- VII. Participation by the United States in negotiations for a treaty for
the re-establishment of an independent and democratic Austria:
(Documents 523–595)
- A. The meetings of the Deputies for Austria of the Council of Foreign
Ministers, February 9–May 10, 1949 (Documents 523–543)
- B. The meetings of the Deputies for Austria of the Council of Foreign
Ministers, July 1–September 1, 1949 (Documents 544–562)
- C. The unagreed articles of the draft treaty for the reestablishment
of an independent and democratic Austria (Document 563)
- D. The meetings of the Deputies for Austria of the Council of Foreign
Ministers, September 23–December 16, 1949 (Documents 564–595)
- A. The meetings of the Deputies for Austria of the Council of Foreign
Ministers, February 9–May 10, 1949 (Documents 523–543)
- VIII. The efforts of the United States to assure maintenance of the
independence and integrity of Austria:
(Documents 596–661)
- A. The interest of the United States in the question of relaxing
quadripartite controls on Austrian political parties; the national
elections on October 9, 1949 (Documents 596–618)
- B. The interest of the United States in the formation of a future
Austrian army and the arming of the Austrian police and gendarmerie
(Documents 619–640)
- C. Problems of occupation: United States concern over occupation
costs; efforts to transfer greater authority to the Austrian government;
the course of future United States policy with respect to Austria (Documents 641–661)
- A. The interest of the United States in the question of relaxing
quadripartite controls on Austrian political parties; the national
elections on October 9, 1949 (Documents 596–618)