1163, 1172, 1186, 1198–1201, 1203–1204, 1207–1208, 1211, 1217
- Indonesian position, 1198
- Japanese role, question of, 1129–1130, 1211
- Military situation, 923, 928
- Netherlands position, 1117, 1123, 1129, 1134, 1139, 1163–1164
- New Zealand role, 1139, 1163, 1172, 1186–1187, 1214
- Pakistani position, 1130, 1135, 1139, 1172, 1186, 1198, 1201, 1211
- Philippine position, 1117, 1130, 1132–1134, 1186–1187, 1196, 1198–1199
- Soviet position, 1129, 1135–1137, 1139, 1180–1181
- Sri Lanka position, 1172, 1186, 1198
- Thai position, 1186, 1188–1189, 1195–1196, 1198, 1201
- Third world force concept, 1146, 1165, 1198, 1202
- U.S. policy, 931, 1115, 1119–1123, 1128–1133, 1139, 1146–1151, 1153–1154, 1164–1165, 1175–1176, 1187–1192, 1195–1199, 1208, 1213–1214, 1216
- Sovereignty, questions concerning, 762, 776, 788, 804, 831, 834–835, 838–839, 862, 898, 905, 1082
- Soviet Union (see also Soviet subheadings under individual subjects): Political and military objectives, 604, 674, 730, 776, 872, 924, 932, 1138, 1164; U.S. containment policy, 835, 857, 1055, 1117; U.S. controls over exports of strategic materials to, 1213, 1219
- Spender, Percy C., 933n
- Spinks, Charles N., 787
- Sprouse, Philip D., 1118–1119
- Sri Lanka (Ceylon), 931n , 1116, 1136, 1145, 1164, 1172, 1186, 1198, 1215n
- Stalin, Iosio V., 962, 1200
- Stanton, Edwin F., 1195–1196
- State–Army–Navy–Air Force Coordinating Committee, 680, 696, 744n , 798, 885, 903, 976
- State–War–Navy Coordinating Committee, 798, 883, 885, 903
- Steenstra-Toussaint, A.J.D., 1156–1158, 1160
- Stevenson, Sir Ralph, 1119–1120
- Streat, Sir Raymond, 668–669
- Stuart, J. Leighton, 1117–1123, 1180–1181, 1204–1207
- Supreme Commander, Allied Powers, Japan (see also
MacArthur, General of the Army Douglas):
- Australian attitude toward, 746
- Complaint by deported German national, 698, 704, 713
- Economic–commercial conference at Tokyo, proposed, 921
- Japan:
- Agrarian reform, 712, 727
- Constitution, 626, 645, 667, 728, 737–738
- Consular and trade representation abroad, 801
- Criminal jurisdiction over U.N. nationals, 879–880
- Deconcentration program, 624, 840–841, 843–844, 869, 918–919
- Economic stabilization program, 617, 620, 643, 645–646, 650, 666–667, 685, 725
- Fishing and aquatic industries, 712, 715, 729, 760–761, 888
- Fishing areas, 865–868, 876–879, 889
- Information and education program, 726, 734
- International affairs, participation in, 713–714, 721–722, 739, 749, 753, 756, 763, 766, 784–785, 793–797, 820, 834, 849–850, 881, 896, 906, 909, 935–937
- International Telecommunications Union, membership in, 686–689, 698, 710–711, 723–724, 728, 756, 792–793
- Japanese prisoners of war, Soviet repatriation of, 918–920, 938
- Labor policies, 621, 686, 715, 753–754, 767–770, 801–802, 808, 812–813, 846, 897
- Level of industry, 616, 875
- Occupation policies, powers, and controls, 604, 661–662, 675–678, 680, 683, 699, 709, 725–726, 732–733, 741–742, 746, 753, 759, 771, 778–780, 786, 809–814, 832, 834, 839, 850–852, 854, 864, 875, 883
- Patent policies, 750
- Police forces, 615, 754
- Purge program, 622, 684, 733, 827–830, 839
- Reparations questions, 609, 611–614, 625–626, 635–636, 639–642, 651, 653, 701–703, 735–736, 750–751, 763–767, 800, 808, 875
- Replacement of lost cultural objects, 645
- Restitution of looted property, 868, 874n , 876
- Restoration of property of U.N. members, 734
- Technical and scientific information, access to, 688, 691, 697
- U.S.–U.K. textile mission, proposed, 667–670
- War crimes and criminals, 618–619, 659, 680–681
- Whaling expedition to Antarctic for 1949–1950 season, authorization of, 814–815
- Ryukyu Islands, administration of, 912–913
- Switzerland, 920
- Syria, 1073–1074, 1116n , 1138–1139
- Taiwan: Military situation, 923, 926; status of, 762, 787–791, 822, 857, 894, 899; U.S. policy, 656–657, 775, 800, 835, 856–857, 894, 1207, 1215n , 1219–1220
