740.00119 FEAC/7–2249: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Acting Political Adviser in Japan (Sebald)


346. Subj is Summary FEC Mtg, Jul 13, 1949.

Trade-Marks, Trade Names and Marking of Merchandise in Jap ( FEC 332/11)

Item retained on agenda.

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Labor Policy in Jap ( FEC 318/20)

Text statement of US Member1 transmitted to SCAP in W91426, Jul 13, 1949. Detailed analysis (FEC 318/24) Sov statement also circulated. Text statement USSR Member transmitted to SCAP in W91425.

Austral Member stated he did not wish to comment in detail on Sov statement at present time, or perhaps at any time, but he did wish to express gratitude to US for analysis prepared in reply to charges constantly being made by Sov Rep. Austral Del had never at any time been associated with these charges, but Sov Rep had continued to confuse whole issue. In reply, Sov Rep stated it was Austral Rep who was confusing issue. He pointed out that attitude of Austral Rep cld possibly be explained by fact that it was Austral occupation troops that had been ordered to steel manufacturing plant in Hiroshima when mobbing of workers by Jap police occurred on Jun 14.

Jap Reparations and Level of Industry (FEC 340)

Phil statement transmitted to SCAP in WCL 25592, Jul 13, 1949.

USSR Member inquired if in its statement of May 12, 1949 US had in mind only rescission of interim directive of Apr 4, 1949 [1947] re advance transfers of Jap reparations and withdrawal of its proposal of Nov 6, 1947 on reparations shares in order to leave question of reparations from Jap open pending conclusion of peace treaty, or whether US Govt had in mind to predetermine the final repudiation of exaction of reparations from Jap in general.

  1. For text of General McCoy’s statement in refutation of Soviet charges, see Department of State Bulletin, July 25, 1949, pp. 107–108.