890.20/7–2549: Telegram
The Chargé in Australia (Foster) to the Secretary of State
156. I asked External Affairs informally today what Australian Government thought of Chiang-Quirino proposal for Pacific Union and whether Australia has been approached.
External Affairs volunteered substantially same analysis situation as Department’s first two sent[ences] first paragraph Depcirtel July 20, 2[1] a. m. Added Chiang-Quirino proposal could not stand comparison with plans made at New Delhi Conference.
External Affairs said in conference only approach had been from Romulo to AustDel1 at New York and was informal trial balloon. External Affairs instructed negative reply designed stave off further approaches.
I communicated orally and in conference views outlined latter half third paragraph Depcirtel.
So far there has been little public or press interest here in Chiang-Quirino proposal.
Sent Department 156, repeated Manila, New Delhi.
- Australian Delegate to the United Nations.↩