- Takeda, Giichi, 629
- Tan Shao-hwa, 721
- Tate, Jack B., 605, 631–633, 639
- Taylor, Maj. Gen. Maxwell, 678
- Teatsorth, Ralph, 1124
- Teeling, William, 796
- Thailand (Siam), 844–845, 875, 930, 1116, 1119, 1128–1129, 1132, 1136, 1145, 1149, 1153, 1156, 1164, 1168–1170, 1176–1177, 1186–1189, 1195–1196, 1198, 1201
- Third world force concept, 1140–1147, 1165, 1198, 1202
- Thorp, Willard L., 605, 609, 670, 770
- Thresher, M. B., 1197
- Tobin, Maurice J., 770
- Tojo, Hideki, 747
- Tomiyoshi, Eiji, 629
- Transjordan, 1139
- Treasury, U.S. Department of the, 845
- Treaties, conventions, agreements, etc. (see also under
individual countries):
- Cairo Declaration, 1943, 1050
- Economic aid agreement between the United States and the Republic of Korea, 1948, 973, 1114
- Fur-Sealing Convention, 804
- General agreement on tariffs and trade, 1947, 669, 682, 1218
- Geneva Conventions, 920, 938
- Interim military agreement between the United States and the Republic of Korea, 1948, 1041n
- International Telecommunications Convention, 1947, 680, 686, 698, 710, 723–724, 792–793
- International Trade Organization Charter, 1948, 668–670
- International Whaling Convention, 804
- Italian peace treaty, 610
- Japanese prisoners of war, repatriation of, agreement between the Soviet Union and SCAP, 1946, 754, 784, 908
- Military assistance agreement between the United States and the Philippines, 1947, 1125, 1158
- Moscow agreement, 1945, 705, 739, 749, 778–779, 795, 811, 830, 851
- Most-favored-nation agreement for West Germany, 1948, 682–683
- Nine Power Treaty, 1922, 1208
- North Atlantic Treaty, 821, 901, 991, 1023, 1029, 1059, 1123–1128, 1131, 1133–1134, 1141–1144, 1150, 1159n , 1160–1161, 1166, 1168, 1171, 1175, 1177, 1181, 1188
- Potsdam Declaration, 1945, 603, 609, 620, 626–627, 631–632, 640, 649–650, 667, 671–672, 674, 699, 714, 716, 729, 732, 738, 743, 750, 772, 826, 852, 874, 888, 920, 938, 1050
- Prisoners of War Convention, 1929, 920
- Saint Petersburg Treaty between Japan and Russia, 1875, 790, 905
- Shimoda treaty of amity between Japan and Russia, 1855, 790–791, 905
- Sino-Soviet treaty of 1945, 820
- Treaty of Peace, Amity, Commerce and Navigation between the United States and Korea, 1882, 988, 991–992, 1020, 1029
- United Nations Charter, 1945, 1054, 1057, 1130, 1197, 1215–1217, 1219
- Yalta agreement, 1945, 788–790, 904, 1004, 1020
- Truman, Harry S.:
- Asia and the Far East, U.S. policy toward, 850, 1209–1210, 1215
- China, Republic of, U.S. policy toward, 1149
- China White Paper, 1149
- Chinese Communist representation in the United Nations, question of, 1371
- Correspondence with: Indian Prime Minister Nehru, 1139; Republic of Korea President Rhee, 980n 1075–1076, 1084–1085
- European Recovery Program, 1140
- Far Eastern Commission, U.S. policy toward, 603, 699, 910n
- Inaugural address, Jan. 20, 1949, 1117, 1130, 1133
- Japan: Reparations questions, 638; U.S. occupation policies, 662, 672, 675, 678, 699, 703, 730n , 844–845, 850n ; U.S. security interests in, 907
- Japanese peace treaty, proposed, 860, 922
- Korea, Republic of: U.S. economic and military assistance, 940, 1039, 1075–1076, 1084–1085, 1101; U.S. military advisory mission, 980n 1084–1085; U.S. policy, 942–943, 969n 973, 991, 1005, 1024, 1028
- Mutual Defense Assistance Act of 1949, 1086
- Near and Middle East, U.S. policy toward, 1140
- Point Four program, 1130, 1133, 1140, 1150, 1164, 1194
- Resignation of Gen. Clay as Military Governor of U.S. zone of Germany, 811
- Southeast Asia, U.S. policy toward, 1149
- Visit to the United States by Indian Prime Minister Nehru, 1194
- Visit to the United States by Philippine President Quirino, 1177, 1189
- Truman Doctrine, 1048, 1055–1056
- Tsui Tswenpling, 802–803, 1171
- Tung Ling, 1183
- Turkey, 1055, 1073–1074, 1116, 1138
- Ueda, Shunkichi, 622
- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. see Soviet Union.
