Editorial Note

In preparing for the Sixth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers three sets of documents were used as background and position papers for the United States Delegation. The first set, drafted and discussed by the Council of Foreign Ministers Preparatory Working Group, which met from September to November of 1948, is divided into thirteen individual series on such matters as the German economy, the Ruhr, United States policy toward Germany, reparations, establishment of a German government, and Austria, Its documents are prefaced with the symbol FMP. The papers in this series are not printed in this volume, but FMP D–6/11a, October 28, 1948, is printed in Foreign Relations, 1948, Volume II, Chapter V.

The second set of documents was prepared by the State Department Working Group of the Subcommittee for Germany of the National Security Council, which was established February 1, 1949. This set of documents comprises four series of papers devoted to the organization of the Subcommittee, various specific aspects of United States policy in Germany, United States policy toward Germany in general, and the United States policy toward Western Germany. Of these papers, which bear the series indicator GNSC, the Effects of Postponement of the Western German State (GNSC D–2/9, February 21) is printed on page 194, while Principles of Basic Policy Concerning Germany (GNSC D–3, February 14) is summarized in the editorial note, on page 93, and GNSC D–4a, February 24, Set of Principles for Treatment of Western Germany in Event It Is Impossible To Repair the Split of Germany (Revised), is printed on page 94.

The third set of papers consists of 61 documents prepared specifically for the Sixth Session of the Council of Foreign Ministers by various offices and divisions within the Department of State at the request of the Secretariat and the Office of German and Austrian Affairs. Like the two other sets this collection of papers, designated CFMP, is divided into a number of series, in this case six: organizational, background, general policy, political, economic, and a final [Page 895] series on a Modus Vivendi with the Soviet Union if no agreement were reached on Germany at the Council. Two of the papers in this series are printed infra. Complete sets of all three collections are in the CFM Files: Lot M–88: Boxes 178–180.