890.20/7–1949: Telegram

The Minister-Counselor of Embassy in China (Clark) to the Secretary of State


Cantel 777. Generalissimo1 confirms that in preparatory stages discussions proposed Pacific Union will be restricted to China, Philippines, Korea. Now that political decision has been taken, implementation will be handled through normal diplomatic channels. Generalissimo hopes eventually secure participation Siam, Burma, Indochina, and Indonesia. He excludes India, Pakistan and Australia, saying they are members of British Commonwealth and have their own anti-Communist measures. He dismisses Japan because of its special status, but admits trade with Japan will be important element in program. I suggested, and he did not deny, that program envisaged cooperation in cultural and economic as well as military fields.

Generalissimo hopes US will eventually see its way clear to assuming leadership proposed union and says that accepting our feeling assumption such leadership by US this stage would be premature, he had proceeded with Quirino toward taking initiative as Communist advances in East Asia dictated immediate action.

Sent Department Cantel 777, repeated Nanking 512, Shanghai 438, Taipei 68, Manila 22, Seoul 7.

  1. Chiang Kai-shek.