- United Kingdom. see British subheadings under individual subjects.
- United Nations:
- General Assembly:
- Ad Hoc Political Committee, 1085–1086, 1090n
- Australian position, 972, 1085
- Chinese position, 972, 1085, 1205
- Interim Committee, 1033, 1091
- Korean question, 1068–1070, 1084, 1088, 1108
- Philippine position, 1085
- Resolution on Korea of Nov. 14, 1947, 970–972, 1039, 1070–1071, 1074, 1090–1091
- Resolution on Korea of Dec. 12, 1948, 944–945, 947, 949, 951–953, 959, 961, 968–969, 971, 976, 978, 982, 986, 989, 1008, 1010, 1011n 1026, 1032–1033, 1039–1040, 1049–1050, 1057–1058, 1063–1064, 1070, 1073, 1090–1091
- Resolution 293 (IV) on Korea, Oct. 21, 1949, 1011n , 1086, 1090–1092, 1108
- Resolution 296–G (IV) on Korea, Nov. 22, 1949, 1101
- Soviet position, 1088, 1090n
- U.N. Commission on Korea, continuation of, 1086, 1091
- U.S. position, 972, 1084–1085, 1108
- Secretary-General (Trygve Lie), 969, 1010n 1031–1032, 1038, 1041n 1069, 1073, 1088, 1091
- Security Council:
- Korea:
- Korean question, 1108
- Soviet position, 943–944, 967, 1054, 1101
- U.S. position, 943–944, 1108
- Veto question, 943, 967, 1054, 1101, 1202
- General Assembly:
- U.N. Commission on Kashmir, 963
- U.N. Commission on Korea. see under Korea.
- U.N. Commisison on the Balkans, 963
- U.N. Declaration of Human Rights, 920
- U.N. Temporary Commission on Korea. see under Korea.
- U.S. Maritime Commission, 753
- U.S. restrictions on trade with the Soviet bloc, 613
- U.S. strategic trusteeship over former Japanese mandated islands, 923
- Universal Postal Union, 804, 877, 882, 935
- Van Royen, J. H., 1140
- Vaughn, Miles W., 622
- Villamin, Vicente, 1124
- Voorhees, Tracy S., 692, 827, 883, 885, 890, 903n 907, 912
- Vyshinsky, Andrey Y., 757–758, 832
- Wagstaff, Lt. Col. J. J., 890
- Walker, C. M., 1197
- Wan Waithayakon, Prince, 1188–1189
- Wang Shih-chieh, 1155, 1166–1167, 1182
- War, considerations regarding possibility of global, 636, 648, 657, 671, 695–696, 746, 774–775, 884, 891, 951, 975, 1002–1005, 1103, 1207
- War Department, U.S., 1004
- Washington Conference of 1922, 1194
- Webb, James E.:
- Allied Council for Japan, 876
- Far Eastern Commission: Meetings of, 756–757, 760–763, 865, 868–870, 874–875; U.S. policy, 699, 895–897
- Japan: Reparations questions, 765–766; U.S. occupation policies, 752, 770, 878n , 895–897; U.S. security interests in, 775, 870, 895
- Japanese peace treaty, 758–760, 860n , 870, 904
- Korea, Republic of: U.S. Commission on Korea, activities of, 1038; U.S. economic assistance, 1024–1029, 1039–1040; U.S. military assistance, 956n , 1101–1102; U.S. policy, 1037–1039
- Kurile Islands, disposition of, 762
- Power bloc theory and third force concept, 1146–1147
- Southeast Asia, U.S. policy toward, 1147n , 1204
- Taiwan, status of, 762
- Wedemeyer, Lt. Gen. Albert C., 1002, 1059–1060
- Wells, H. B., 1110
- West, Robert R., 786–787, 800, 815, 879
- Western European Union, 1136, 1138, 1140, 1143, 1155, 1157, 1180
- Whitehead, Gen. Ennis C., 662
- Whitney, Brig. Gen. Courtney, 742, 812
- Wilds, Walter, 1204
- Williams, John Z., 1104–1105
- Willoughby, Maj. Gen. Charles A., 857, 908
- Wrong, Hume, 910, 930–931
- Wu, K. C., 1081–1082, 1157, 1168, 1185
- Wu Tieh-cheng, 1152, 1167, 1183
- Wu Wen-tsao, 1082
- Yamashite, Haruye, 629
- Yeh, George K. C., 765–766, 821–822, 1171–1172
- Yemen, 1116n
- Yoshida, Shigeru, 605–607, 622–623, 660, 684, 726, 746–748, 804
- Yost, Charles W., 1204–1208
- Yu Chih-shih, Gen., 1182
- Yugoslavia, 792
- Zierath, Lt. Col., 1047